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Obama Foreign Policy Tag

The "Supreme Leader" of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, staked out the hardest of lines today, demanding that Iran's opposition accept the official election results and stop street protests, or else. He blamed the violence on "ill-wishers, mercenaries and elements working for the espionage machines of...

There is a lot more to the turmoil in Iran than meets the eye. I think the threat to the regime is more serious than people let on, if the world keeps watching and Iran is not permitted to pull a North Korea and seal...

You knew this was inevitable. Regardless of what Barack Obama said or did, the Iranian regime would accuse the U.S. of meddling in Iran's internal affairs:Iran accused the United States on Wednesday of "intolerable" meddling in its internal affairs, alleging for the first time that...

Barack Obama has come under criticism not only for his silence for several days, but also his failure to issue more forceful words of support for the protest movement in Iran.Others counter that more forceful words of support would be counter productive, that there is...

There has been much dialogue, including on this blog, about the proper posture for the Obama administration to take with regard to the reform movement and protests in Iran. Many commenters argue that only Iranians can decide what is right for Iranians, and point...

Barack Obama's proclivity to talk endlessly, particularly on television, has earned the mockery of supporters such as Bill Maher. But on what may be the most important evolving events in a generation, Obama is silent.As hundreds of thousands of Iranians protest fraudulent elections, and demand...

The Washington Post reports that the Iranian election outcome is consistent with its polling in Iran prior to the election. Not everyone is convinced by the Post numbers. Nonetheless, while noting the difficulty of polling in Iran, the Post article raises a interesting question.If...

Jake Tapper reports:The White House has not issued a statement expressing support for the protestors declaring the election illegitimate. But neither has anyone in the Obama administration said a public word accepting the legitimacy of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's reelection. "We're reacting to concrete facts," a...

Via Michael J. Totten (h/t Instapundit). Read Totten's entire post. It is heartbreaking, particularly the reports that the Iranian people are waiting for encouragement, at least spoken, from the U.S. Will Obama support the Iranian people, or the Regime? It could make all the difference in...

When Barack Obama warmly greeted Hugo Chavez last April, Obama sent a message of despair to Venezuelans who sought freedom from Chavez's cult of personality. Any hope the Venezuelan opposition had of a near-term reversal of newspaper closings, political imprisonments, street intimidation, and nationalizations, died...

If you want to know why Barack Obama was spitting into the wind with his "historic" speech to the Muslim world, at least as regards the Israeli-Palestinian issue, there is no better example than this juxtaposition of Palestinians booby-trapping horses as part of a failed...

Hamas reacted to Obama's "historic" speech to the Muslim world by attempting to kidnap Israeli soldiers along the Gaza border last night, in a coordinated assault timed also to coincide with the Lebanese elections:DEBKAfile's military sources report at least four Palestinians killed after Israeli air...

In his "historic" speech to the Muslim world, Barack Obama spoke up for the rights of women. The first example Obama used was the right of Muslim women in the West to wear hair covering (italics mine):The sixth issue that I want to address is...

A portion in Barack Obama's "historic" speech to the Muslim world was particularly odd. In apologizing for religious intolerance in the United States, Obama said as follows:Freedom of religion is central to the ability of peoples to live together. We must always examine the ways...

I didn't know what the term "shorter" meant until I started blogging. A "shorter" is someone who exaggerates someone else's opinion, or creates a false choice between two extremes. Back in the day, such form of argument would be called setting up a "strawman."As others...

Here is a one sentence summary of Barack Obama's "historic" speech to the Muslim world:"I have no right to tell you how to live, because we're as bad as you are, but here's how you need to live."--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Depends on what the meaning of "bow" is. Because leaning down to have a medal put over your head is not a bow. How could anyone think otherwise? From LGF:Please note! Barack Obama is absolutely not bowing to King Abdullah! He’s receiving a medal.That is...

Louis Susman of Chicago was nicknamed "the vacuum cleaner" because he was so good at cleaning out the pockets of the wealthy to get them to give to Democratic causes and candidates. As noted on this blog last February, Susman was in line for ambassadorship...