#MeToo Mantras and Russia Collusion Theories Haven’t Stopped Trump’s Approval Upswing
Tax reform continues to be popular

Since Congress passed tax reform, both Trump’s approval and the generic ballot are showing an uptick in support for the President and the Republican party.
The Morning Consult explains:
While Trump’s net approval rating remained 7 points underwater in January — with 44 percent of registered voters approving of his job performance and 51 percent disapproving — the number represents a 2-point bump compared with his rating in September and a 4-point bump from October and November.
Much of that gain was driven by an increase of enthusiastic support from Republican voters: Forty-eight percent of those voters in January said they strongly approve of Trump, compared with 43 percent in September.
Some experts suggest Trump’s improved standing with the public, and Republican voters in particular, was partly due to rosy economic indicators during this period — from stock market gains to strong employment figures — and Republican lawmakers’ overhaul of the country’s tax code, despite the public’s mixed response to certain parts of the legislation.
Morning Consult attributes the increase in Trump’s approval ratings to a decrease in fear he won’t stick to the policy agenda he promised, and one that’s mostly congruent with Republican ideals.
The generic ballot mirrors the same trends. For only the second time since Trump’s inauguration and the first time this year, Republicans outpaced, albeit barely, their Democrat opponents:
Politico expounds:
“Not only have Republicans increased support on the generic congressional ballot, they are now trusted more to handle the most important issue when voters head to the polls: the economy,” said Kyle Dropp, Morning Consult’s co-founder and chief research officer. “In mid-December, 39 percent of voters said they trusted Democrats more to handle the economy, compared to 38 percent who said Republicans. Today, 43 percent say Republicans and 32 percent say Democrats.”
Congressional Republicans also have a 9-point advantage on handling jobs, a 6-point lead on dealing with immigration and a 19-point lead on handling national security. The Democratic advantage on health care has dwindled to just 4 percentage points, down from double digits last year.
And while House Democrats have pledged to yoke GOP candidates to House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the poll suggests that House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will be a more effective foil for Republicans than Ryan will be for Democrats.
Voters are split on their perceptions of Ryan: 36 percent view him favorably, and 40 percent have an unfavorable opinion.
Democrats and the political media have set their lasers to “Rob Porter” scandal, former White House Aide accused of domestic abuse by his ex-wives. They’re still pretending Trump or his “associates” colluded with Russia, despite lack of proof. Likewise, attempts to tie #MeToo to Trump have failed. Nonetheless, Trump’s approval ratings continue to climb.
Heading into the midterms, Republicans aren’t out of the weeds completely. As the Morning Consult explained, should economic conditions worsen, the GOP may end up with the blame. Further, Republicans running in local and national races as a Trump clone are likely to find there is only one Trump. Loud and brash might work for him, but it comes across as tacky and phony for many others.
There’s also the unanswered question of Obamacare. A constant hot button issue since its passage, Republicans capitalized in every election cycle, particularly 2014, but making repealing Obamacare the focal point of their agenda. Trump succeeded in gutting the individual mandate, but after several failed attempts and a handful of crappy bills that failed to gain traction, the Obamacare discussion is no longer on the radar.

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Morning Consult?
I’m confident the approvals are higher than reported.
As a NewsMax contributor commented last week, probably a lot of Democrats are afraid to say they “approve.”
given how much bad press he gets, he’s lucky his approval rating is as high as it is.
We cannot trust the pollsters, it is not like they have a great track record predicting Trump.
Trump’s policies have always been more popular than the person.
No one since Goldwater has been more vilified. Not even Reagan. I wasn’t around to see what was said about Lincoln.
History tells us that the GOPe (remember there was almost no Democrat Party left in the Union after the Southern states succeeded) hated Lincoln like no one else in their history.
It was only after, that the GOPe re-wrote the history of their hate-fest on Lincoln, making it a real, pure Love-Fest of 100% pure, virgin love for Lincoln in their re-writing of history.
That’s utter nonsense.
The R Party didn’t have its first convention until 1856 and Lincoln was elected in 1860.
There was no “GOPe”.
It was a brand new Party.
The Party was founded by Christian Abolitionists and Lincoln ran on their platform.
“(remember there was almost no Democrat Party left in the Union after the Southern states succeeded)”
Also complete nonsense. Just absolutely shocking ignorance.
Northern Democrats ran George McClellan against Lincoln and he pulled 45% of the vote and carried 3 States.
For much of the year prior to the election, Lincoln was expected to lose. He may well have if virtually all reporters of consequence hadn’t been away covering the Democrat convention at the time of the shocking losses at the battle of Cold Harbor.
Northern Democrats are the reason why Lincoln and the Republicans could not abolish slavery but, instead, had to pretend it wasn’t the issue and that they were fighting only to preserve the Union. Which, btw, northern Democrats weren’t that keen on either. Not only were they not willing to fight to free the slaves, but they’d have far preferred to make peace with the Confederate States of America in order to end the war. If McClellan had won the election in 1864, that is most likely what would have happened. Our nation would have been permanently split.
And in spite of the rats of the GOPe.
ALMOST hard to believe this:
“President Donald Trump faced new pressure on Wednesday from his Republican allies in Congress over domestic abuse allegations against a former aide as lawmakers questioned whether his administration has properly vetted top staffers.”
But THIS was ok:
“Obama appointed 45 czars to replace elected officials; GOP silent:”
Ummm…this is fake news. It’s changed from like 44% to 47% with a margin of error of about +/- 3%, within the margin of error.
Let’s be realistic.
It’s not fake news. A 3% margin of error means Trump increased his favorability from a 41-47% window to a 44-50% window, using your example.
Although I agree the MSM puts their thumb on the polls skewing them Left. And that many people are afraid to publicly support Trump because the Left will demonize and punish them.
” A 3% margin of error means Trump increased his favorability from a 41-47% window to a 44-50% window, using your example.”
Not at all. A 3% margin of error means that if the actual opinion value is 45.5%, the polling data can range from 43% to 49%. The statistical noise is in the results.
No. It’s a basic scientific concept.
You do a chemistry experiment and determine PH levels increased 10% +/- 2%, ie 8-12%.
A month later your experiment determines the increase has grown to 12% +/- 2%, ie 10-14%
Well Fen, considering I got my degree in Chemistry, I can assure you that you are wrong.