Splitting Hairs: What’s Hillary Up To?

Hillary’s hair color–and length–have been changing over time. Is it splitting hairs to ask what this might mean?

With the news that Biden’s not polling so well in several swing states, it’s tempting to take a look at any signals we can glean from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as to her potentially replacing him as the VP nominee.

This Wednesday when she spoke during a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing, we got a look at a different shade of hair color from the “bottle blonde” we’ve gotten accustomed to over the past decades:



Earlier last month, Elle Magazine reported on a length-of-hair change from the Secretary of State:

When she’s on the road, she often has it pulled back in a simple chignon or ponytail, a look that causes Hillary Hair Watchers much chagrin but merely means she’s pressed for time, as a State Department official told me: “As a chick, it’s a big pain in the butt. The weather is different, and you’re in and out of the plane. [The staff] gets off that plane looking like garbage most days, but she has to look camera ready. She said the reason she grew her hair long was that it’s easier. She has options.” The official added, because, it seems, no American alive can resist critiquing Clinton’s hair: “But some of us are looking to ban the scrunchies.”

Hillary’s explanation signals “I’m busy, I’m taking care of business–and this isn’t the same me of years past.”

A few months ago, the Obama campaign adjusted the font in its campaign logo from a sans serif to serif, which signals values like “strength,” “gravitas,” and “seriousness.” Hillary’s hair color adjustment from blonde to gray just might be an attempt to signal similar qualities.

What is clear is that Hillary has been carefully honing the aspects of her brand she does have control over–her “cool” factor, for one. When she adeptly interacted with the “Texts from Hillary” website, she said to the world, “I can take a joke, I’m not all hard edges.”

Biden might want to make sure he isn’t asked to “pull the plug” on his VP spot.

Tags: Hillary Clinton, marketing