Romney brings out big guns, shoots self in foot

Romney is losing it.  His coordinated assault on Newt does not make the case for Romney.

And it’s embarrassing.  Romney brought out former Congressman and former Senator Jim Talent to bash Newt’s leadership as Speaker. Talent forgets that the internet has a long memory, and that Talent supported Newt for Speaker of the House even after the issues Talent now complains about were raised:

Allegiance comes from Rep. Jim Talent, R-Mo., who says, “I intend to support the speaker”

As I mentioned last night, bringing John Sununu to the rescue just reminds us of the appointment of David Souter and the breaking of George H.W. Bush’s “no new taxes” pledge, in both of which Sununu played an instrumental role as Chief of Staff.

Gingrich is reacting as he should, Gingrich Camp Says Personal Attacks Will Backfire:

Gingrich and his campaign seem to be eagerly awaiting this attack. “Sununu doesn’t like Gingrich because Newt wouldn’t go along with his deal to raise taxes in the 1990 budget deal,” a Gingrich adviser tells ABC News.Indeed, when Sununu was White House chief of staff for President George H.W. Bush, he now claims he thought Gingrich had agreed to the deal and reneged. Gingrich denies that account, but more to the point, this gives Gingrich an opportunity to remind Republican voters that he rebelled against Bush Sr.’s budget deal, which included tax increases.Gingrich advisers say the question today becomes: “Did Mitt Romney support raising taxes in the 1990 budget deal?”Throw me into the Sununu Briar Patch, they say.

We are witnessing a Romney campaign in disarray when even a Romney supporter like John Podhoretz tweets:

It’s been Romney’s problem all along, when he can’t make the case for himself he goes über negative, as he did in 2008 when he went negative on Mike Huckabee:

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee blasted Republican presidential rival Mitt Romney as running a “desperate and dishonest” campaign and predicted the former Massachusetts governor won’t be the Republican nominee.

In other news, Romney gets the all important Meghan McCain endorsement:

Gingrich is the new flavor of the month, the current frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination. He has seen such a dramatic surge in the polls, I’m actually scared. The idea of Gingrich becoming our nominee makes my stomach turn.

And David Frum too:

Prediction: if Gingrich has emerged as the nominee by then, the mood of that convention will be full unconcealed panic.

Tags: Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich