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Skip the primaries, let PPP pick our nominee

Skip the primaries, let PPP pick our nominee

How pathetic is this.

The Daily Caller is reporting as news that Public Policy Polling, a Democratic pollster which has a nasty habit of doing polling meant to generate anti-Republican headlines, and using skewed sampling, is dropping Tim Pawlenty from some of its polling questions.

I don’t really care that PPP is dropping Pawlenty, PPP can run its polls however it wants.  But why is this news?

The Daily Caller makes sure to point out that Politico blesses PPP’s credentials based on 4 polls PPP got right this year in special elections.

Yes, when PPP wants to run a straight up poll it can, and in actual elections it is not better or worse than many others.

We are in pre-election season, and many of PPP polls are message polls.  By dropping Pawlenty and then spreading that change to the media, PPP is messaging, helping shape the Republican field.


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Kinda falls under Twain’s lies, damned lies and statistics, eh?

The sound of teeth grinding. If you believe the media, the GOP nominee will be chosen in the Ames, Iowa straw poll. A lot of money can be saved by canceling the primaries in states like South Carolina, Florida and Virginia. Irrelevant–at the moment.

Next winter we will be told that you have to win New Hampshire to prevail; then SC. Whatever the flavor of the week is for the media.

Regarding polls, you can always tell when there isn’t much news; or perhaps more accurately when the news is too complicated for TV to report in 30 seconds. We are certain to get a healthy dose of polls.

They are selling, I am not buying.

Cowboy Curtis | July 20, 2011 at 11:44 am

We need to just go ahead and do the smart and honorable thing: Nominate Jon Huntsman.

The media swears he’s totally awesome and liberals really, really like him. Win-win, right?

By dropping Pawlenty and then spreading that change to the media, PPP is messaging, helping shape the Republican field.

As did CNN by excluding Gary Johnson, self-made businessman and two-term governor of a swing state, from the recent Republican debate.

common tater | July 20, 2011 at 4:33 pm

Sclerotic, not erotic, Democratic poll dancing.

“Endorsed by Politico” is all the more reason to ignore them.

don't tread 2012 | July 20, 2011 at 10:28 pm

Daily Caller is a joke…when was the last time they wrote anything negative about a dem? They are DNC-driven mouthpieces, to be ignored.