“Dewhurst’s Allies Are Throwing The Kitchen Sink At Cruz”

I understand, from a far distance, that the anti-Ted Cruz ads have been pretty brutal.  This report by National Journal, Four Signs of Cruz-mentum, indicates the last few days will be the worst yet:

Dewhurst’s Allies Are Throwing The Kitchen Sink At Cruz: The main super PAC supporting Dewhurst, the Texas Conservatives Fund, released a harsh new TV ad on Tuesday which can be best described as a political Hail Mary Pass.The spot ties Cruz to the suicide of a teenager (the boy’s mother is featured in the ad) who served time in a juvenile detention center. But to say the connection is a stretch would be an understatement. Cruz defended a Pennsylvania developer in a judicial corruption scandal, but not on a criminal matter.The super PAC’s decision to double down on the weak connection the last couple of weeks — and to release an ad with a lot of shock value one week from Election Day — looks like one based on a desire to shake up the race, not to solidify a lead for a sturdy frontrunner.

This does smack of desperation.  To run this ad right as people are voting could be counter-productive; is it really going to change any minds, or just motivate Cruz supporters even more?

For what it’s worth, here’s the ad.

Tags: Ted Cruz