If so, and if there are results, at some point I’ll get around to it. (As I’m writing, Romney wins big in MD)(and also, Wisconsin, now)
In the meantime, some updates from prior topics (and maybe some new):
- Details on the plane crash which killed the founder of Neptunus Lex. (original post) And some of his guest contributors have started a new blog, The Lexicons.
- Richard Lugar “under attack from all sides.” Both sides on air with attack ads. (Support Richard Mourdock, we can do this)
- I’m hoping to have some more House races to add to the focus list, now that redistricting is sorting itself out. As to Senate races, I’m pretty much set with Mourdock primarying Lugar, and Barry Hinckley against Sheldon Whitehouse (below).
- Kathleen is graduating Cornell next month, and has just been awarded a prestigious Publius Fellowship at The Claremont Institute. Add that to her prior Charles Koch Fellowship and Bartley Fellowship at The Wall Street Journal, and Kathleen is ready to do some major damage once she leaves the education bubble. (added) Two people you may recognize who were Publius Fellows in their youth, Laura Ingraham and Dinesh D’Souza.
- Barry Hinckley can take down Sheldon Whitehouse in the sleeper of the year. I’m not saying it’s anything but a long shot, but it’s doable. Consider supporting him.
Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Congratulations Kathleen!! Well done!!
A Fellowship at The Claremont Institute? Congratulations to Kathleen and go kick some butt!
Congratulations Kathleen! Best of luck moving forward.
Thanks, all!
Congratulations, Kathleen! That’s awesome!
Congratulations Kathleen!
Here’s a question for you Mr Romney, but more so to the Republican electorate-
How does one defend forced mandated substandard inferior State Socialized Medicine that bankrupts the residents, citizens, and Independent businesses and companies in the Free Market Capitalist Free Enterprise system of a State, let alone the Nation, but then turns around and argues that he must repeal Obamacare, the very same thing he implemented and refuses to refute and repeal in his own State called Romneycare..
And people actually buy this BS horse manure.. How does your Hypocrisy feel.
It’s no wonder why Obama was elected in the first place. How easily the people are fooled.. They want to replace one radical progressive liberal, with a moderate progressive liberal.. Well, that makes sense.. No it doesn’t..
Just because someone is deemed electable by the media and the GOP RINO establishment, does mean they are the best person to lead our Nation. Thus also why Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan have done a great disservice to the Tea Party Constitutional Reagan Conservatives, and Conservatism itself.
In other words, how and where do we get to a point that abandoning our Principles for political electable convenience, is best for the Nation.. It is NOT, and is why we stand by the US Constitution, and NOT by the politicians, as Freedom and Liberty are forever, not these fraudulent politically electable politicians.
The same people who voted for Obama are the same people with the same mentality and attitude of apathy and indifference to what and who they are electing, are the same people voting for Romney, which is what got them into this mess in the first place.
This is why Conservatives are not necessarily Republicans, and Republicans are not necessarily Conservatives.
It’s call “Open Primary”.
And even when it’s a “closed caucus,” you can declare yourself a “republican-for-the-night-only” at the sign-in table (as in Iowa).
That’s how the GOP lets the opposition select, on their behalf, the candidate they would most like to run against.
Why can’t state Republican parties close their primaries? Or create a closed system? My guess is “moderate” Republicans stand in the way, with their Democratic allies. “God rot good men. “
You don’t seem to understand that Massachusetts was going to have universal health care one way or another with a legislature which ranged all the way from 85-90% Democrat. The Democrats wanted a single payer system with the Commonwealth as the payer, of course.
In this case, no law was not an option and market-based reforms were a non-starter. So it was either a system such as Romney proposed which retained private insurance, or just straight socialism. That was the choice, PERIOD.
What would have kept Romney from vetoing the stupidity and forcing the Democrats to over-turn his veto? Nothing but his desire and hope for re-election. He was willing to sell out in the feeble hope of electoral victory. Governor, it is called doing the right thing.
My fear is that if he should gain the Presidency, he would make 0bamaCare work, regardless of the cost.
*shrug* Romney is who its going to be to go up against Obama. Not what I would like, but it is what it is. At any other time, I’d sit out or vote third party or write-in to show my displeasure at Romney.
I don’t think I have this option this year, because regardless of what you think, or what Romney’s many problems are, there IS a difference between the two.
Speaking for me only, I’d crawl on my knees over broken glass to vote for a three-legged blind herpetic goat, if it got Obama out of the white house. I have no illusions about the worthiness of the goat – but neither do I have any illusions that yes, Obama is THAT dangerous to this country. I don’t have the luxury of playing the long game or making “statements” with my vote, until that danger is removed. I don’t even want to contemplate what this country will look like after another 4 years of Obama, this time unfettered by re-election worries. Romney may make me gag, but thought chills my soul.
Reality comes in stages. I was very against Romney in the beginning. Since he been improving his position, I moved to angry. As reality set in, I changed to disinterested. Then a few things happened: The President went on the attack with some very ugly stuff. The Susan Komen thing, the Fluke thing, the Treyvon Martin thing, and the SCOTUS thing.
I now love Romney because I refuse to ever love BB.
Romney is who Romney is.
I am not voting for Romney, but against Barrack Obama because America can not afford 4 more years of his policies.
Should Romney be the Republican nominee and ultimately be elected President then conservatives need to hold him to account and if he fails to perform, we need to remember that he can be replaced.
Great going, Kathleen. Best luck in the future, and maybe you can talk some sense into some more of the people on the Left Coast.
Congratulations Kathleen! And I hope you get to come East before the sea swallows Marxifornia.
As to investing in an opponent to Whitehouse, it’s a tempting idea, but first we need to see how the whole slate of races stack up. It is imperative we capture the Senate, and we should have the opportunities to do so. But resources are limited and should be directed to the races with the best chances of a takeover.
It’s too soon to say which those will be, and who are the challengers who make surprisingly strong runs in blue states.
Congratulations Kathleen.
In reference to Maryland, D.C. and Wisconsin:
Dear Senator Rick Santorum, You are not Presidential material yet, and maybe never in my mind. Prolonging the primary, you are becoming increasingly whinier and we presently have the Whiner-in-Chief 99%er occupying the White House. As a Latin Rite Catholic follow first your vocation to your family before you think you can help mine.
his presence in he race gave the nomination to Romney when Gingrich could have easily beat him.
Professor, This back and forth from Barry Hinckley:
Thank you for your donation to Hinckley for US Senate! Your donation will go
along way toward electing fiscally responsible leadership to the United
States Senate. Thank you again and together we look forward to victory!
Best Wishes,
Barry Hinckley
Thank you too. People like you make me proud to be countryman. I am sending your name to people of like mind. My sincere best wishes and hopes.
Thanks R…., it’s inspiration like this that keeps me chugging along. Things are going well, hit our quarterly goal of 300k, a RI Record and am gaining altitude!
Classy pick, Professor. Also the time stamp on his last is
Wed 4/4/2012 5:08 AM.
Congratulations, Kathleen!
I voted yesterday at the same-old same-old polling place, which was in the Md 01 congressional district but is now in the Md 03 district, the “Sarbanes Dynasty’. The congressman is the son of Senator Sarbanes of Sarbanes-Oxley fame.
Voted Newt in the face of overwhelming Mitt or Rick influences, but then I am one of those die hard Cain 9-9-9 holdouts, I would have, still had he been on the ballot.
Maryland had a TeaParty Senate candidate, Dan Bongino, and third district rep Eric Delano Knowles. Preliminary looks are that both won, unfortunately candidate info is sparse.
As a perhaps interesting side-note the Dem Senator up in this election, Ben Cardin, had web ad placement in LI and in many of my favorite ‘Wight Wing Haunts’. I gather that’s a function of my location more than anything else.
[very] Notably in the 2010 election at my quiet, sedate suburban polling place the line and wait to vote was over an hour long mid-afternoon. In contrast yesterday polling officials outnumbered voters – there was a voter when I cleared the desk, and another after I voted.
I’m mentioning that in the context of noting that in all these places Romney is ‘sweeping’ the side reports seem or tend to be low voter turnout.
In the 2008 election I fell into being a Romney supporter and voter in the Primary but by the time of the Maryland primary the GOP selection was already made. I had been a Fred Thompson voter but he dropped out. Now it’s apparent that it was Romney dirty-tricksters that knocked Thompson out. My thoughts today on “Electability” etc are that the Romney money advantage in the primaries is moot in the general election since Romney [or Whoever] will be facing much more negative campaigning with No Appreciable Money advantage.
The Today show yesterday had promoted Sarah Palin as ‘Guest anchor’ – I recorded and watched briefly and she seemed to be holding her own. If my own catch phrase is “Question The Premise” she does an excellent job of that as does Newt, where way too many Talking Heads accept the premise of the MSM.
Leading into the 2006 and 2008 elections I got RNC Surveys/requests for $. I’m still registered Republican while my betterhalf is and has been registered “Independent”. This cycle she got the RNC Survey and I didn’t. However, I get to fill it out and send it in where I will try to make the point to them [RNC] that “Independent Voter” does not equate to wishy-washy middle-of-the-road …Roadkill but in fact matches more the ‘tea party smaller and more constitutional voter’ mindset.
The rule in Chess is repeating the same moves 3 times is a stalemate, in the political context …”I don’t believe in the no-win scenario’