Melania Trump's Office Lashes Out at Criticism Over Her Stilettos
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Melania Trump’s Office Lashes Out at Criticism Over Her Stilettos

Melania Trump’s Office Lashes Out at Criticism Over Her Stilettos

Give me a break……

STOP THE PRESSES!!!! First Lady Melania Trump had the NERVE to wear stilettos as she boarded Air Force One to head to Texas with President Donald Trump.

The way people acted you’d think she’s the one who ordered Hurricane Harvey to devastate the Gulf Coast of Texas.

Her office said:

“It’s sad that we have an active and ongoing natural disaster in Texas, and people are worried about her shoes,” the first lady’s Communications Director Stephanie Grisham told Fox News via email.

I posted the pictures and someone told me that the last thing people in Houston want to see is a billionaire’s wife in f*ck me heels. As someone who has gone through hurricanes and tropical storms in Texas and tornadoes in Oklahoma, when you’ve lost everything, the last thing you care about are the shoes the First Lady is wearing.

You care about one thing: SURVIVAL.

Our very own Kemberlee is in the storm and I can pretty much guarantee she doesn’t care about Melania’s shoes. I’d ask, but she has lost power and I don’t want to text her and use up any of her phone battery.

Nicole Gallucci at Mashable took the words right out of my mouth:

  • Melania had a change of shoes on Air Force One. By the time they landed in Corpus Christi, where Harvey made landfall, she’d changed into white sneakers.
  • Some Houston residents have lost everything, a city has been completely displaced, and the death count from the storm is still rising. In comparison, this debate over appropriate footwear is utterly meaningless and isn’t helping anyone.

But alas, the stupid unleashed their stupidity:

Thank God some had common sense:


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Yes, Melania Trump can change shoes, but did SHE change her shoes or did she have a starving Ethiopian child change them then have the child thrown down the trash chute of AF1?

/s/ This is CNN

Fake news isn’t just false news; it is stuff that really isn’t “news” at all.

This is incredible! When she arrived in Houston she was wearing a white top and tennis shoes. Is she not allowed to get on the plane and change? This is what social media is doing to America. We are now a nation of idiot gossips who have not one ounce of gray matter!

    healthguyfsu in reply to inspectorudy. | August 29, 2017 at 9:33 pm

    Our society has gray matter but it is mushy and lacks any fortitude whatsoever. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, and it’s there for the wasting, which is somehow even more tragic.

Connivin Caniff | August 29, 2017 at 4:42 pm

She is too hot to be a First Lady.

Let me get this straight, they chewed her out for wearing shoes before boarding the plane, located nowhere near Texas?

    Kaitain in reply to JBourque. | August 29, 2017 at 5:12 pm

    That is correct. She boarded Marine One with the shoes which departed to Andrews Air Force Base and from there she boarded Air Force One to take a flight to Corpus Christi International, a 5 hour flight.

    Based on media logic, there was absolutely NO TIME whatsoever for Melania to change in flight.

I’ve run out of ways to express how idiotic the press/left have become. So from now on, my standard response will be:

Oh, FFS.

Boy, criticize Hillary’s Mao-inspired pantsuits and you’re a Neanderthal. But Melania is fair game.

Who even notices things like this?

Jealous little bastards, aren’t they?

The leftist men probably lust for her. (Probably can say the same thing for the leftist women, like dykes on bikes – though Melania doesn’t go for bigots.)

Imagine if michelle obama wore those? She probably fall through the center of the earth, and emerge in China.

Hmmmm, lemme get this straight:

The Democratic mayor of Houston looks a large, wet, slow-moving hurricane in the eye and not only fails to implement the evacuation plan that was already on the shelf, but encourages the populace to stay in place, and furthermore refuses to take the governor’s calls, and all the press can talk about is the shoes the First Lady wore in Washington?

There’s actually a lot of news that could be coming from Houston, including injury and sorrow and loss and narrow escapes and heroism and human kindness, but our national press is shallow and lacks good will.

Meanwhile, it is still raining. The storm is not even over, yet. The water will continue to rise.

She rocks it! The USA has a beautiful, well educated, first lady. She even looks great in the white tennis shoes that she switched out to during the flight.

There is a word for the critics of the Beautiful First Lady: MEOW!

Excuse me, but didn’t people come under heavy criticism for negative comments about Michelle Obama’s wardrobe choices? Her choices had nothing whatever to do with administration policy. Nor do Melania’s. And didn’t someone lose her job for a mild comment about the Obama daughters’ demeanor and attire at a White House event? If Melania wore flats no doubt they would say she was doing it to make her husband look taller.

Mean girls.

buckeyeminuteman | August 30, 2017 at 2:47 pm

Liberal feministas criticizing a woman about the shoes she is wearing. Oh the irony.

Rick the Curmudgeon | August 30, 2017 at 8:23 pm

I’m just proud to have a President and First Lady that can handle their own umbrellas.

oboy. This is the person criticizing Melania’s shoes.

Fer real. Somebody went and double-checked.

DisgustedByMisleadia 57 points 4 hours ago

For anyone that thinks this is a troll, it’s not.
This is her page on Vogue:
There’s a picture of her in the upper left corner of the page.
You can also see an entire compilation of her pictures:

I am officially appalled.