A real “hmmmm” regarding Elizabeth Warren academic vetting

I previously have posted about the excellent job Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart.com has done bringing to light details of a scathing critique of Elizabeth Warren’s scholarship by a now-deceased Rutgers Law School professor:

The latest in Leahy’s series concerns something which may be just a coincidence, but maybe not, Did Breitbart Investigation Play Any Role in Sudden Resignation of UVA President?

As Leahy describes, just before the sudden, Sunday morning (June 10) resignation of Teresa Sullivan, a Warren co-author on the book in question and most recently President of the University of Virginia, Leahy and Sullivan were engaged in an exchange of letters and emails regarding the allegations of scientific misconduct made by the Rutgers professor.

Sullivan resigned just days after Leahy told Sullivan via email that her proof of vetting was not exculpatory and showed that a proper review never had taken place.  (Leahy has copies of the communications in his post.)

The Sunday morning resignation took Virginia by surprise, and has resulted in much speculation.  Neither Sullivan nor U.Va. have responded to Leahy’s inquiries since the resignation.

It may just be coincidence.  Do you believe in coincidences?

Tags: Elizabeth Warren