Claremont McKenna Punishes Some Students Who Shut Down Heather Mac Donald
“an independent community panel found each student responsible for policy violations”

The punishments were handed down from the April incident which prevented Heather Mac Donald from speaking on campus.
This announcement comes from the Claremont McKenna website:
Claremont McKenna College completes Student Conduct Process on April 6 blockade
Findings and Outcomes
On the evening of April 6, a group of approximately 170 individuals from the Claremont Colleges and others outside our community organized, led, and executed a blockade of the Athenaeum and the Kravis Center. They breached the perimeter safety and security fence and campus safety line, and established human barriers to entrances and exits. These actions deprived many of the opportunity to gather, hear the speaker, and engage with questions and comments.
The blockade breached institutional values of freedom of expression and assembly. Furthermore, this action violated policies of both the College and The Claremont Colleges that prohibit material disruption of college programs and created unsafe conditions in disregard of state law.
Through a review of available video and photographic evidence, the College initially identified twelve CMC students as potential participants in the blockade. After further review, the College charged ten students with violations of College policy. Three of those students were then found not responsible for any violation. After a full conduct investigation and review process for the remaining seven students, an independent community panel found each student responsible for policy violations.
-Three students received one-year suspensions.
-Two received one-semester suspensions.
-Two were put on conduct probation.All sanctions include strong educational components.

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Since the majority of these students have already graduated.
Typical nothing punishment.