Occupy … Cornell?
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Occupy … Cornell?

Occupy … Cornell?

Today a bunch of college Dems have created an “Occupy Cornell” event. I don’t know what the objective of this is, but it looks like a pretty pathetic state of affairs in “solidarity.”

Here’s the transcript of the “occupation” if your eyes are in need of a good roll. Here’s my favorite (my comments in bold):

Speaker 7
– just returned from Occupy Wall Street, sharing observations
– unemployed, supposed to be too lazy to find a job, working for free [That doesn’t sound like a good use of their time. I know; I’m technically unemployed!]
– saw the poor, supposed to be uneducated, reading books from the People’s Library [The People’s Library? Sounds like their reading the case for why they should be given other people’s money.]
– saw the homeless, supposed to freeloaders and parasites, saw on serving end of the buffet line [First of all, I’ve never heard someone call another person a “parasite.” This is one helluva straw man. Second of all, I didn’t read that they were accused of paralysis.]
– movement is supposed to be disorganized and divided, but we speak as one [End the Fed! End corruption! End the wars! Re-elect Obama? Hold on…]
– we address criticism by leading by example [So they’re criticizing by creating? They’re opening up a local credit union!?]
– they ask us for realistic demands, but what is more real than what we have demanded for ourselves
– we want a real democracy, so we created one [Someone should give drug tests to speakers beforehand…]
– free speech isn’t the ability to say what you want, but to say what you want and be listened to [Oh, that’s right! I forgot the ‘Free Printing Press for Everyone’ act of 1940.]
– a better world is possible, but only when we resolve to make it that way
– as Gandhi said, we must be the change we wish to see in the world [I think you mean “as Ghandi didn’t say“]
– you can’t be neutral on a moving train
– cynicism is an argument for the status quo

Yeah, bro. Let’s start griping EVERYWHERE. That’ll solve things once and for all.

The reason it seems like an amateur hour: they  didn’t use the progressive stack, their facebook event posted an end time (come on, the struggle deserves more than two hours!), they went inside of a building named after an investment banker because it rained, and, really, if you think you’re in a struggle at Cornell University in the People’s Republic of Ithaca, you have your priorities all wrong. 

For a good piece on the merits of some of the complaints out of NY, please read Tim Carney’s write up in the Examiner.

Update: Video of a townie (who doesn’t work for a financial firm) advises young Cornellians to heed his advice and end the “ivy league to Wall Street pipeline.” The chanting repetition really solidifies their objective to promote individuals, or whatever.






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“you can’t be neutral on a moving train”

The Swiss have being doing this for decades

Let’s see how dedicated they are to their cause when winter sets in.

i dunno why you should be exempt. LOL. We have #OccuptHumboldt. They even have a recorded livestream…

Zelsdorf Ragshaft III | October 14, 2011 at 5:23 pm

Wonder why it is these people think they are entitled to free stuff? Maybe they should have studied something useful to society in college, something there was a market for. All they have done for the time they were supposedly getting edified was get brainwashed. This is what happens when you stop teaching shop classes in highschool.

A person who wants to keep what he earns and spend it on education, shelter, clothing, food and transportation for his own family is greedy but people who want the government to take that persons earnings and spend it on their education, shelter, clothing, food and transportation are not greedy?

Cut them some slack Kathleen….as you said, these are students from Cornell in the People’s Republic of Ithaca and they do have their priorities to consider.

Do you really think they could possibly donate more than two hours when there is much drinking to do in all of the bars in Collegetown? 😉

    Kathleen McCaffrey in reply to Joy. | October 14, 2011 at 6:52 pm

    Joy, they shut down two bars over the summer. Now there’s just Ruloff’s (which I woefully live over) and Dunbars :-(. They have no excuse!

      Bars closing in Ithaca?

      I haven’t been there for a few years but this truly shocking news…on another note, my condolences to you for living over Ruloff’s 🙁

      I now stand corrected and agree “They have no excuse!”

The thing I find most annoying about these people?

Just how self-important they think they are.

“The world is watching.”
“We are the 99 percent.”

Uh, no. The world isn’t watching. Most of the world couldn’t care less what you’re doing.

And the 99-percent stuff? No. You’re the same, tired, ingrates we’ve seen for the last 40 years and you couldn’t be more tedious if you tried.

This is simply another temper tantrum in a string of temper tantrums.

In short, get over yourselves. You’re just a blip.

This whole #Occupy “thing” isn’t Kent State or Chicago or DC in the 60’s, it’s Woodstock without the music or drugs.

BannedbytheGuardian | October 14, 2011 at 9:46 pm

I spent a fun hour over on the OWS emergency alert site. There are words thrown around including a name i have not heard since the 70s. Kurt Vonnegut!

Nobody had anything recognizable from my Socialism/communism memories bar a few isolated words. Indeed it will be a huge challenge to cobble together a non capitalist doctrine in such a materialistic group of people who have always been in the world’s top 1%.

I look forward to one – so I can finally utilize my vast knowledge of theoretical socialism /commo. There was very little of that stuff I saw in the said such nations.

One striking demand was that everyone should be given a hydrogen car.

Oh yay. Where can I get mine.

ConserveLiberty | October 14, 2011 at 10:27 pm

First time I’ve actually listened to the “human megaphone,” or whatever its called. I was struck by how familiar it sounded. Then I realized its like an Episcopal Church service.

I wonder if they know.

The crude attacks of the ultra-right on the protests as “anti-American” will have little impact. Even police batons can only do so much. More dangerous is the embrace of those who claim to support the anti-Wall Street movement, but seek to divert it into support for the Democratic Party or—what comes to the same thing—into the orbit of the trade unions and various forms of gender and racial “identity” politics.

Such an outcome would mean bringing “the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests against U.S. economic inequality,” as Reuters is obliged to describe them, under control of well-heeled, establishment forces who have presided over and profited enormously from the very growth of this inequality.

You have to understand doublespeak “serving end of the buffet line” doesn’t mean that either the speaker or the homeless were doing the serving, they were being served (their rightful entitlement) free food. But they were juxtaposed to the servants, so they were on the “serving end” of the line.