Prescient, C’est Moi

The image of Obama as King (via Instapundit) has been inspired by Michelle Obama’s over-the-top journey to the coast of Spain, the latest in a line of seemingly imperial indifferences to optics in these difficult economic times.
The Daily News compared it to the royal court of Marie Antoinette:

To be clear, what the Obamas do with their money is one thing; what they do with ours is another. Transporting and housing the estimated 70 Secret Service agents who will flank the material girl will cost the taxpayers a pretty penny…. The Obama modus operandi is becoming clear. From lavish trips to Spain to reportedly flying Bo, the President’s Portuguese water dog, on a separate aircraft to vacation with them in Maine, to a date night in New York City that perhaps cost nearly $100,000, their idea of austerity is really just the lap of luxury, at least for ordinary folks.

Even the NY Times has taken note, First Lady’s Spain Vacation Draws Criticism, although The Times downplayed the controversy.

Unfair? I don’t think so. 
First families are entitled to vacations, but the excessive cost to taxpayers of a trip to Spain with scant public purpose sends the wrong message.
Even before Obama was sworn into office, at least one of us saw it coming:

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Tags: Economy, Europe, NY Times, obama