Who Does This Guy Look Like?

I saw a thread on Memeorandum linking to a ridiculous post, titled Bush, Slave Labor and Arizona, by the founder and Editor of BuzzFlash.com, Mark Karlin.

BuzzFlash bills itself as a progressive online community, which probably is why I had not heard of it before, despite its claim to traffic of 5 million visits a month.

The punch line of the post was that the Arizona immigration law was pushed by a “right wing populist movement consisting of NRA types, white firsters, Christian End Times congregrations, and basic bigots,” whereas George Bush would not have allowed such a thing, because Bush sided with “slave wage corporations” which like illegal immigration. This is what passes for praise of Bush in the progressive community.

In trying to figure out who this guy was and what was BuzzFlash, I saw this video by Karlin explaining the background of the website and his progressive agenda.

Karlin sure does look like someone familiar, but I can’t put the face to a name.

Any suggestions?

Update: Jon Corzine, as noted by several commenters:

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Tags: Blogging, George W. Bush, Immigration, Nutroots