Florida Man Cesar Sayoc Arrested for Sending Suspicious Packages
Press conference at 2:30PM ET.

Federal authorities have Cesar Sayoc into custody in Florida in connection with the suspicious packages meant for many Democrats.
The DOJ held a press conference at 2:30PM ET.
*This is a breaking story. More updates to come…
*UPDATE: 6:00 PM
The criminal complaint filed against Sayoc here:
Criminal complaint filed against Cesar Sayoc, alleged package bomber by Legal Insurrection on Scribd
The DOJ is holding a press conference.
Sessions announces Cesar Sayoc is facing five fed counts, up to 58 years in prison: interstate transpo. of an explosive, illegal mailing of explosives, threats against former presidents and others, threatening interstate commerce, and assaulting current and former fed officers
— Zoe Tillman (@ZoeTillman) October 26, 2018
FBI: Investigators found fingerprint from #CesarSayoc on package mailed to Rep. Waters.
They say 13 IEDs were sent. “These are not hoax devices” https://t.co/3F1LGT9iYE
— Jeff Butera (@ABC7Jeff) October 26, 2018
From CNN:
“Though we’re still analyzing the devices in our laboratory, these are not hoax devices,” he said.
The devices consisted of “roughly six inches of PVC pipe, a small clock, a battery, some wiring and what is known as energetic material, which is essentially potential explosives and material that give off heat and energy through a reaction to heat, shock or friction,” Wray said
He described the investigation into the suspicious packages as “enormous” in scope and “of the greatest importance.”
DNA from a package led authorities to Seyoc.
NEW: DNA found on at least one of the packages helped investigators identify suspect Cesar Sayoc, law enforcement officials tells CNN. @evanperez reports.
— David P Gelles (@gelles) October 26, 2018
Here is an image of his van, plastered with Trump stickers.
US mail bomb suspect named as Cesar Seyoc https://t.co/uzC9LunvKT pic.twitter.com/NJA6OUwGyA
— Telegraph World News (@TelegraphWorld) October 26, 2018
More info:
Cesar Sayoc filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2012. Listed $21,109 as debts with just $4,175 in assets with monthly income of $1,083.33 monthly income. Said he lived with his mother and owned no furniture pic.twitter.com/69D5joIecE
— Evan Siegfried (@evansiegfried) October 26, 2018
WATCH: Social media video shows mail bombing suspect Cesar Sayoc attending pro-Trump rally in Oct. 2016 https://t.co/QOC2JDvOIU pic.twitter.com/GsCKtEjYKD
— CBS News (@CBSNews) October 26, 2018
Trump made these remarks:
“These terrorizing acts are despicable and have no place in our country,” Trump said.
He added: “We must never allow political violence to take root in America. Cannot let it happen. I’m committed to doing everything in my power as President to stop it. To stop it now. Stop it now.”
“The bottom line is that Americans must unify. We must show the world that we are united together in peace and love and harmony as fellow American citizens. There is no country like our country and every day we are showing the world just how truly great we are,” the President said.
.@POTUS: “Americans must unify and we must show the world that we are united together in peace and love and harmony.” https://t.co/GOIF06znJE pic.twitter.com/bXjbGuH2UY
— Fox News (@FoxNews) October 26, 2018
.@POTUS: “Law enforcement has apprehended the suspect and taken him into custody.” https://t.co/GOIF06znJE pic.twitter.com/pwEpPHiRij
— Fox News (@FoxNews) October 26, 2018
Facts about Cesar Sayoc from Heavy.com:
He is a registered Republicans and his family helped over the Communist government in the Philippines.
Sayoc received charges of making bomb threats in 2002. He was arrested several times in Broward County since 1991:
In 1991, Sayoc was charged with third-degree grand theft, a felony. He pleaded guilty that same year and was sentenced to two years of probation. In 1994, his mother sought a domestic violence injunction against Sayoc, court records show.
Sayoc was arrested on drug charges in 2004. He was accused of possession and sale of steroids, along with possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, tampering with evidence, filing fraudulent tax returns, criminal use of personal ID info and possession or unlawful issue of a driver’s license. He pleaded guilty that same year and was sentenced to 18 months of probation.
In 2013, Sayoc was charged with battery and third-degree grand theft, a felony. He pleaded guilty in 2014 and was sentenced to probation. In 2009, Sayoc was charged with operating without a valid license, not having insurance and not having a tag light and was fined after pleading guilty to the misdemeanor charges. In 2014, Sayoc was arrested on a petit theft charge and violation of probation. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail.
Authorities have identified the man as Cesar Sayoc.
BREAKING… First look at the man who allegedly targeted Trump critics with bombs in the mail identified. ID’d as Cesar Sayoc: https://t.co/5tuZOtEY8b pic.twitter.com/vRA54SSxT3
— Law & Crime (@lawcrimenews) October 26, 2018
Trump will address the situation at the Young Black Leadership Summit.
*Previous reporting
We can confirm one person is in custody. We will hold a press conference at the Department of Justice at 2:30pm ET.
— Sarah Isgur Flores (@whignewtons) October 26, 2018
Some journalists have tweeted out information about the suspect:
Law enf source: Suspect in #pipebombs a white male, former NY’er, busted in Aventura FL, prior arrests for terroristic threats @FoxNews
— RickLeventhalFoxNews (@RickLeventhal) October 26, 2018
.@evanperez reports: According to a law enforcement source, the man arrested is in his 50s, with Aventura FL address, and has a criminal history. He has ties to New York.
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) October 26, 2018
President Donald Trump has received a briefing on the arrest.
President Trump has been briefed on the arrest, told by Chief of Staff John Kelly. @abbydphillip and Liz Stark say Attorney General Jeff Sessions was at the White House but we haven’t been told yet if he was part of briefing
— Steve Brusk (@stevebruskCNN) October 26, 2018
President Trump says he will address the package bomb investigation in remarks shortly. He will be speaking the East Room at a planned event to the Young Black Leadership Summit.
— Steve Brusk (@stevebruskCNN) October 26, 2018
Authorities have concentrated on searching for the perpetrator in Florida. From Fox News:
Federal authorities had been focusing on Florida as the location where the majority of packages originated.
“Some of the packages went through the mail,” Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen told Fox News. “They originated, some of them, from Florida. I am confident that this person or people will be brought to justice.”
Several of the packages went through a U.S. postal facility in Opa-locka, Florida. The Miami-Dade County Police Department confirmed Thursday it was helping federal agents who were at the facility as part of the ongoing investigation.
The USPS operates an innovative imaging system that photographs each piece of mail processed throughout the country. Investigators were likely relying on that system to pinpoint where some of the packages were mailed.
The FBI says the packages each consisted of a manila envelope with a bubble-wrap interior containing potentially destructive devices. The packages were addressed with a computer-printed address label and six stamps.

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Sounds like someone is going to be summering in Beautiful Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas for the next…….well forever.
He has to be an incompetent bomb maker, not one of them went off. Which raises the question, were they meant to explode, or just to be a prop to impact the election? This smells just as bad as the crap pulled on Kavanaugh.
Richard Jewell?
Perhaps an inept Eric Robert Rudolph wannabe.
How so very convenient! He’ll turn out to be a mental health outpatient who didn’t want to hurt anyone, but just wanted to scare them. He likes Trump, but has voted DemoRAT in the past…which will be revealed in 3-6 months. He met a man in a bar who suggested that this was a good way to get everyone’s attention, and even showed him the diagrams to make the bombs…
You forgot he thought he would be helping the Republicans in the election. We would be informed of that “fact” next week, only to be corrected in a few months that he really was a life-long Democrat and fan of Maria what’s her name – the bartender from the Bronx. Ocasio-Cortez, yeah – that’s it. The Socialist.
If we’re going to be engaged in this sort of speculation, let’s do it right.
You own him. You guys are weasels.
We own him? How very plantation of you.
S you want to weasel out with semantics? Go ahead. Who cares?
You elected a weasel who parades around like a big, tough, strongman. Your attempts to deflect are too clever by half.
We elected a winner who can’t stop winning for us.
Ironically, The Donald is winning for the likes of you, too, if you’d only look for a job.)
HEY THERE, Mr. Mind. Have you ever thought of taking a nice long vacation in South Africa? It’s supposed to be really nice with friendly people to help a new person out. New sights, new foods, new love interests…sounds really nice, eh? AND, they don’t have any problem with politics down there either – that’s the amazing thing! They’ve sorted out all those petty things like property ownership, etc. Yup, sunny South Africa is the perfect land for ambitious trolls who love to play the dozens.
@TheFineReport.com You know as much about my finances as you know of the Weasel’s.
Nope, not semantics, facts. Your political party started a civil war for the right to own people.
@Ratbert And when ‘my party’ stopped, your party enthusiastically kept it going. The racists just switched sides.
We own Sayoc. He lives in a van.
You own Antifa, Steve Scalice’s gunman, Maxine Waters, Eric Holder, Hillary klinton, debbie schultz, alexandra cortez, george soros, barry Odumbo, lois lerner, etc. They hold or held high office, or are major players in the democrat party.
Congratulations on winning the Traitor Game.
You are very liberal with the Traitor accusation.
I hope you mean it.
“Goodbye” really?
Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out, Troll
@userpen The goodbye was just to Fine. He is little more than a bot. Apparently you are, too.
Can you actually form a argument or are you just a loser like Sayoc? Sayoc attended the rallies and bought the BS, but he certainly is no winner. He couldn’t make a working bomb. He couldn’t stay hidden for a week. I wonder how many of his type attend Trump rallies. What did he possibly think Trump would do for him?
As for losing, we will find out on Nov 6. If the House goes blue, Trump will blame it on someone else. But it will be followed by the Senate and Presidency in 2020. We are the majority and you won’t be able to suppress us forever. If necessary, we will pack the courts. Trump’s legacy will be zilch because he is zilch.
Hillary is old news. You just keep fixating on her. She will not be the candidate in 2020.
@Enquiringmind. No goodbye to me then? That’s just mean.
It’s amazing how the Progressive Fascists complain about Trump after they tried to put Crooked Lying Hillary in power and put Tyrant Obama the Liar in power for 8 years. Their Dear Leaders are among the worst and they supported them!
You have the insight of a slow 12 year old.
Trump is not making us great. The world oscillates between rolling their eyes and laughing at him.
Trump has managed to get Japan & China to bury the hatchet. That is truly an accomplishment for an American President
It’s amazing how the Progressive Fascists complain about Trump after they tried to put Crooked Lying Hillary in power and put Tyrant Obama the Liar in power for 8 years. Their Dear Leaders are among the worst and they supported them!
Trying to remember the last time something like this happened and they arrested the right guy first. I’m going to withhold any kind of comment until I see something more concrete.
McVeigh in the OKC bombing.
But, there were some lucky things going on. If I remember correctly, the license plate fell off and he was stopped by a highway patrolman. He admitted to having a gun in the car, so he was arrested and in jail for a couple days.
In OKC, they found the vin plate for the truck, tracked it down, and got some drawings of the suspect. Then someone managed to link the drawing with the person in jail.
If those things hadn’t happened, it may have been a long time before they found out the bomber.
If you recall, they had drawings of two men, one of whom was never identified, never mind caught. Although it didn’t seem they put a lot of effort into suspect #2.
So, if he has any Republican leanings, the MSM will scream even louder that it’s Trump’s fault. Same applies if he has mixed or no discernible political leanings. If he has any Democrat leanings, it’ll be the lone wolf theory.
They are going to keep screaming that regardless.
When 9-11 happened… Islam is a religion of peace
When Scalise shot by a Dem… Democrats were not involved
When a nut job sends dumb bombs….. Trump and Repubs are dangerous
Got it
Shep Smith just tried that line of reasoning with Chris Wallace who was having none of it and reduced Smith to the babbling idiot that he is
Judging from Shep’s displays of hysteria, I’m beginning to think he’s having man-trouble at home.
There’s already a photo of a van covered with pro-Trump stickers. But no public ID of the suspect yet. He is said to have been previously arrested for making terroristic threats. So, probably a nut. If he’s a right-wing nut, you can count on the MSM to blame Trump, even though they did not blame Bernie or the “Resistance” for the assassination attempt on House Republicans in 2017.
The good thing about this is that the “bombs” were so incompetently constructed that none of them exploded. I hope they do have the correct perp in custody. We don’t need bombings. I lived through the 1960s and don’t want to see a repeat.
eh, the bombings of the ’60’s weren’t that bad…but man, those riots were killers! IMHO
Image a false-flag operator flying a false flag. I’m not saying anything, just saying.
One must ask, “Who benefits from a right-wing bomber?”
The same question can be asked after most school mass shootings, “Who benefits from the shooting.” Hint: it’s not the NRA. (Without mass shootings, there’d be no push for gun control. Every mass shooting is used to support gun control, and the NRA is left playing defense. You can’t win on defense.)
How Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) recruits suicide bombers, according to a Navy SEAL and senior chief in the book The Sheriff of Ramadi:
“Those SOBs go out and recruit kids to do this. Our interrogators were able to get the whole story (from captured AQI recruits). One of them had been sexually abused as a young boy and was told the only way he could reclaim his family honor was to die for Allah in this manner. The senior AQI leaders – the foreigners – won’t do this themselves. They get others to do it. They prey upon kids, young boys and girls who are insecure or have some psychological disorder. Some of them have severe learning disabilities…”
Sound familiar?
This may be a really good arrest – it wasn’t the Bureau, it was the Postal Inspection Service who apparently caught the guy.
It doesn’t matter what his leanings are — Trump’s rhetoric caused this, so for the good of the country he needs to step down, along with his entire administration. What America needs now, more than ever, is a leader who knows how to unite us, not divide us. A leader who is highly qualified, and has the best medical and emergency support staff money can buy. A leader who might have authored several books. A leader who can bring civility back to the national conversation. Someone who knows how to get things done with foreign countries and foreign business people.
If these fake pipe-bombs aren’t sufficient reason to remove Trump and his administration from power, what would be? (Asking for a friend.)
Bender is about right for you…go on another one and shut up.
You are the definition of “Dumb as the day is long”. I’d modify that though to fit you better, “Dumb as the day is long on Venus.”
Stop skipping your meds.
You are posting of the wrong website. Please go to Liberalbullshit.com.
I am going to be charitable, and assume you forgot the “/s” on your comment.
It’s a tough call, but the lines about medical support and authoring books suggest he might have been using sarcasm.
Exactly. “Might have authored” is a dead giveaway.
“fake bombs” another giveaway. Top comedy.
Bender Troll. Run along, boy.
So, Bender, you think Trump should step down in favor of Sarah Palin?
That wouldn’t be a bad idea regardless.
Pro tip: if someone says something too dumb to be real–it isn’t real. Doug was parodying the left. I know, it’s really not possible to parody them, but some still try.
Poe’s Law
“Poe’s law is an adage of Internet culture stating that, without a clear indicator of the author’s intent, it is impossible to create a parody of extreme views so obviously exaggerated that it cannot be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the parodied views.”
Back in the day, when Colbert would ask a guest “why do you hate America?” I always saw that as a legitimate question.
Nothing the left says is too dumb to be real…haven’t you noticed that.
Parody will go extinct in this era. Dead by the PC crowd, dead by the deaf who can no longer separate comedy from rancor. I’m clearly included in that deaf crowd if this is a parody.
The problem is, the left is this dumb. They’ve become a caricature of themselves.
if someone says something too dumb to be real–it isn’t real.
You mean like, say, Karl Marx. Or Michel Foucault. Or Jane Fonda. Notorious jokers all.
Oh, you were being serious?
I thought you were just channeling idiocy as a joke.
Surely you jest!
And then Hillary would be President, right?
All you trolls trying to say Trump’s rhetoric is to blame are so transparent. You see the rallies and you know that you need Trump to stop pulling back the curtain on the corrupt lying power-hungry b******s you are. So you design a plot that you can blame on his rhetoric and then say the only solution is Trump needs to quit his very effective truth-telling about your party. Isn’t going to happen. The reason so many are attending the rallies is we aren’t willing to live in your Matrix anymore. Take your fake hoaxer who just happens to have a Roldex of every prominent Democrat and stuff it.
(Asking for a friend.) clearly identified the post as sarcasm. But as pointed out in a follow up comment- Poe’s Law applies.
Don’t you mean this means it’s time for Maxine Waters and every democrat who remained silent while their constituents rioted and harassed republicans in restaurants to resign? Trotting out witnesses who aren’t remotely credible to attack a supreme court candidate and destroy his life… did you really think no one was going to take retribution into their own hands? The left has been stirring the pot and ramping up the aggression for the last few years and you don’t think they bear any responsibility for someone who isn’t particularly stable to begin with to finally snap?
The fact that out of 12-13 bombs zero actually went off does seem a bit off, but this guy was apoarently a bit off himself, so it’s entirely possible he’s the bomber, just incompetent.
But to address the whole “Trump’s rhetoric caused this” meme, ….. Really?
After years of Dems urging castrating (R)s, locking their kids in cages with pedophiles, writing plays and movie scripts about the paradise that will result if the (R) president is assassinated, play-acting that they have the bloody decapitated head of the president to wave around, urging mobs to run (R)s out of public life and public spaces, and many other vile “acts of speech” it’s TRUMP to blame that a nutcase acted out – because Trump says many news sources are biased and report fake news?
How many (L) posters here on this website, or (D) leaders in general have spent years fuming that one leading news source in particular is biased and reports fake news? How often have they experience a thrill down their legs at their own cleverness at replacing it’s actual name with a somewhat simular French word to denigrate it’s reportage?
Let’s recap the arguably inevitable results of THAT sort of (D) speach.
A gathering of congressional (R)s gathered together to practice for a bi-partisan baseball game meant to foster friendships across the aisle shot up with one player almost dying. Oh, and the (d)s respond by canceling the tradition instead of defying the attempted mass assassination by playing the game to show Americans uniting against vile acts.
Just a week prior to these bombing mailed ricin envelopes sent to (R)s and a Trump family member.
Innumerable cases of assault against US citizens who dare to “get in the face” of precious (D) snowflakes by wearing a MAGA hat or T shirt in public as if it were legal to disagree with (D)s.
You get my point, I hope.
Bernie wasn’t to blame for the baseball shooter, even if he was a Bernie supporter.
But the violent angry rhetoric of the innumerable (D)s and elected (D) leaders furious that their Annointed One didn’t actually ascend to Her Rightful Throne – that might be in play, I suspect….
Limbaugh is claiming that the guy has prior arrests for making threats, has a picture of Trump and GOP stickers on his van (which was impounded) and is a member of the Green Party (??).
¿Quien sabe?
This guy’s background screams “not conservative.” But the van and possibly other evidence argue for a serious Trump groupie.
I confess to be in the false flag assumption camp, but I doubt that with the van. We’ve all seen these vans. Collecting that many stickers takes too much time and a false flag of this level of stupid wouldn’t have been so careful. Vehicles like this scream mental illness. This was a nut. In this case, a right wing nut.
He has a billion counter players on the left equally or more crazy who will now feel justified in doing the same exact thing or worse. The violence meter just went up several notches.
I would hope that those spewing attack encouragements on the left would wake up and see that they REALLY don’t to play what will turn into a very dangerous game, but they won’t. Sadly I fear a lot more people will start getting hurt on the level of Scalise / Rand Paul.
and yeah, the media will blame Trump.
Trump is a counter-puncher; he smacks bullies down. I blame all the people that pick fights with Trump.
If it turns out to be his van.
did you see those stickers? they are all pictures from the Internet or memes that were downloaded and printed out on sticker paper.
that type of paper, btw, doesn’t have UV protection and in the Florida sun would fade in no time. those stickers looked like they were printed last week.
also, that van was found in Broward County and it wasn’t vandalized? not even a little bit? i live in a liberal city and wouldn’t dare wear anything Trump because someone will do something stupid.
while i don’t want to believe it was a false flag, but this guy is a perfect caricature of what the left thinks of Trump supporters, so it’s hard not to. right down to the “git r done” sticker on one of the bombs. hopefully, he’s just a loon wolf.
A couple of things struck me about the van’s deco.
1) It was clean. Usually the mentally ill sticker types are absolute pigs and haven’t washed their car in a decade.
2) I thought about the UV issue too. These things are usually collected over several years, yet it looks like this was assembled in the last month.
3) The length of the writing. The crazier you are, the higher the word count on your. While the (clinically) mentally ill on the left outnumber the clinically ill on the right in both population and total sticker count, the ones on the right like to put 20 pages of the Bible, Tolstoy, Moby Dick, and their crazy ass manifestos on their window. You rarely see that with lefty-crazies. In this context, I do mean mentally ill. Once you get up past 3 stickers I think it’s close to a 1:1 correlation with mental illness of some sort.
1 & 2, had me still wondering about the false flag, but not 3. Since they’ve got him on priors + DNA, there’s little doubt that this is our Huckleberry.
You don’t think someone committing a false-flag operation would fly a false flag?
So is he Native American?
Central American dope head. Good news is that there’s a whole caravan of guys just like this on their way here now!
Central American is also American.
How could this get downvotes? It’s obviously and irrefutably true.
More to the point, the indigenous peoples of North, Central, and South America are all of the same race, and are very closely related genetically, so closely that they are virtually indistinguishable.
Can’t remember who said or even what site I read it on (my apologies if it was here), but I saw someone comment that all the targets had encouraged violence or at least escalation against conservatives or Republicans.
If true, and given the nonfunctional nature of the bombs, I have to wonder if the motive had less to do with anything Trump said and more of a nutjob’s version of “you wouldn’t like what escalation looks like.”
I seriously doubt he’s a Republican. You can tell he’s a dem because none of the bombs worked.
He’s a registered Democrat.
Is this verified? As in not shopped?
Convicted felons can’t vote in FL.
If he’s still registered it would be interesting.
Nope. He’s registered as a Republican.
Is this legit – his Twitter account?
account suspended
That Twitter seems to fit. Possible native American heritage….left hardest hit
A Mestizo, obv.
Someone pointed out that under Florida law No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any sign, poster, or other non-transparent material upon the front windshield, sidewings, or side or rear windows of such vehicle which materially obstructs, obscures, or impairs the Driver’s clear view of the highway or any intersecting highway.
This van had the windows obscured and would have been pulled over because of that. Something fishy? Possible set up? It looks like a prop.
I would like to know if this person has always been a Republican, or if something changed recently.
Stickers look fresh.
facebook just killed it as I was viewing it. Tweeter account is weird, almost like it was being created with new (old) tweets to make it look real. This is crazy. Something does not smell right about this.
The Facebook site was weird. I didn’t go through it for very long but it had stuff like:
Favorite athlete: Jack Nicklaus
Favorite sports team: Minnesota Vikings (Guy apparently lived in Fla. and was from NY but loved the Vikings.)
Under “About” it was a giant brick of English that made absolutely no sense.
his twitter feed looks like the stickers on his van. and those stickers look like there were printed yesterday – so clean.
also, that twitter account was created in 2015. i didn’t go back that far, but it would be interesting to see what he was posting pre-Trump.
Identified as white male. Associated family website: https://sayoc.com/history/
When did Filipinos become white?
When it serves the left to so identify them. Remember how George Zimmerman, half German-American and half Peruvian Indian, based on family appearance, became “white” and then “white hispanic.”
Elizabeth Warren = Native American
Cesar Sayoc = White
There was even a case in Oklahoma of a tribe-member who killed a black man being called in the media a “White-Indian”. I kid you not.
FYI- the Sayoc website must have inundated today. They have a page up denouncing the actions….
Something did change recently, namely the stickers on the van.
No idea of the significance. These are supposedly from different times, and he may well have done it, himself.
PICTURED: Trump-supporting, bodybuilding, Native American Florida strip-club worker is revealed as the ‘MAGAbomber’ who ‘sent suspicious packages to 12 liberals’
Any chance he has an Avenatti connection?
How can he be a registered Republican and a convicted felon? Florida does not automatically restore voting rights upon compleation of sentence.
DNA on packages, van with all kinds of neatly (and recently?) applied Trump posters and stickers, social media video of him with MAGA hat full face up front at 2016 Trump rally. How very convenient. Can you say Lee Harvey Oswald?
Some of us think Lee Harvey did it.
“Per @foxnews Catherine Herridge there were five sealed Pen Registers for #CesarSayoc in the Southern District of New York. Registers enable law enforcement to see who the subject is contacting and to collect available location data. (repost corrects spelling).”
All roads leave to SDNY FBI. How many links come from this place?
While it is possible that details are legitimately as they are presented (and given the possibility that he’s a drug addled lunitic), too many things seem wrong with this story. Who knows? I may be catching the lefty paranoia bug.
Yea, kinda thought that too until I saw the note from Catherine Herridge and the connection to SDNY FBI. Same location from Hillary Emails, Monica McClain/Ford Kauvanaugh attack, and Schumer Preet Bharara. It is ground zero for all attacks on Trump.
So they got the DNA and that is supposedly how they knew it was him. Uh, how was his DNA on file for them to have found him so fast? DNA processing takes a while too, though preliminary processing would give some meaningful data, it isn’t such as to identify one single person.
Sure, nuts reside in all areas of life, and that includes particularly politics, but finding his picture in a Trump Rally? Seriously, how do things like that get found so fast?
They have reported that there was a latent print on one package
Well, I am disappointed. After a nation-wide talent search, the D’rats couldn’t manage to find a bona-fide retarded Dutchman (ideally, “undocumented”) to
set fire to the Reichstagmail fake bombs? What a letdown.Let’s stop the false flag and conspiracy talk. Who else won big in their office pool betting on “Trump-supporting, bodybuilding, Native American strip club worker who lives in a van”?
I came close: but I predicted he was also a transvestite.
There’s always a chance that is his after hours weekend hobby
Trump is building a fascist army of swarthy bomb-throwing musclebound gigolos!
I got everything right except Trump-supporting, bodybuilding, Native American strip club worker who lives in a van.
Did the van have to be “down by the river.?”
@oldgoat36 a felon has their DNA on file in the state of Florida. The FBI makes threats to federal officers a priority and the Presidents prompting pushes the forensics to the head of the line. This is a little bit of speculation on my part. (The priority part.)
@oldgoat36 a felon has their DNA on file in the state of Florida. The FBI makes threats to federal officers a priority and the Presidents prompting pushes the forensics to the head of the line. This is a little bit of speculation on my part. (The priority part.)
At this point we do not have enough verified information on Sayoc to really know what is going on with him. As the investigation continues, we should get a better picture of who and what Sayoc is.
Unless there have been leaps in DNA identification in the last couple of years, i am at a loss to explain how a DNA “match” was accomplished in three days. Given that Sayoc has a felony arrest record, I could understand a fingerprint match. Also, the Florida election records show that Sayoc registered as a Republican in March of 2016. Then there are the packages delivered to Soros and CNN, which initial reports said were not delivered by the USPS. Now we have potential sealed pen registers at the SDNY DOJ offices reportedly labeled as associated with Sayoc. Though we have no idea if these are recent registers or old ones, this is interesting info.
At least we have this subject alive. We may be able to get some information as to his motivation, if he is actually responsible for these acts.
DNA can be prossesed in 24 to 72 hours. Fingerprints give then a suspect to compare to. So 72 hours is possible given the high profile nature of the crime.
I checked into the processing time for DNA identification, today. Right now, the average time required is ~50 hours, in the lab. Add to that the time for collection, packaging and transport of the evidence, as well as the time necessary for any database searches, where a person’s DNA is on file.
In this case, it has now been credibly reported that a latent fingerprint was collected which was sufficient to identify Sayoc from FBI records. From there it was possible to get a fairly quick DNA match.
Considering how many terror plots the FBI has initiated using unwitting dupes, I’m not yet convinced of the official narrative
Even more insidious than any ‘false flag’ operation conducted by the Deep State, FBI, etc., it’s not a very long reach to imagine that this entire operation is to remove President Trump entirely. Just consider a liberal loon thinking he was going to ‘pay back’ Mr. Trump for all those packages mailed to his political hero’s! Now it would be President Trump occupying the assassins optics, motivated by Mr. Sayyoc.
President Trump has enraged all sorts of people in power, not just the Liberals. Yet all of these people have the means to exact retribution if they should choose. I find it hard to believe someone might lose $5-10 billion due to a policy change and not be angry about it. For the billionaire everything was going just fine without President Trump, but now it’s all in the Crapper, Clapper or whatever.
Things are not really clear, regardless of who they have in detention.
Trump Entering the ASSASSINATION ZONE?
I hope you’re wrong. The fact that we have to consider this at all is scary
I am wondering if this guy will manage to commit suicide. Thereby eliminating his talking.
The conspiracy/false flag theories are not going to die down.
1. Cesar Sayoc is a leftist caricature of a Trump supporter in every way but one. He’s not a Southern redneck. It’s like he’s straight out of central casting, especially picked for the part.
2. None of the “bombs” exploded. I mean, come on- is there anyone who doesn’t believe even a crazy person would test at least one prototype to see if it works? I know people who built and exploded pipe bombs as young adults for fun and games. (Playing with explosives is fun.) It’s not a terribly difficult task.
3. Simultaneous same day delivery to multiple targets in different cities- using the US Postal Service. Who tell us they have equipment in place to view screen and x-ray packages to find suspicious packages and intercept them. ALL of these packages got through- except for one returned. None were intercepted. Of course multiple interpretations of this are possible.
A. USPS is lying about package screening capability
B. USPS screeners are incompetent
C. The packages were deliberately let through (supporting the false flag theory….)
4. His van. Again- straight out of central casting specially selected for the part.
Me? I thought false flag. But now I’m thinking flat out whacko.
This guy looks about as white as Zimmerman. A Central American vibe I think. Honduras or El Salvador, maybe? Not exactly a poster child for Trump.
Former family lawyer for the Sayoc family.
This guy has been mentally ill for a long time, resisting treatment.
He’s not getting paid: refers family to public defender.
Fake bomber became a republican and a Trump fan at the exact same time as the fake Russia story was being spun by Hillary, Christopher Steel and Fusion GPS. You think the fake Russia dossier is the only weapon they unleashed? MagaBomber was just Plan B.
early innings but can’t see how this guy acted alone–too much coordination–too much staging–as others have said, just too convenient
regards an assassination attempt–am praying the leftists are not stupid enough to push that button–if they are, they will have ushered in a totally different ballgame and one that could prove deadly indeed to their very survival–this is not central america in the ’50’s/’60’s
So how does one prove this was a FF or not? It has all the hallmarks of one but that does not prove it any more than the comments of a paid off dnc hack like Ford proved Kavanaugh molested her. We need facts which are surely out there.