There’s something Nancy Pelosi knows that no one else who was involved in the congressional investigation of Newt in the 1990s knows? (BTW, this Byron York column on how politicized and wrong the ethics charges against Newt were is a must read.)
Not even any of the anti-Newt Republicans from the 1990s who have spoken out against Newt in the primaries and would love to drop a dime on him to get him out of the race know this information? Not even John Sununu or anyone else on Team Romney who would have used it against Newt in Iowa, or certainly South Carolina, or already in Florida?
This information is so devastating yet so secret still?
This is the ultimate mind game, trying to pick our nominee without actually having to put up any information.
Would Nancy Pelosi lie for political gain? You betcha. She accused the CIA of lying to Congress about waterboarding, even though the records showed she was briefed and her prior public statements contradicted her. She also is a malicious person who led the charge to demean the Tea Party movement as un-American.
I don’t know if Pelosi has something or not — that’s the evil of her statement as it casts non-disprovable doubts — but I do know that Pelosi is someone who has done irreparable damage to this country and is a caricature of everything that is wrong with our political system.
Anti-Newt Republicans should not embrace her ploy, although I’m sure many will.
Update: Newt to Pelosi – ‘Put up or shut up…bring it on’
“I have a simple challenge for Speaker Pelosi…you know, put up or shut up. I mean, I have no idea what she’s talking about. I don’t think she has any idea what she’s talking about, but bring it on,” he said.”My life has been looked at by lots of people and I’ve been around a long time. And I just think that when you are a left-wing Democrat, the prospect of a Gingrich presidency is really sort of like a nightmare,” Mr. Gingrich added.
Update No. 2: Pelosi backs off, Pelosi’s office says she has no new dirt on ex-Speaker Newt Gingrich (h/t Weasel Zippers):
”The ‘something’ Leader Pelosi knows is that Newt Gingrich will not be President of the United States. She made that clear last night,” Pelosi spokesman Drew Hammill said in a statement….But on Wednesday, Hammill repeated that all of the information from the investigation is in the public realm.