Chicagoans hungry to flip the bird to Rahm, nicely

Some of you asked just what the scene’s like on Chick-fil-A appreciation day in Chicago, home to #ChicagoValues, and the city at the heart of the controversy over Chick-fil-A after our mayor congratulated an alderman in shutting the company out of opening a second location within the city limits.

The line at 12:10pm extended down the city block from the entrance, full of Chicagoans who, it would seem, don’t share Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s definition of “Chicago Values.”

Republican candidate for Illinois State Representative Kimberly Small, along with a friend who took up a collection at his office, bought bags of the chicken sandwiches to deliver to an area homeless shelter.

A man just outside held up a collection box to buy lunch for Alderman Moreno’s office. His spiel? “Repay hate with kindness.”

The woman next to me in line brought her elderly mother, an immigrant, to Chick-fil-A after she learned of the Mayor’s antics. She emailed everyone from her church, upset that Christians were being discriminated against. “I told everyone I know,” she said.

In the Chicago suburban location in Schaumburg, IL, a line extended out the doors as well:

In the meantime, a new report from Rebel Pundit reveals that Alderman Moreno may be housing Barack Obama’s campaign office in his own aldermanic office, which would be in violation of several laws.

In addition to kindness, we can repay the hate with a little sunshine on the #ChicagoValues Rahm Emanuel and Alderman Moreno have been pursuing. The spicy chicken sandwich was delicious, btw.

Title H/T to LI reader TheDuchessofKitty

UPDATE: Reader Chick-fil-A pics here.

Tags: Chick-fil-A