U. Delaware Prof Blasted for Insulting Student Who Died After Return From North Korea
“typical of the mindset of a lot of the young, white, rich, clueles [sic] males”

What kind of person insults someone who died after such a horrible experience? This professor deserves the criticism she’s getting.
The FOX News Inside reports:
College Professor Blasted After Saying Otto Warmbier ‘Got What He Deserved’
A college professor is receiving backlash for saying that Otto Warmbier “got exactly what he deserved.”
The University of Virginia junior died Monday after spending 17 months in a North Korean prison and being brought home in a comatose state. He had been sentenced to 15 years of hard labor for stealing a propaganda poster from his hotel while visiting the country.
“Otto is typical of the mindset of a lot of the young, white, rich, clueles [sic] males who come into my classes,” anthropology professor at the University of Delaware Katherine Dettwyler wrote on her Facebook page on Tuesday.
People from across the country have called for her to be fired, some saying on Twitter that they would not send their children to the university.
The professor said students like Warmbier cry about their grades and think they can get away with anything, including raping women. It is unclear how she was relating rape to Warmbier’s case.
“You throw around the word ‘white’ in a way that would get you fired if you talked that way about the black kids,” a commenter on her post offered.

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I have to agree with the professor. Any American who goes to North Korea or a war zone as a civilian is living in a dream world. Especially if they are white Christian.
There is stupid every where. There was a group of evangelists that recently went to Afghanistan. A country, by law, where witnessing about Jesus will get you beheaded.
The professor didn’t write that he was living in a dream world. She wrote that he got what he deserved.
One statement is almost certainly true. The other is unquestionably vile. The difference is hardly subtle.
This statement exactly!
Don’t be tone deaf to nuance here that separates the line between harsh truth and cruel barbed language.
He did a couple of dumb things but he did deserve better.
“There is stupid every where.”
No more than in your comments, you fucking asshole.
He may have been naive to visit North Korea, but that doesn’t mean he should be ridiculed for his action after he is dead. To those who ridiculed him, may the same fate befall them.
She’s right. He thought he was immune from reality, and could go to such a place and be safe because they’d be afraid to touch him. And yes, it is related to whiteness. Black kids don’t grow up with that feeling of invulnerability; they know bad things can happen to them (which may contribute to a feeling that they’d better happen to those bad things first, and thus to an aggressive attitude to everything and everyone, but that’s way off-topic).
Studies say otherwise. The highest level of self-esteem in America is in young black girls, the next is young black males.
Divine mind-reader?
Once again, an asshole pontificating. Look in the mirror, what do you see? The eyes of a fucking DBag, staring back at you.
What a fucking idiot. “Black kids don’t grow up with that feeling of invulnerability”.
Geezus Kriste, you are one thick, jejune asshole. Have you ever listened to rap “music”?
Ever heard of Black Lives Matter? You’re not a sociology expert, hell, you’re not even sentient, from your comments. Stupid Dbag.
What a fucking idiot. “Black kids don’t grow up with that feeling of invulnerability”.
Geezus Kriste, you are one thick, jejune asshole. Have you ever listened to rap “music”? Ever wonder why they carry guns and act like animals? It’s because they have a feeling of invulnerability, they think hey can get away with anything because of black privilege. That’s right, they are held to no standards because they are black.
Ever heard of Black Lives Matter? You’re not a sociology expert, hell, you’re not even sentient, from your comments. Stupid Dbag.
Sometimes you just have to know when to keep your opinions to yourself Ms Adjunct Professor Bitters.
The adjunct professor will not be re-hired by U. Delaware.