You know things are bad when the Occupy Wall Street movement cannot get more than a handful of people to Occupy Boulder, Colorado in nice weather.
Thanks to reader Jeff who e-mailed this photo to me today:
Good Day Professor,
I live in Longmont, Colorado but work in the Republic of Boulder.
Attached is a photo of all five of Boulder’s “raging” Occupiers today. Heh.

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Has Obama lost even the People’s Republic of Boulder? It almost gives me hope for 2012.
hey, at least they aren’t raping, denegrating police cars, throwing bottles at police, threatening reporters, carrying anti-semetic slogans, and selling drugs.
Same campus that had David Irving in to speak, with security by local White Power thugs.
They would have Ahmadinejad in to speak if they could get him from DIA to Boulder with sure safety.
So cute. I guess it’s the thought that counts?
@ drozz. I’d need to see a few more pix frames before I’d buy the not selling drugs meme.
Should reduce the number of rapes here.
I think this is a “green” thing. Boulder hippies have such strong BO that it sends the greenhouse gas monitors crazy when you get more than a handful of them in one place. Whoever said the “green” movement never did any good?
no surprise here ….its the 1’rst of the month …all the welfare and ACCESS cards have been reloaded …wait a few days until their drug money has been spent …they’ll be back