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A small percentage of your purchase goes to Legal Insurrection, at no extra cost to you.

Many of our readers will be shopping online starting on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, through the end of the year.
For those of you who use, you have an easy way to help Legal Insurrection at the same time.
If you go to Amazon via one of our links, Amazon will pay Legal Insurrection a small percentage (generally 4-7%) of the purchase price, without any extra charge to you.
These extra funds help sustain us, and are appreciated.
You can use this link, the Amazon search box in the sidebar, any of the links on our Amazon Page, or click on the image below.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
I already have an Amazon account, and when I link to Amazon through LI, Amazon recognizes me. Is LI still getting credit if I place an order at that time (after linking through LI)? We live in the boonies where it’s hard to find stuff without driving a long distance. I order from them 2-3 times per month and would love for the credit to go to LI.
Does anyone know if LI gets the credit if Amazon already recognizes you when you link through LI?
I think you can confirm that LI will get the credit by looking at the URL when you shop Amazon. It will include “tag=legalinsurr”.
Ah, yes, there it is. I had to widen my address bar to see it, but it’s there. So the couple times I’ve already tried it, the credit to LI must have gone through and it doesn’t matter if you’re a returning customer with an established account. All good.
Thanks, Snopercod.
lucky you are not in one of the states (like maine) that amazon killed affiliate status for due to taxing them laws.
sucked to lose the affiliate status but I agreed with amazon and not our legislators.
Are you talking about Amazon charging sales tax now? They’ve been charging me sales tax for my orders for many months now on all items ordered, no matter where they’re from. It used to be that they only charged sales tax on items in which the vendor had a brick and mortar store location in the state. Now I’m charged sales tax on all items.
sort of. states that did it had the users associate accounts dropped so we cannot maintain an amazon store not can we place amazon ads and make $ off them.
I disagree with gov lepage lepage here.
Just bought a color laser printer [great deal] on Amazon through the LI link. Hope you got the credit!
I believe you need to come back to this page to access Amazon so the site gets credit, the cookie is only active for a day or two if I remember correctly.
I confess I’m a creature of habit. Usually I use bookmarks to navigate to most of the sites I visit. I let Google catalog my bookmarks so all my machines share a common library.
Today I took the minute of two to update my bookmark for Amazon so all future visits will include the affiliate link.
So for all others who have yet to make the change, today is a good day to do it and for those who don’t use bookmarks to make your days easier, today is a good day to start by bookmarking the Amazon page with the affiliate link to your bookmark bar.
If you are not signed into Legal, but just use Legal’s Amazon search box (while not signed into Legal that is), will Legal still get the money?
Yes, so long as you use the link.