Where’s Becky? Occupy keeps missing girl’s disappearance under wraps

The disappearance of a 16-year-old minor named Becky, last seen with Occupy Chicago members, is being treated by Occupy internally with secrecy and without informing police, according to a report released yesterday from EAG News:

On June 19, a leader of Occupy Chicago contacted fellow travelers with this alert, titled “HELP: Missing Minor – Last Seen with Nemo.”“Has anyone seen or heard from Nemo recently? He was last seen with a 16-year-old girl that came to GA [general assembly] last Saturday. Her mother is really worried. Any information on how to get in contact with him would be very, very helpful.”Another wrote in response:“It’s good to help these people find their kid, but from what I can tell we have no evidentiary basis for assuming that she is actually with Nemo. Please keep this in mind as you talk about cops being involved or before you imply anything about Nemo being ‘in big trouble’.”Another wrote:“*update* we talked to Nemo. Word is that she’s going to the rainbow gathering and is NOT with Nemo. From what Nemo said last time he saw her was sat.Search is still on to connect Becky with her mother.”

Occupy Chicago, which has already showed its disdain for law enforcement at its recent “F** the Police” march, has not placed any information about the missing girl on its website or twitter feed. It is perplexing that with the news of a missing minor, Occupy would decline to place information about her on their website. Rebel Pundit reports:

Occupy Chicago appears to be engaged in its own missing person investigation. It’s really no surprise, considering members’ disdain for law enforcement authorities. During NATO protests in Chicago, Occupy Chicago adopted the “Chicago Principles,” a code of conduct that prohibited “snitching” on other members and organizations aligned with their radical movement. And reportedly, some in the group are abiding by these “principles” to the letter…Behavior like this is no different than an organized crime syndicate. Someone goes missing; go to person x, person y, and person z, but don’t go to the police. You never want to attract unwanted police attention when you are doing something wrong.

It is unclear if Becky, whose mother has been in contact with Occupy in order to determine her daughter’s whereabouts, was abducted or ran away. What is clear is that Occupy Chicago is prioritizing other concerns over helping Becky’s mother locate her missing daughter.

A picture of Becky:


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