The “best” “worst” Obama-adoring video (Reader Poll)

Consider this the opening of a time capsule from a gentler, kinder, more delusional era, when love of composite Obama swept the land.

In my post Sunday, It made you happy, but it was that bad, I asked readers for suggestions for the best worst Obama-adoring video for a Reader Poll.

The response was overwhelming, including many videos  I had not seen before.  But choices needed to be made for a Reader Poll limiting the choices to seven videos selected by me.  I’ve excluded campaign videos, “news” videos, and MSNBC because that would not be fair to the other contestants.

What constitutes “best” of the “worst” is up to you.  For me, I take into account factors such as creepiness, mindlessness, allegiance to vague concepts, and willingness to devote oneself to all of the above with absolute conviction that it will save the world.

So here are the choices, with the Reader Poll at the bottom of the post, open until midnight tonight.

We Are The Ones –

Obama Kids Singing

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher’s I Pledge Video

Crush on Obama


Yes We Can

Obama be thy Name

Reader Poll open until midnight tonight.

Tags: Obamamania