Mia B. Love under the radar no more

On Monday morning I noted that the mainstream media had taken not a bit of notice of Mia B. Love, or her victory at the Utah Republican convention on Saturday.

No more.

Yahoo News has a feature article on her, Mia Love: black, conservative, Mormon, GOP House candidate from Utah.

Drudge links to an article at The Washington Times, Utah’s Love looking to be first black Republican woman in House.

Roll Call predicts huge GOP support for Love, Utah House Race Will Get Lots of GOP Love:

One of the hottest House races in the country got a surprisingly early start on Saturday when Mia Love, the daughter of Haitian immigrants, emerged from the Utah Republican convention with the 4th district nomination.

Charles Pierce at Esquire takes note:

… get used to her because Mia Love is going to be the biggest star to come  out of the convention in Tampa. Mark my words.

How much longer until WaPo starts looking under rocks … oh wait.

Tags: Haiti, Mia B. Love, Operation Counterweight, Utah-04 2012