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Health Care Tag

Obamacare as we know it is not enough, Reid to Netroots: "We're Going To Have a Public Option":Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, seeking to console liberal activists who were disappointed by the final version of the national health care law, assured them that there would...

There were two important developments recently in the continued unraveling of the Obamacare public relations BS.First, the Obama administration cemented its legal position that the health care mandate is a tax, which means that Obama is raising taxes on people making less than $250,000 a...

Rasmussen released earlier today another health care poll, finding that by almost 2-to-1 margins, Americans support repeal of ObamaCare: Sixty percent (60%) of voters nationwide favor repeal of the recently passed health care law, including 49% who Strongly Favor repeal. A new Rasmussen Reports national...

Four months left until the November election. Time is running out on the Obama agenda.Not the time to ease up, but to push harder because soon it will be too late.Democrats are approaching ramming speed trying desperately to complete the picture, having taken over the...

Remember when "Medicare for All" (also known as "Single Payer") was the banner under which Alan Grayson and his followers in the left-wing blogosphere marched?Medicare for All would not have meant "Health Care for All" because the dirty little secret was that Medicare reimbursement rates...

Alan Simpson, unlike Bob Etheridge, stayed and answered questions during a hostile ambush interview, and gave the questioner, Alex Lawson of Social Security Works (filming for Firedoglake's "live stream") an earful about the fallacies behind left-wing attacks on reforming Social Security and lowering the deficit.Lawson...

Harry Reid crafted Obamacare without a Doc Fix built into the legislation so that Reid could get the CBO score he wanted. Now Reid admits that without additional spending, the legislation will create havoc:Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had warned Thursday night of the “havoc”...

The pathetic, lie-infested legislation known as ObamaCare was based on phony numbers and unrealistic assumptions so that Democrats could sell the package to themselves and their delusional Democratic constituents.Those of us who followed the legislation called the Democrats out on it, but since Democrats had...

There is so much wrong with how Barack Obama has handled the Gulf oil spill, it's almost hard to know where to begin.Put aside the ineptitude of the approval process and clean up response. For today, I'm focusing on the tentative settlement with BP. While...

"Unexpected" has become the term of choice for the mainstream media to excuse the Obama administration's economic failures.Yesterday I read an article in The NY Times about something unexpected in Obamacare, and one term jumped out at me (emphasis mine):About one-third of employers subject to...

From the day Barack Obama took office, the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress have been obsessed and possessed.Everything took a back seat to passing Obamacare.And other transformative legislation and regulations intended to turn us into the failing West European economic model.Because "he recognizes his...

And by "no one" I mean only the politicians who voted for Obamacare.Because they willingly ignored warnings that they were selling public policy based on phony numbers: Congressional Budget Office estimates released Tuesday predict the health care overhaul will likely cost about $115 billion more...

That's what David Cameron (Conservative - U.K.) has made one of his campaign themes:In a Sunday Times interview, the Conservative leader revealed the four pieces of legislation that would dominate his debut Queen’s speech ...

Remember when Democrats fell all over themselves trying to prove that Obamacare would not cover illegal aliens? When Joe Wilson shouted "you lie" about coverage for illegal aliens, Obama and Democratic leaders assured the nation that illegal aliens would be excluded.Under the final Senate health...

I previously posted about a recent report by the Office of Medicare Actuary which found that Obamacare would increase costs, and that the final health care bill made numerous unrealistic cost assumptions.I also made the follow observation as to why the report came out so...

Move along, nothing to see from the government's failure as to cancer treatment clinical trials.The clinical treatment system run by the National Cancer Institute has become so burdened with bureaucracy and paperwork that even the Editors of The New York Times are complaining (emphasis mine):The...

The gloss is off the Obamacare rose, if it ever were there. The Office of the Actuary of Medicare has released a report which finds that Obamacare will increase, not decrease, health care costs, and ...

Not since Sarah Palin gave an interview at a turkey processing farm has the left-wing blogosphere been so excited.The reason for the excitement?Sue Lowden, a Republican candidate for Senate in Nevada, mentioned that bartering is a legitimate means of obtaining health care services. She...