Occupy activists plead guilty to conspiracy and weapons of mass destruction charges

This Wednesday, three of the five Occupy activists arrested for attempting to blow up a commuter bridge in Ohio in May pled guilty to use of a weapon of mass destruction, attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction, and attempted use of an explosive device to destroy property used in interstate commerce.. The Wall Street Journal reports:

Two 20-year-old suburban Cleveland men, Connor Stevens of Berea and Brandon Baxter of Lakewood, and Douglas Wright, 26, of Indianapolis, pleaded guilty to three-count indictments in back-to-back appearances in U.S. District Court. A fourth man pleaded guilty earlier, and the fifth defendant faces trial after a defense-requested psychiatric exam.Prosecutors said they calculated the three men could face 30 years to life in prison, based on the seriousness of the crimes. There was no plea deal, and U.S. Attorney Steven Dettelbach said a sentence recommendation would be made later.

I attended the “Occupy the Truth for Peace and Justice” rally held in Cleveland in honor of Andrew Breitbart August 20 to bring attention to the widespread media coverup of the mens’ connection to Occupy. “Hating Breitbart” producer Andrew Marcus, who organized the rally, has documented their connections to Occupy as well as how the media continues to cover up the violence that continues to be embraced in the Occupy community. The rally gathered Tea Party activists from all over the country to demand accountability for the media’s complicity in covering up the Occupy members’ attempted terrorism. Michelle Malkin, Dana Loesch, Jim Hoft, Andrew Marcus, and others gathered in the spirit of Andrew Breitbart who always believed it was ultimately the media that we had to battle in order to take back the country.

While there, Occupy Cleveland held a small press conference where they continued to defend the men and say that they were victims of entrapment. U.S. Attorney Steve Dettelbach said, “Make no mistake about it—it was their plot. It was the defendants who selected the target they wished to destroy.”

Tags: OccupyWallStreet