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Despite No Serious Human Infections with “Super Bird Flu” in US, CDC Issues a Health Alert

Despite No Serious Human Infections with “Super Bird Flu” in US, CDC Issues a Health Alert

It appears as if the CDC may be using the “Monkeypox Playbook” for their response to HPAI.

We have been following the recent Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPIA, aka bird flu) since the recent outbreaks have been hitting wild birds and poultry farms around the world.

Recently, the disease crossed species lines and began infecting cattle in this country. The infections resulting in mild cases among the cows. A Texas man who worked with cattle caught the disease, and subsequently developed “pink eye“.

Despite the fact the man’s infection was not serious, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a health alert to inform health care centers and the public the Texas human HPAI infection. Presently, the agency confirms the pathogen is of low risk to humans.

The patient did not report any other symptoms and was not hospitalized. The person received antiviral treatment and is recovering, and the patient’s household members have not become sick, the CDC said.

“No additional cases of human infection with the HPAI A(H5N1) virus associated with the current infections in dairy cattle and birds in the United States, and no human-to-human transmission of HPAI A(H5N1) virus have been identified,” the CDC said.

The CDC said it tested the patient’s virus genome and sequences from cattle, wild birds and poultry. It found minor changes, and they both “lack changes that would make them better adapted to infect mammals.”

The CDC asked states to be ready with rapid testing.

The agency asked for plans to quickly test and provide treatment to potentially impacted farm workers following positive results among cattle herds.

It also encouraged state health officials to communicate about any challenges they are facing.

The agency is also urging state leaders to have ‘up-to-date operational plans’ in place in case more farm workers test positive for H5N1. It appears as if the CDC may be using the “Monkeypox Playbook” for their response.

The meeting was led by the CDC’s deputy director Nirav Shah and Dr Demetre Daskalakis, who was involved in the national response to the outbreak of monkeypox — or mpox — in 2022.

It was attended by local health leaders including representatives from the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, which has members across all 50 states and Washington D.C.

A release from the CDC on the meeting, which took place online, read: ‘CDC recommended that state public health officials… ensure that they have up-to-date operational plans to respond to avian influenza at the state level.

‘For example, the CDC emphasized the importance of having plans in place to quickly test and provide treatment to potentially impacted farm workers following positive results among cattle herds.’

Legal Insurrections will recall my recent post: Former White House Dr. Deborah Birx used the principals for fighting AIDS (a disease caused by the bloodborne pathogen, HIV) for fighting a virus that is contracted through the air (covid).

The most recent serious outbreak of “M-Pox” was primarily a human-to-human, sexually transmitted disease. Humans get bird flu through splashes, sprays, and aerosols from the fluids of infected animals (and if the transmission is sexual, I don’t want to know about it).

I project that the risk to humans will remain low in this cycle, and few humans will be infected. When it runs its course, the bureaucrats will pat themselves on the back  and call it a “win”. They are also want to regain credibility after the epic covid policy failures.

To put the numbers in further perspective,  over the past 20 years ( January 2003 to 26 February 2024) only 887 cases of human infection with avian influenza A(H5N1) virus were reported from 23 countries worldwide.  While the Infection Fatality Rate is high (52%) if infection occurs, the chances of catching are good and currently the American system of health has solid treatment options for severe flu cases.

Now I would like to use the “Way Back Machine” and remind everyone what the CDC did during the “Summer of Monkeypox” in 2022. The agency was originally recommended the wearing of masks:

The CDC last week had added mask-wearing as a precautionary measure for people traveling to countries where monkeypox has been detected. The CDC removed that advice from its website late Monday following social-media posts criticizing the agency for what they called mixed messages over the risk posed by the virus.

A CDC spokeswoman said the agency removed the advice because it caused confusion, but didn’t respond immediately to a request for a more detailed explanation.

Review of the Monkeypox outbreak history showed it was changes in individual behavior and robust public education at the community level about the mode of transmission that ended the spread of the disease.

However, farmers are still going to farm and ranchers are still going to ranch. My focus on the bird flu has been out of concern for the impact on our good supply. Many share that concern.

The good news: While poultry farms are still at risk, cattle ranches and dairy farms aren’t being hit with severe cases.

Dairy farmers in Texas first became concerned three weeks ago when cattle started falling ill with what officials called “mystery dairy cow disease,” Texas Department of Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller said. Milk production fell sharply and the cows were lethargic and weren’t eating much.

“We hadn’t seen anything like it before,” he said. “It was kind of like they had a cold.”

With cattle, the virus doesn’t appear to be nearly as deadly or contagious as it is with poultry, Hagerman said. “If this virus gets into a poultry block, every animal is infected within a very short period of time. And we’re just not seeing that so far, or it’s not being reported by the cattle producers and by the veterinarians.”

That means fewer deaths for dairy cattle, and fewer production disruptions for the dairy industry.

Poultry prices are also not being impacted at this point. While millions of egg laying chickens have been depopulated, commercial broiler operations – chickens raised for their meat – have not been greatly affected. Some turkey flocks have been impacted.

I am inclined to remain skeptical of any advice the CDC gives that is not tied directly to the farms in which HPAI infections are occurring.  I think the current priority, as well as the money and the man-power, should be at protecting our livestock.


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Never let a crises, real or made-up, go to waste.

    diver64 in reply to Oracle. | April 11, 2024 at 11:27 am

    If you believe anything out of the CDC at this point then you haven’t been paying attention. Do your own research

running around hair on fire
no in person voting
drop boxes only
no rules
bring in the 18 wheelers full of
completed ballots …
we must keep biden in the wh
can’t let orangemen bad back
in office …
stay calm …. but be afraid very afraid…

does that work….

Damn the facts they’ve got to steal the election for their pedophile

Health Alert:

We are all sick of the CDC.

If they’re serious, they’ll make the cows wear masks, per their own logic.

If they’re not, not.

“epic covid policy failures” you mean Trump and Scott Atlas

My trust in the CDC has been completely destroyed. I don’t believe a word they say about anything.

Alert! Wear the face diapers! You know, the ones with the coarse weave that won’t even slow down a virus.

Yeah uh no. The CDC could could tell me that radioactive fallout was dangerous and I would not listen to them. These folks, the public health ‘profession’ as a whole and a huge number of media folks went all in on Covid BS over hyping the danger to the healthy and claiming the Jab was safe/effective to prevent contracting Covid and to prevent transmission of Covid neither of which were true. Add in the entirely fabricated 6ft social distance, masking which they knew was bogus and they are the ‘Boy who Cried Wolf’. Until they release every digit of information, admit their lies/errors apologize, seek atonement via penance and humbly ask for forgiveness they can pound sand.

The CDC is a shining example of why we shouldn’t trust ‘climate change’ ‘science’ when they ask us why we don’t trust the science…

The point of this Avian Flu hysteria is to ban independent chicken keeping and further diminish the cattle supply..

They are trying to make it impossible for us to feed ourselves.

This is linked to the recent wave of anti-gardening propaganda (not to be confused with the farming bans)

you will own nothing
you will eat bugs
and you will be happy.

If a human transmissible H5N1 does emerge (or is leaked from a lab to game the election), it is likely to be everywhere before anyone knows about it. And then it is too late.