I have posted numerous times about David Cicilline, former Providence Mayor and current Democratic congressman in my home district, RI-01.
As I previously noted, Cicilline deliberately concealed the terrible financial condition of Providence during the 2010 election in a close fight with Republican John Loughlin:
In June 2010, when Loughlin challenged Cicilline’s fiscal record in Providence, Cicilline’s campaign blamed state aid cuts for increased borrowing by the city, but stressed that Providence’s finances were sound:
“With Governor Carcieri trying to balance Rhode Island’s budget on the backs of our cities and towns, the City of Providence faced deep cuts in state aid,” the campaign said in a statement. “Fortunately, the strong fiscal health that Providence has maintained under Mayor Cicilline’s leadership made it possible to hold the line on taxes and still balance the City’s budget. That made a lot more sense than raising taxes in the middle of a painful recession.”
“In fact, the Mayor’s good fiscal management has earned the City A bond ratings and awards for excellence in financial reporting,” the campaign concluded.
It was a lie. As soon as the new Mayor took office, the extent of the problem was discovered and a review placed the blame squarely at Cicilline’s feet. Providence is facing bankruptcy.
Cicilline, a shameless politician who ran a “scare grandma” campaign in 2010, has seen his poll numbers drop dramatically in his challenge by Republican Brendan Doherty.
So Cicilline now is apologizing:
Congressman David Cicilline offered a public apology and expressed regret Tuesday for saying during his 2010 campaign that Providence was in “excellent financial condition.”
“I should not have used that word,” Cicilline said in a wide-ranging interview with WPRI 12. “It obviously doesn’t describe the condition the city is in [and] it was never my intention to mislead people intentionally.”
Cicilline has vowed to stay in the race. I hope he does. He’s beatable because of his baggage more so than his likely Democratic challenger, and this could be a flip in a heavily Democratic district if Cicilline stays in.
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RI’s political leanings are bit a misleading if you follow registrations or other high level stats. There are many registered dems that are really republicans, but live in heavily dem towns, and vote accordingly. Its easy to see that RI residents really crave is good non-corrupt governance rather than straight party line voting. The rest is really not too relevant, because when you live a very corrupt state, its the basic things that really matter. That’s why in bad economic times, you can see Republicans really become competitive, because at this point RI residents just want solutions.
So let’s prosecute him under 1001! http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2012/04/ive-finally-found-federal-statute-under.html
Is there any doubt that democrat politicians generally can lie repeatedly without risk to their reelection?
This is better news for Anthony Gemma (who is making a “major announcement” this Sunday) than Doherty.
RI would vote for Satan if there was a ‘D’ after the name.
“Cicilline has vowed to stay in the race. I hope he does.”
Excellent strategic thinking, in my humble opinion.
I’m tired of when some Dem screws up, our side calls for his head, even when they would be emminently beatable in some upcoming election (c.f. Anthony Weiner).
I ain’t biting.
Where was the Rethuglican eunuch machine when the leftists blamed Palin for the shooting in Arizona?
Where were the eunuchs when they went after Palin’s down syndrome son?
Where were the eunuchs when they went after Santorum and his wife for having Bella?
Where were the eunuchs when they said Palin should stay at home with her down syndrome child?
Where were the eunuchs when Nicole Wallace and pudgy Katie Couric torpedoed Palin?
Boo-flippin-whoo! I say bring it! Let the leftists kick some Rethuglican progressive butt!
In my mind the progressives are eating their own. Isn’t Ann on video saying all their friends are Democrats?
Um, weren’t they going to love us if Mandate Mitt was the nominee, duh!
Wrong thread but you raise some good points. I stand up for Ann only because I want to stand up for motherhood. I despise the condescension from the left that mothers are not qualified to speak about economic issues.
No doubt Cicilline is a liar and deserves to lose, and I accept that Doherty would be preferable, but if people are going to have limited funds to give to candidates this year we all need to wait until we see which races are winnable. Same goes for Bielat in MA and Murphy against Moran in VA – love to see them win, but hate to see candidates with much better shots lose because the money went to the wrong places.
[…] Legal Insurrection comes this absolute gem of a confession from former Providence mayor (and current representative […]
[…] Legal Insurrection comes this absolute gem of a confession from former Providence mayor (and current representative […]
[…] Legal Insurrection comes this absolute gem of a confession from former Providence mayor (and current representative […]
I love it when politicians are honest – “So what – I lied to get elected – like I’m the only politician who ever told a lie?”
Reminds me of my favorite – Chicago Mayor Richard Daley the 1st on nepotism in City Hall said ‘So what do you want me do – hire strangers?”