Higher-ed Assault on Masculinity Continues: Princeton Hired ‘Men’s Engagement Manager’
“May implement compulsory accountability program for students accused of sexual misconduct under Title IX.”
Higher education’s crusade to eradicate masculine white men continues in the Ivy League. Since March, Princeton University recently filled an opening for a very particular position — Interpersonal Violence Clinician and Men’s Engagement Manager.
The position, which is part of the campuses SHARE office (Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising, Resources, and Education), “works closely with a network of campus and community partners to foster a University environment that is intolerant of abuse, responsive to needs of survivors, and holds perpetrators accountable for their actions. We aim to contribute to a campus culture in which interpersonal violence has no place and our distinctive community of learning is free to flourish.”
One of the most concerning aspects of the job is the provision that allows for punishing students (men) who’ve been accused, not found guilty or convicted, but simply accused of sexual misconduct under Title IX.
The job’s responsibilities:
Health Promotion & Education (40%)
Leads and expands a violence prevention initiative, Men’s Allied Voices for a Respectful and Inclusive Community (MAVRIC), promoting an environment for healthy male social development by challenging belief systems and social constructs that contribute to violence and offering alternative options.
Researches, develops, delivers, and evaluates evidence-informed educational programs directed toward high-risk campus-based populations for primary prevention of interpersonal violence, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking.
Collaborates with the SHARE Director, other health promotion and student life staff affiliated with diversity centers (e.g., Women’s Center, LGBT Center, Carl A. Fields Center for Equality and Cultural Understanding) in the development of educational outreach and training materials.
May implement compulsory accountability program for students accused of sexual misconduct under Title IX.Clinical Care (30%)
Delivers developmentally appropriate, evidence-informed and trauma-sensitive services to survivors of interpersonal violence and abuse.
Provides short-term counseling and advocacy to scheduled and walk-in clients.
Provides suicide risk screening as clinically indicated and makes appropriate referrals to crisis response resources.
Provides on call coverage, evening and weekend hours throughout the calendar year (shared with other SHARE professional staff).Leadership / Management (30%)
Provides vision and leadership for current and new MAVRIC programming.
Recruits, trains, coaches, mentors, and supervises student peers and/or volunteers who will serve as role models for men-identified students related to the development of healthy relationships and healthy masculinity.
Leads regularly scheduled MAVRIC conversations and develops social media messaging in partnership with MAVRIC members.
Fox News has more:
“Princeton’s program is consistent with established best practices that encourage both men and women to create and foster a culture in which there is no place for interpersonal violence,” the university’s communications office said in a statement to Fox News.
Our friend Dan Gainor from the MRC discussed the trouble with higher education attempting to teach their own version of acceptable masculinity:
Dan Gainor, vice president of business and culture at the Media Research Center, said the idea of preventing violence is commendable, but blasted the university’s foray into teaching men how to be men.
“Since when is it a university’s role to teach ‘healthy masculinity?’ I doubt seriously that most Princeton academics have a clue what ‘masculinity’ really means,” Gainor said. “The job also calls for ‘challenging belief systems and social constructs.’ More lefty social garbage trying to remake men so they aren’t men.”
Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

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Do men voluntarily become students at Princeton?
it may not be too long before transgender “women” have the only d*cks on campus
Sweet Jesus, what a horrible joke.
“May implement compulsory accountability program for students accused of sexual misconduct under Title IX….”
Don’t know the code section, but the staff and administration of this school should be compulsorily accountable for incompetence and/or mental illness – then fired.
No joke.
DeVos is concerned with due process. To the extent she can, she should slap down this discriminatory provision. But Princeton is a private university, so I am not sure how much she can do.
Also I don’t know what “accountability”, in “compulsory accountability”, means. If you’re just accused and not found guilty, what is there to be accountable for?
Good luck with male enrollment. Wait for class action sexual descrimintion suits based on falling enrollment. Or something like that.
What self-respecting Guy would want to go there? Waste of ???? to attend, if you ask me.
Yale’s been punishing men for being men for at least a few years now, so Princeton or at least some department there is in a hurry to catch up with “best practices”.
Reading the definition of the ‘Men’s Engagement Manager’ reminds me of a comment from one of my colleagues after interviewing an Ivy League attorney (just out of the university and just after he passed the bar exam) ‘That poor young man, he just finished his schooling and has been educated all the way to stupid’.
Can anyone decipher what the following means:
“Researches, develops, delivers, and evaluates evidence-informed educational programs directed toward high-risk campus-based populations for primary prevention of interpersonal violence, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, and stalking.”
“Recruits, trains, coaches, mentors, and supervises student peers and/or volunteers who will serve as role models for men-identified students related to the development of healthy relationships and healthy masculinity.”
The result is there are no hard and fast rules as to appropriate behavior.