It wouldn’t kill ya to thank bloggers once in a while

As readers know, I’ve been blogging about the Recall (Robert) Wirch effort for several months, long before the national media paid attention to the fact that there were Democratic State Senators in Wisconsin subject to recall.

Here are links to some (but not all) of my posts regarding Recall Wirch:

So it was nice to see this comment posted yesterday by Dan Hunt, who organized the Recall Wirch petition drive and now leads the campaign for Wirch’s challenger, Jonathan Steitz:

Thanks for all you have done for us in Wisconsin District 22.  You have been a diligent reporter of the facts and an outlet for the truth from the beginning.  You have been a valuable part of the recall of Senator Wirch from the beginning helping raise awareness of what we have been fighting against.We are hopeful that when the dust settles tonight we will see the recall succeed.  Tonight is the culmination of all of the hard work on the part of thousands the last 6 months.  We are very hopeful that we will win.

I appreciate Dan’s kind words, and wish them success.  Regardless, they have pushed Democrats in Wisconsin into playing defense, not just offense.

There’s a bigger point to this post.  Bloggers play a unique role in helping to draw attention to issues or campaigns which are not yet on the mainstream media radar or deliberately ignored.

Politicians and their staff need to understand that a little thanks now and then to bloggers is a small price to pay for the countless hours we put in supporting you.  Talk is cheap, so talk to us.

Dan’s words of thanks stand in stark contrast to the complete silence from a certain other campaign, who never said “hey” much less thanks, and who won’t take my calls.  Not that I hold a grudge, or anything, because it’s not about me.

Good luck tonight, make us proud Wisconsin and throw the fleebaggers out.

Tags: Blogging, Scott Brown, Wisconsin