Coulter: Santorum “more of a Catholic than a conservative”

Having called the Tea Party birthers and Newt Ahmadinejad, Ann Coulter has identified another way of demonizing and belittling someone who is not Mitt Romney:

As a two-time senator from a light-blue state, Rick Santorum is not as obviously unelectable as the rest. But don’t leap too fast, Republicans. Remember how Rick Perry broke your heart.Santorum is not as conservative as his social-issues credentials suggest. He is more of a Catholic than a conservative, which means he’s good on 60 percent of the issues, but bad on others, such as big government social programs. He’d be Ted Kennedy if he didn’t believe in God.Santorum may not be a big spender as far as professional politicians go, but he is still a professional politician. In 2005, one of his former aides described him as “a Catholic missionary who happens to be in the Senate.”

Tom at BizzyBlog addresses a number of Coulter’s charges against Santorum, Incurable Romniac Ann Coulter Smears Santorum.

The “more of a Catholic than a conservative” is curious, but since I’m not Catholic, I’ll not try to interpret it.  I wonder if she’ll use the line when she gives her featured speech at CPAC 2012.

When she calls Eric Cantor “more of a Jew than a conservative” I’ll weigh in.

And I’ll promise not to be bombastic.

Tags: 2012 Republican Primaries, Ann Coulter