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Vanity Fair Apologizes for Hillary Video, Trump Lashes Out

Vanity Fair Apologizes for Hillary Video, Trump Lashes Out

You could use a good laugh, Hillary fans.

Yesterday I blogged about the joyless and humorless fans of failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton after they went off the rails because Vanity Fair had the audacity to suggest their saint give up politics and maybe pick up knitting.

Unfortunately, Vanity Fair has caved and apologized for the video. Of course President Donald Trump didn’t miss the opportunity to attack the publication on Twitter.

So here’s the video:

Deadline reported that the magazine stated that the video “was an attempt at humor and we regret that it missed the mark.”

See that, Hillary people? HUMOR. Seems like you guys could use a good laugh.

Trump immediately jumped on it:

Wintour runs Vogue, which is Vanity Fair’s sister magazine. Wintour makes it no secret that she loves her Democrats, especially Hillary.


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In addition to knitting and croquette-ing, Hillary’s upped her game at baking cookies (for cooling, they’re placed on some of her newly-knitted place mats whose color matches her kitchen floor), and baking generally, Her favorite show (she has all the CDs) is now The Great British Baking Show. (She’s angling to appear as a contestant but things aren’t going too well as she insists that she must come out the winner no matter what.)

Hill’s learned how to use the internet, scooping up through ebay a full line of June Cleaver’s house dresses and pearls which she wears, not only around the house, but to do the grocery shopping. Hillary likes June’s choice of heels, particular when she hangs Bill’s laundry on her outdoor clothes lines.

And is she head-over-heels with what with what she got for Christmas? Well, take a look; her thrills are palatable,

As if anyone who doesn’t read that propaganda rag is going to read if now?

Vanity Fair is stuck with the embarrassing task of trying to glamorize that loser hillary klinton. (Being they dissed Melania Trump, let them keep their cover girl, crotch-picker moooochelle obama.)

Btw, the royal family and harry about to be stuck with a liberal who will do for prince harry what colon pumpernickel’s idiot girlfriend did for his career and the NFL:

“Think Tank Chief Warns over Prince Harry Posturing: ‘Grassroots Conservative Support for Royal Family Is Conditional’”

Harry had it made as a soldier and a compassionate advocate for the wounded. Harry: lie-down with dogs and you wake up with fleas.

Harry’s soldiers were dying fighting ISIS in Afghanistan, while that worm obama was betraying the US and Britain by secretly arming ISIS?. Not even Jane Fonda did that.

Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring:

Humor? I thought Vanity was branching into political consulting with a solid ‘how to’ manual for Mrs. Pantsuit.

Interesting how GOP women have no issues with their cooking, knitting or sewing experiences. Sanders pies rock and she was not embarrassed to say she knows how to back.

    Either do ‘democrat’ women. This is embarrassing to even debate.

    If a GOP woman cured cancer, the likes of vanity fair – and beasts like sheila jackson lee – would call them racists.

    EVER taking the democrat media seriously again? The USSR’s ‘Pravda’ was more reliable of a source of information. (Except to the likes of jeff flake.)

    They’re still quoting that ass obama as he’s reading from a teleprompter, for consumption by prince harry.

    Wake up, harry.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Particularly, by the Left.

The liberals were out in full force tonight with their spin. They’re saying that Trump in-his tweet made a factually incorrect statement because VF is actually gaining subscribers. The Dems missed the point: magazine business is dead and we believe Trump any day over HRC apologists and liberals in general.

Death to those peasants who dare to mock her imperial majesty, Crone Hillary the Vile!

Newsweek seriously compares Trump to Hitler again and VF takes a poke at Hillary. Only VF is called out. The scales of common sense are greatly skewed.

Nazis reacted severely to being mocked. So do Democrats.