Mass. Senate Debate Tonight

I’ll be watching the Massachusetts Senate Democratic Debate tonight at 7 p.m. because it will be the first appearance of Elizabeth Warren.  I haven’t decided what to do in the race, despite the overwhelming reader vote to support Brown, but I’ll be listening.

The debate will be live streamed on the Boston Herald website.

The candidates are a virtual rogues gallery of Massachusetts liberal caricatures.  It should be interesting, as they each try to out run each other to the left.

Update —  Live feed Over

Quick short take – Elizabeth Warren should win this primary walking away.  The others on stage were close to a joke, with the exception of Alan Karzai, who may be her only real challenger.  Brown will have his hands full with her.  She was pretty good, although she wasn’t challenged by the others.  She comes across as very professorial, and almost condescending.  That will appeal to the Newton/Brookline crowd big time, but I’m not sure how it will play in elsewhere.  Brown needs to get in this truck and start driving around the state.  Now.

Tags: Scott Brown