Saturday Night Card Game (Saggingpantsophobia)

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:

Some guy apparently was permitted by US Airways to board a plane wearing almost only women’s underwear (image here, put down uncovered drinks before viewing).

I’m not sure on what basis US Airways could have stopped him, and TSA probably loved it, almost nothing between a rubber-gloved hand and flesh.

But, US Airways apparently forced some other guy to pull up his “sagging pants” before boarding a plane.

That has the San Francisco NAACP in an uproar because Mr. Women’s Underwear was white whereas Mr. Sagging Pants was black, NAACP leader sees racism in sagging-pants saga:

The leader of the San Francisco chapter of the NAACP said Friday that US Airways engaged in discriminatory conduct by requiring an African American passenger to pull up his pants before boarding a plane, but allowing a white man to board another flight wearing little but women’s undergarments.The Rev. Amos Brown said the group’s national leaders would contact airline officials to suggest sensitivity training for executives and ask them to “atone, repent and show their wrongness is understood.””The NAACP, in no uncertain terms, contends that this young man was profiled,” Brown said in reference to Deshon Marman, the 20-year-old passenger who was asked to lift up his pants by an employee before he boarded a June 15 flight at San Francisco International Airport. “He’s been a victim of racial injustice, and US Air owes to him and his mother an apology.”

I don’t think there was any racial discrimination going on here.

Rather, Mr. Women’s Underwear was protected by anti-discrimination laws protecting cross-dressers, while there is no law protecting the right to wear saggy pants.  Cross-dressers got lawyers, sagging pants people do not.

In Britain, wearing saggy pants is considered a human right, but not on our side of the pond.

In America, men can wear womens’ underwear in public, but not saggy pants.  Love it or leave it.