The second ad released by Scott Walker in response to the recall effort features a Wisconsin teacher. Anti-Walker commenters at TPMDC identify her full name. The first ad is here.
I think this hits the right theme, sour grapes and Walker doing what’s right. I would call this preparing the battlefield and shaping the debate. More direct and aggressive attacks on the union-led effort can come later, particularly if and when there is an opponent (which would be only if enough signatures are gathered).
The recall reportedly has obtained 105,000 of the 540,206 signatures needed, and is bragging that they are on there way soon to 200,000. That likely is the low hanging fruit in Madison and among union members. While I expect them to get the amount needed, we’ll see how long it takes. They have 60 days, ending January 15.
Information on how to donate to Walker is on the WI Recall ’12 focus page.