Senate Republicans Call Out Democrats for Pointless Stall Tactics on Kavanaugh Confirmation
Even the National Archives is unimpressed

Senate Democrats are grandstanding in the worst of fashions, hoping to delay the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh, Trump’s second pick for the Supreme Court.
Their latest stall tactic is purely political and one that’s in the simplest of terms, silly — they’re demanding what amounts to volumes of documents going back decades. These documents, they claim, would provide insight into Kavanaugh’s legal mind and also they belong to the people because of democracy and other totally unrelated nonsense.
They might kind of have a point if not for the fact that they’ve already announced their refusal to vote for Kavanaugh, making all the grandstanding even more pointless than it might be otherwise.
Exhibit A: California’s Junior Senator:
PAY ATTENTION: Republicans are trying to ram Kavanaugh’s nomination through without full transparency or accountability.
— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) August 3, 2018
Historically, Democrats and Republicans have worked together to ensure that a Supreme Court nominee’s full record is produced prior to the nominee’s hearing and vote, but now Senate Republicans are refusing to produce Kavanaugh’s full record.
— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) August 3, 2018
Republicans want to keep documents from 3 of the 5 years Kavanaugh worked in the White House hidden. Kavanaugh himself has said that those three years were “in many ways among the most instructive” to him as a judge. So how can they justify concealing these documents?
— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) August 3, 2018
On top of that, just yesterday, the National Archives announced they can’t review and produce Kavanaugh’s documents from the other 2 years he worked in the White House until the end of October.
— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) August 3, 2018
The American people have a right to see the full record of a potential Justice who will serve a lifetime appointment and decide issues that significantly impact the lives of all Americans.
— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) August 3, 2018
It is also our *constitutional duty* as United States Senators to provide advice and consent on nominations. Frankly, every single one of the 100 senators should want to see Kavanaugh’s full record. It is our obligation.
— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) August 3, 2018
Republicans’ next move is to try to push ahead with hearings and votes on Kavanaugh regardless of whether he is fully vetted. The only tool we have to stop them is public pressure. We need everyone shouting about this.
— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) August 3, 2018
Sen. Schumer, too
Chairman Grassley, as you will recall, I opposed Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the DC Circuit in 2006 because I believed he was a political operative not suited for the bench. Given what we have learned since that time, I still believe that today.
— Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) August 7, 2018
National Archives Tells Dems to Come Back With a Warrant, Basically
Hilariously, the National Archives has refused to play along, denying Democrat’s request for documents on Kavanaugh during the W years.
The National Archives previously sent a letter to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a New York Democrat, denying the request for documents on Kavanaugh during the George W. Bush administration unless it is submitted by committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, who is a Republican from Iowa.
“Under your overly restrictive reading of the Presidential Records Act, minority members of the Senate Judiciary Committee now have no greater right to Mr. Kavanaugh’s records than members of the press and the public,” Feinstein wrote in her letter. “I ask that you reconsider the position set forth in your August 2 letter. These records are crucially important to the Senate’s understanding of Mr. Kavanaugh’s full record, and withholding them prevents the minority from satisfying its constitutional obligation to provide advice and consent on his nomination.”
Kavanaugh, who served as Bush’s staff secretary for three years, touched thousands of documents during his time.
Democrats have demanded all the documents from Kavanaugh’s time at the White House for review ahead of his confirmation, a request Republicans have said is a “fishing expedition” and a “delay tactic” for a nominee some have no intention of considering.Feinstein wrote, however, that she only wants documents “that show Kavanaugh’s views on and involvement in important issues like torture, the Enron task force, health care and presidential signing statements.”
And Sen. Cotton with the money shot
You already said you're voting no, without a hearing or even a meeting with him. Your mind is made up, @SenKamalaHarris, you don't need any more documents.
— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) August 8, 2018

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They’re not “pointless” stall tactics if they work.
And, against the Republicans, almost any shabby trick works just fine.
Schumer not only knows this, he’s counting on it.
It’s just a shame that the Republicans don’t have any leadership. Yeah, Mitch, I’m looking a YOU!
Surely Dems know about legal databases. Are they too lazy to do the research, or not smart enough to know how?
They have staff – often hundreds – to dig this info. out, and they know that their call for this much back history/documentation is unnecessary and frankly unusual.
Everyone sees through their tactics – however, they refuse to back down or acknowledge the obvious.
Glad Sen. Cotton called them out, and made the motive crystal clear to anyone following this.
(OT–Hmmm….I wonder…..does his name is triggering to those leftist Dems……? After all, if a sprig of cotton in a store can be called raaaaacist, why not the mere word, his last name?!!?)
demoncRATs are just being their usual unproductive selves that they have been for years always objecting, obfuscating, or obstructing.
What is the real fault and tragedy is the Republican Leadership that lets them get their way as if Harry Reid or Chuck Schumer held the majority in the Senate.
This only means that people like Mitch McConnell with his Chinese Communist “Secret Empire” and John Cornyn are co-conspirators in defying the will of those who voted for the campaign promises that they and President Trump ran on.
We apparently had success in convincing Paul Ryan to leave though a “Motion to Vacate the Chair” would be better just to get him gone before the Midterms so that he cannot inflict more damage than he and the Republicrat Establishment has alrady done. We similarly need to get McConnell out of the leadership. I doubt there is a #MeToo in his past, but the fact that he is worth $22.5 Million on a Senator’s salary surely means that since he was NOT born into that kind of wealth, got it via his marriage to Elaine whose family business is dependent upon the Chinese Communists or insider trading.
Tell me, in what legal database do you think one could find the material the Ds want to see? There isn’t one.
Let’s make a deal, with the democrat communists:
One year of documents, for fully funding the border wall with construction beginning September 01 2018, and
One additional year of documents, for immigration reform legislation to stop anchor babies, and deport all illegal aliens asap, all done by September 01 2018.
Jeff Flake isn’t helping either.
Flake hasn’t been particularly helpful in several years.
Go ahead and send them the documents. Just redact everything important.
There are too many. Plus, then Dems would demand more time to read them all.
Just like the time they allotted to read Obamacare before passing it? Remember what Pelosi said: we have to pass the bill ti find out what’s in it.
how hard is it to just read rulings from each of his workplaces?
Um, what rulings? What sort of “rulings” are produced by the White House Counsel, or by the White House staff secretary, and where may these be found?
How many trees must pay for the Dem’s request? Our oceans clogged with empty toner cartridges … Why aren’t the environmentalists protesting this?
The greens are all over this. That’s why they voted in OH to help defeat dems LOL
When Originalists dream,
Kavanaugh will be confirmed, making a it Firm Five. Ruth Buzzy, who delusionally thinks she’s in charge of the length of her life span, may suffer a snip of the Abhorred Shears of Atropos, with DJT naming her replacement (yes, the Senate will remain GOP). Breyer, longing to spend his final days eating Breyers® Ice Cream with his grandkids and realizing that he will now be facing a Solid Six, responds to the loss of the Buzz, by crying, “What’s the use; I can no longer effectively legislate on behalf of the Democrat Party from the bench,” and resigns. The Don goes into action, and the Solid Six becomes the Solid Seven.
Then, in late-2022 or mid-2023, Thomas & Alito, each of whom will by then be in his mid-70s, come to DJT (yes, there will be a second term), announce their retirements, and ask the Don to replace them with people in the mold of Scalia so long as each replacement is in his/her mid-40s. In time Roberts does the same, though he’ll be coming to President Mike Pence. The Solid Seven remains solid for decades.
Krazy Kamala probably has coattails as short as Crazy Eyes Cortez.
Who cares what the Dems do. Unless they somehow manage to gain control of the Senate, before Kavanaugh is confirmed, this is a nothing burger.
What is interesting is the material being leaked about the connection of Ohr, Steele and the Russian, Deripaska in 2016 and other things impacting the biggest political problem in this country.