“Eight Days In April,” by Paul Krugman

My my, how Paul Krugman worries that our President may come under criticism from the vast right-wing conspiracy for the Eight Days In April.

The Eight Days In April during which our President twiddled his environmental clean-up and emergency response thumbs in the face of what may be the worst oil spill “since the Great Depression.”

Here is what Mr. Krugman worried about in the first moments that our President’s failure became the focus of media attention:

The Oil Spill Is Obama’s Fault

No, I haven’t lost my mind — that’s not what I believe. But you know that’s what the talk-show hosts will be saying soon, if they haven’t already started. The only question is what the story will be.

Because it would be wrong to blame a President for a disaster the President did not cause, or a failure to predict when the disaster would take place, or a slower than ideal response.

Because to play the blame game would be — dare I say — un-American, unfair, and un-NY Times-like. Accordingly, the following columns were written by someone who had stolen Paul Krugman’s identity during the Bush administration, not by the Paul Krugman we all know and love today:

But not to worry, I’m sure Mr. Krugman now sees the light. I await Krugman’s critique of our President, the aforementioned, “Eight Days In April.” It might go something like this:

“Eight Days. In April. One day longer than the biblical story of creation. Eight days during which the President did nothing but hope the wind conditions in the Gulf would change. Eight days during which the President failed to deploy the military he had overstretched in Afghanistan. Eight days during which FEMA, neglected during the year-long health care fight, waited for orders which never came. Eight days during which the President made excuses, rather than making plans. Eight days at the end of which the failures of this administration became clear even to those who previously refused to see.”

I find it hard to believe that Krugman will be as harsh on this President as he was on that President.

Because Krugman is “The Conscience of a Liberal.”

Update: Krugman was right, the right-wing talk radio hosts already are playing the blame game, those bastards:

… the administration should not have waited, and should have intervened much more quickly on its own initiative. … What we do know is that we now face a huge disaster whose consequences might have been minimized with swifter action.

And there’s more from those racist wingnuts:

[Obama’s] administration has publicly chastised BP America for its handling of the spreading oil gusher, yet a review of the response suggests it may be too simplistic to place all the blame for the unfolding environmental catastrophe on the oil company. The federal government also had opportunities to move more quickly, but did not do so while it waited for a resolution to the spreading spill from BP.

Call it political death by timeline.

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Tags: Energy, Environment, George W. Bush, Media Bias, NY Times, Obamamania, Paul Krugman