On Morning Joe, Deutsch Calls Pres. Trump “Physically Disgusting,” a “Pig”
“I’m going to go thug here; I’m going low”
Donny Deutsch prefaced his remarks by warning he was going to go “thug” and “low,” and proceeded to deliver.
On today’s Morning Joe, responding to President Trump’s tweets about Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, Deutsch went on an angry rant, calling the President a “pig” and “physically disgusting.”
When Willie Geist asked Deutsch if his remarks didn’t lower the discourse, an unrepentant Deutsch responded: “it absolutely does, and maybe it’s time we all stopped tippy-toeing. I’m taking the low ground here.” Concluded Deutsch: “I probably won’t be on this show again.”
Note: Deutsch also tried to draw attention to himself. When Geist first turned to him, Deutsch was wearing dark shades, facetiously explaining that he had had a “little work done,” an allusion to President Trump’s tweet about Mika having had a facelift [which she has denied.]
Note segundo: Later in the show, Deutsch went macho, suggesting that if Trump had said something similar about his daughter, he’d challenge him to a fight. Noting that both he and Trump were from Queens, Deutsch said, “I’ll meet you in the schoolyard, brother. You need to be schooled. No, I’m serious, this is where this needs to be–” until he was cut off by Joe: “can you put the sunglasses back on?”
WILLIE GEIST: We’ve got Donny Deutsch with us. Donny wearing shades this morning. I had a little work done and I just am a little self-conscious about it. So —
WILLIE: What did you do, like a little lift?
DEUTSCH: Just a little eye thing.
WILLIE: A tuck?
DEUTSCH: But, I’m a little sensitive to it, so.
. . .
DEUTSCH: First of all, he picked the wrong schoolyard to come into, I have to tell you this. I’m not an employee of NBC so I can, I’m going to go thug here, okay?
I’m sorry. Because Mika’s a friend of ours, she’s a good woman, she’s a great mom and he’s a pig. He’s a vulgar pig. And I find what’s ironic about it. Michelle Obama says when they go high, I mean, when they go low, we go. When he goes low, I’m going low. You guys will take the high road, I’m going to take the low road.
He’s physically disgusting to look at. I mean, that’s what I find ironic about the way he always starts to go after other people’s physical attributes. So, beyond the fact he’s obviously not well, and Joe and Mika have a great column on it, he’s clearly, forget, the obvious misogynism, the obvious vulgarity, the obvious stupidity, he’s not mentally okay. This is a man with nuclear codes, we have to start paying attention to it, and he’s disgusting to look at. I know, everybody’s going to say —
KATTY KAY: That is irrelevant —
ELISE JORDAN: — on so many levels.
DEUTSCH: No, no: let me tell you why it’s not irrelevant. Enough is enough! Enough is enough with this disgusting, vulgar man. And to talk about women that way and the irony is that — you physically look like you do — beyond the stupidity of it, you’re a pig, you are a bully and you are doing disgusting things to this country.
WILLIE: But, Donny, doesn’t it lower, again, the discourse to say what you said about his physical appearance?
DEUTSCH: Yes, for me, yes. You know what? It absolutely does. And maybe it’s time that we all stop tippy-toeing. I’m taking the low ground here. You know what? He goes after a woman that way. he goes after a friend that way. He is a vulgar human being. He’s vulgar to look at. He’s disgusting the way he behaves himself as the president. And I’m sorry. I probably won’t be on this show again.
WILLIE: Put the shades back on.
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The legacy media has no problem with this coterie of vile reprobates incessantly emoting vile bilge. If President Trump responds even once though, on a level that these cretins understand, that is improper and intolerable according to the legacy media.
So they get to punch the President and the President is supposed to stand there like a fool until he collapses?
Press: “B-b-but that’s what we did with George W Bush! We could smack him around like a pinata all day, but this Trump guy doesn’t know how to take it. He hits *back* and right where it hurts! Unfair!”
American Public: “Hit them again, President Trump. They’re still spewing nonsense.”
Who’s that pig in the pic with the dark glasses and Democrat Party blue tie?
Somebody should explain it to him.
While he definitely went low, he did NOT go thug.
He went bitch. It’s not the same.
Beautiful, and appropriate, distinction!
Thanks for clarifying it. I don’t speak jive.
Well that guy — is an idiot.
This is all they have. There are no facts that they can use against Trump, so they are reduced to juvenile name calling.
Reading this transcript rant definitely made me laugh…he is bitch mode for sure.
And Joe, Mika, and Deutsch don’t even realize that by taking the bait and responding so predictably, they’ve killed any glimmer of an issue here. To any non-idealogue, this entire episode is just a pack of puffed up fools screaming at each other in a big-time wrasslin’ ring. Yeah, Trump is included, but we already knew that this is what he does – he did it last July, and last August, and last September, and last October. If the way he shoots his mouth off bothers you, you didn’t vote for him.
And meanwhile, Joe, Mika, Deutsch, the NYT, and the WaPo have now proven that they are exactly on his level, so who cares what any of them have to say? It’s all just puffed up nonsense for the cameras.
Joe, Mika, Deutsch, the NYT, and the WaPo have now proven that they are exactly on his level
You don’t understand Trump at all. What he does is effective. What they do in response is not. One is success, the other is failure. The difference is night and day.
Man, I disagree with you big time! Here’s why. These are two has-beens whose show is on the decline and by making insulting remarks about Trump, they now are the top of the showbiz world. I loathe and despise the msm for their unaccountability and their “We are special” attitude but Trump is making mountains out of shit piles by answering their petty little tweets. Sure, we all hate them but this is not the way to react to their taunts.
Or “Past the Sell Date” DRAMA QUEEN!!!!!!
That’s it? That’s all they have? Some guy vomiting on TV?
Nobody has to come back and “punch twice as hard”—just a slap and these kiddies fall apart.
There really are two Americas—and one of them is populated entirely by children.
First, it is simply and clearly morally wrong to attack another person like this. I’m tired of hearing people say things like, “This is not normal.” Normality isn’t the concern here. Morality is. It doesn’t matter if Mika has been “mean” to Trump. Nor does it matter that we can point to any number of angry personal attacks on Trump from others. We have to get past the idea that another person’s bad acts somehow justify “our” side’s misconduct. Morality is not so situational. Trump is under a moral obligation to treat others the way he’d like to be treated, to love his neighbor as he would love himself. Yes, he can engage in ideological and political battles, but to attack another person in such vicious terms is to cross a bright line.
Second, it’s not classist or elitist to make this moral argument. It’s no justification to argue that Trump simply speaks the way “real Americans” do, or that he’s brought into public the language that “everyone knows” people use behind closed doors. People of every social class and economic standing have the same moral responsibilities, and our society suffers when we relax those responsibilities, whether for a steelworker in a mill outside Pittsburgh or the real-estate developer in the Oval Office.
Third, even if your ethics are entirely situational and tribal, Trump’s tweets are still destructive. Attacking Mika like this doesn’t silence her or anyone at MSNBC. It doesn’t move the ball downfield on repealing Obamacare. It does, however, make more people dislike Donald Trump. It’s a misuse and abuse of the bully pulpit, all the more galling because it comes at a time when the positive parts of his agenda truly do need public champions.
Fourth, please stop with the ridiculous lie that this is the only way to beat the Left. Stop with any argument that this kind of pettiness is somehow preferable to the alleged weakness of other Republicans. There are thousands of GOP office-holders who’ve won their races (including by margins that dwarf Trump’s, even in the toughest districts and states) without resorting to Trump-like behavior. In fact, at the state level many of these same honorable and moral people are currently busy enacting reforms that the national GOP can only dream about.
The election is over. Trump isn’t running against Hillary Clinton anymore. Americans are no longer faced with the awful choice of either pulling the lever for an unfit candidate or voting for someone who has no chance of winning. If there were ever a time for Republicans to show some backbone, to tell their president that some conduct is out of bounds, it’s now, early in his first term, when he has time to turn the page and put his past misconduct in the rear-view mirror. Instead, the desire to cozy up to power, the desperate need to win each news cycle, and frantic efforts to rationalize and justify their own moral compromises mean that people continually choose to enable the president’s worst conduct.
That says it rather well.
“We have to get past the idea that another person’s bad acts somehow justify “our” side’s misconduct.”
Well said. May your ears hear the words of your mouth, Ragspierre.
Well, they were David French’s words, to be accurate.
But thanks for the little dig, Marky. Same back atcha.
There you go, again.
And there YOU go again. You’re as thin-skinned as T-rump, and as incapable dealing fairly with any critique.
We have to get past the idea that another person’s bad acts somehow justify “our” side’s misconduct.
It’s not misconduct at all. It’s politics, and it’s not a game for genteel old ladies.
The Left has been playing it well for the past half century that I personally recall; but the Right hasn’t been playing at all. Or rather, the only players on the Right who even show up consistently have been the anti-abortion types, and their signature play is to kick the ball through the wrong goal posts.
We’re way overdue for somebody who can actually play this damn game.
“That says it rather well.”
Of course it does. You found it.
“We have to get past the idea that another person’s bad acts somehow justify “our” side’s misconduct.”
At some point the lack of restraint by the other side leads to a loss of restraint by your side. Said another way, we’re not going into a battle un-armed forever.
Yes, we’d all like a country where the debate is reasoned, informed, polite and erudite. But I, and many other ordinarily-polite people, am quite tired of being slapped around, vilified, called names, and shouted down. I’m particularly tired of people who threaten me.
If they wish to act as children and thugs, I shall treat them as such. Apparently, so will Mr. Trump.
Unarmed? Trump claimed he had investigators gathering the facts on Pres Obama’s birth. It was an outright lie. But Obama responded with the long-form birth certificate AND devastating humor.
Too bad Trump has no sense of humor, sense of propriety or sense of place.
Foodstamps running out early yellowbelly?
What’s the going pay rate for the vile prog disinformation campaign? By the word, paragraph? Or is it just minimum wage earnings?
You’re overpaid.
Maybe I am paid quite we quite well. I need it since I lost all my money investing in Trump Casinos and working as a contractor for him.
Did Trump claim he had investigators gathering the facts on Pres Obama’s birth? Come on! For once, deal with the truth. He said we would be surprised with what they had found out. We were. HE HAD NOTHING AND HE LIED LIKE A RUG.
Maybe not. Low expenses I guess, living at home with mommy and daddy. Wait, is there a daddy? Do you know which one he was?
So you don’t have anything except specious ad hominem attacks. Perfect Trump supporter!
And don’t forget “literally” ATTACKED by Democrat Party PAID GOONS!
French is a NeverTrumper.
His opinions and analysis have the same value as Mika and Joe’s.
You should be able to rationally deal with all his arguments then.
BTW, there are no “never-T-rumpers” any longer. He won. Or were you unaware?
Getting lectured by ragspierre is just like getting lectured by the progs.
Same lecture, just another prog that masquerades as a conservative with “character”.
Here is the short version – “you have to let us beat you into the dirt, you have to take it and not fight back, you have to be “civil” while we will be evil”.
Remember, ragsy is the same man that could see Lewandoski assault Fields even though it never happened, and he has never retracted that opinion. Ever the liar in service to the progs that intend to enslave you.
Retraction? Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black!
SA Aronberg wrote in a memo “there was no reasonable doubt that Lewandowski had grabbed and yanked Fields”. Aronberg also noted “that Lewandowski had lied about the incident soon afterwards.” But he said “that the aide could probably offer a defense that was protecting Trump, and that there was insufficient evidence to contradict that and prosecute him”.
Hardly an exoneration.
Note that Butt-hurt Barri chants the Lawendowski nonsense as some kind of mantra, as though that’s accepted wisdom.
Maybe in the fevered pustule of the “minds” of Conservative Tree Sloughs, but nowhere in reality.
Witness the exodus from T-rumpBart over the controversy. Ben Shapiro left (Barry and his turd-swirl sagely pronounced his career was dead. HA!). Jon Nolte left not long thereafter. There may have been others, but memory fails to recall such nothings.
But to Butt-hurt Barri, it is the thing he tries to use to bash me in his ad hominem rants over and over and over.
The man’s essentially a voluntary idiot, just like the members of the Collective. A person of even above average intelligence can make themselves functional idiots by embracing delusions.
Like he is a warrior in a “war”.
Poor ragsy. Cannot admit the truth. It was all a con and you were a con man. There was no assault. The prosecutor refused to go forward with it. Anyone that watches the video can see it for their selves quite clearly.
You are just a conman. And everyone knows it. They don’t need brietbart, they have the video.
Just one of many examples where you are on the side of the progs. All a result of derangement.
It’s a measure of your delusions that you equate defending Lewandowski with the “truth” and the right, and my observing he was, is now, and will be a wannabe LEO, thug, and fitting tongue-bath boi for Der Donald. And that even the T-rumpBart staffers saw this.
And that somehow makes me a “Prog”. You are an idiot.
It matters not your deranged opinion of Lewandoski. You are a con man, conning your own self with delusions. No assault took place. You damn well know it. You are as fictional as yellowbelly, you’re on his side.
“First, it is simply and clearly morally wrong to attack another person like this.”
Said the person who calls him T-rump. LOL
Again, reading is fundamental. I didn’t say it, I merely quoted it.
I call Der Donald various things because I like word-play and polemics.
You never called me out for referring to Obama as “Barracula”.
And I very much doubt Mr. Establishment is aware of anything I call him.
Odd that you have such a moral relativist POV.
Missing quotation marks aside you’re either echoing someone else’s sentiment or they were your own. The word of the day is hypocrisy.
And the fact that President Trump doesn’t hear it doesn’t change the fact that it’s still wrong.
I never saw you call him “Barracula.” My how narcissisticly narcissistic of you. I’m sorry I was out sick the day it was my turn to carry the hem of your robe sire.
You are just another waste of time who can’t even make sense.
“Trump is under a moral obligation to treat others the way he’d like to be treated, to love his neighbor as he would love himself.”
Roosevelt, Dec 7th, 1941:
“Call the Japanese and tell them we love them. Hitler too.”
“People of every social class and economic standing have the same moral responsibilities, and our society suffers when we relax those responsibilities, whether for a steelworker in a mill outside Pittsburgh or the real-estate developer in the Oval Office.”
Wait, according to the NRO, steel workers and other flyover country dwellers should just die. I suppose it is their “moral” responsibility…
“…Trump’s tweets are still destructive.”
How many times have the NRO “Never Trump” crowd told us this? Always wrong. Every time.
“Attacking Mika like this doesn’t silence her or anyone at MSNBC.”
Silly Fool. Trump is not trying to silence them. He’s shining a big spotlight on them.
“Americans are no longer faced with the awful choice of either pulling the lever for an unfit candidate or voting for someone who has no chance of winning.”
Good Lord. Frenchy still doesn’t get it. Trump won. Bigly.
Rags: “That says it rather well.”
Spoken by a fellow prog enabler. Everything in that diatribe is pure BS of the purest ray serene. NRO, the progs favorite bunch.
As so many, many times before, you just spout crap, including pitifully delusional crap.
Your Great Goad Cheeto did NOT win “bigly”. He won. Barely. And with many of his voters ONLY voting for him because of the terrible, awful, really BAD choices our nominating system provided. He won…barely…against the weakest Deemocrat candidate I can remember. Quite a lot of his voters were Obama voters in two elections. What does that tell you about voters and cults of personality?
He’s not broadly supported, and this loopy, pathological crap on his part is not auguring in his favor.
But you do your little pitchfork dance around the bonfire, and chant your tribal BULLSHIT about war. I will continue to laugh.
The Electoral vote, you remember that:
Shrillary 232
Winning bigly. Not remotely close. Your the one getting laughed at.
Which is WAY down the ranking for winning GOP (HA…!!!) candidates.
You are completely like the left. In every way. Note – I did not say that the Trump victory was high up in the order of R elections. It matters not that many R victory’s have been by wide margins. This one wasn’t close, President Trump won bigly. You are so deranged you can’t admit that, and try deflection, one of your more common tactics that everyone see’s through.
Rags and the other #NeverTrumpers serve the same function for Leftists that “moderate Muslims” do for ISIS.
Yah, you’ve tried that silly smear several times now.
It’s a lie, of course. But it’s all you guys seem to have, so I’ll expect it some more.
In rags-speak, silly smears = truth.
Ha, Rags must not have gotten the memo that Trump won the election.
I think it is humorous that while everyone is looking at the tweets, work is getting done someplace else.
In the first 6 months of this guys Presidency he has changed the direction of the SC in ways that none other GOP contenders would have been able to.
Whoever is watching Joe and Mika in the morning is the problem, not Trump tweets. Listen to some of LBJ tapes or read up on Truman. I don’t think Trump scratches the surface compared to their tone.
With the press on the defensive, I am happy. I miss those great news conferences with Rumsfeld. Trumps tweets are the next best thing to get those snowflakes a melting.
Isn’t there supposed to be the name “Bag” after Deutsch’s name?
Just as CNN has admitted these attacks are for ratings
Publicity stunt for the upcoming tour of
The Psycho Joe Band with backup singers Mika and The Facelifts
It’s MSNBC and that says it all.
The networks goal is to damage/destroy President Trump.
They have no ethics or integrity when it comes to reporting about the Trump administration. We know what they are going to do everyday with the slanted story lines they push.
They are completely void of the primary obligation of ethical journalism.
Then would it be common sense to ignore them and not give them publicity? Whatever else you wish to think, what was the net effect of his ranting? Lots and lots and lots of publicity for a ‘low rated show’ and a ‘low IQ host’.
GWB was constantly attacked by the media and he never fought back or defended himself and they destroyed him.
Trump is not a go along to get along sort of man.
If the media bullies attack him he will hit back
and like bullies when confronted they whine and cry
and blame the victim of their bullying.
I stand with Trump
Later in the show, Willie Geist suggested that Trump respond like W did. I blogged it here:
Where can we get the bumper sticker of:
“Willie Geist is a Tiny Wienie.”
They destroyed him? He got a 2nd term despite starting the wrong war and losing it. He left office while the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression raged.
Besides I have seen him in public appearances and he hardly seems destroyed. He seems happy and relaxed. His ideas deserved to be discredited. But you guys have such short memories that you are busy building the scaffold for your own hanging.
“starting the right war in the wrong way by leaving YellowSnake and the rest of the Fifth Column alive behind him.”
We have a president who was also against the war – or he claims that. I guess he is 5th column, too and a chicken hawk to boot.
My info is that by the end of his 2nd term he was at 22%.
He has since rebounded rather well.
I guess 8 years of Obama will do that.
Simple enough, those that council others to not fight back are on the same side as the progs.
It is a war. Pick your side.
You’re just an idiot.
Ronald Reagan was a WONDERFULLY effective fighter, and he’d be ashamed of you and your cult leader.
You’re just a blathering old fool. A deranged one. There is a war for the American way. You either fight to retain freedom and liberty or you capitulate to the progs.
You capitulated and sit on their side.
You’re a deranged, delusional sack of excrement, and slobbering, slavish cult follower.
Oh, and a liar of the worst order, like your man-crush.
“slavish cult follower”
Another one of your canards. Picking a candidate and supporting them doesn’t make one slavish or cultish. If Trump fails to do the right thing I’ll say so.
Now, nevertrumpers, there is a slavish cult if there ever was. You are part of the prog cult, do their work for them, right down the line.
Donnie will be melting down for years if this story is true.
Five Reasons Why America is About to Become a Very Conservative Country.
I guess having been a Marine and having to follow someone’s order to do something gives me a different perspective on this stuff. In the military, you have to follow orders unless they can be deemed to be unlawful. I can only imagine having to follow a superior’s order after having seen him/her act in unbecoming and childish ways in their daily life. My thoughts would be that they are not serious and sincere in their actions and therefore why should I be. Remember that Trump is the CiC of ALL military personnel and that his example is viewed by millions of people. I too hate the MSM but this is simply not the way to respond. GWB didn’t respond correctly either, but at least the men and women who had to obey him didn’t feel that a child was their leader.
“GWB didn’t respond correctly either, but at least the men and women who had to obey him didn’t feel that a child was their leader.”
I’d suggest the American military prefers Trump as CIC over Bush.
Funny, it’s the nevertrumper contingent like you that seem to be continuously critical of Trump when he responds to the vile progs.
You picked your side a long time ago.
Suggest away. Much easier than having facts. Only a Trump diehard could defend the childlessness of his tweets. As he might say in a tweet: “Pathetic, easily distracted, thin skinned 5-year old.”
People in covfefe houses shouldn’t throw covfefe
You know, it’s people like you that can’t read that bug me. I voted for Trump so that makes not a never trumper. However, if you and enough people like you that must have come here from Breitbart and conservative treehouse want to make everyone who disagrees with Trump a never Trumper you may very well do that with your childish insults. I can tell you without any hesitation that the troops loved GWB. I have no idea what they think about Trump. But I would guess that you have never served and don’t have a clue, but I could be wrong. Leadership is a quality not found in many people and I am afraid as a nation we are still in the hunt.
Shall I post up all the links to your vile anti/never trump comments left all over the internets, once again? You didn’t answer when I did it before.
I’ve been on here longer than you have so you can stuff your brietbart and con tree house nonsense.
You don’t like the truth being told. I made a truthful comment, it’s nevertrumpers that are most offended by trump. That is clear to anyone paying attention.
Voting trump doesn’t absolve you of being what you are. Military service doesn’t change that. Lots of convicts currently in jail served in the armed forces. Appeals like that just show how shallow you are.
Touche! Preach it!
RE: “… so you can stuff your brietbart and con tree house nonsense.”
“I’d suggest the American military prefers Trump as CIC over Bush.”
I’d suggest you are blowing crap out of each of your orifices.
Have you ever read any of the books by SEALs and other actual war-fighters from the Bush era? They tend to love W.
But you and Gary (the Liar) Britt never served in uniform. Or am I mistaken…???
I never said they didn’t like GWB, not once, not ever.
I said they prefer, IMO, Trump over Bush as CIC.
Trump is willing to let them do the job. Bush constrained them.
I know which situation they prefer.
I was reading at the age of 3, haven’t stopped yet.
Yeah, no, Major General Armchair…
Western armies do not fight without constraints. Western armies are not pirates, and DO fight with the knowledge that one of the things they need is political support from home.
While there is a good argument to be made that some constraints were unnecessary and even counter-productive, they didn’t come from Bush. They came from the military chain of command, and mostly were designed to keep soldiers OUT of facing war crimes charges, along with the need to balance staggering force with politics both in our country and abroad.
T-rump won’t do anything differently, and if he tries, his generals will simply ignore him.
YOU know what war-fighters prefer…????
I laugh.
“Western armies do not fight without constraints.”
When the shit hits the fan, they do. History. You haven’t read much apparently. “Constraints” written on a piece of paper are as valuable as your opinions. Those typewritten words are subject to change, being ignored.
Nagasaki, Hiroshima, Tokyo, Dresden, etc. Read what General Lemay had to say about his fire bombing of the Japanese.
Our military does an honorable job. They follow the ROE. But no one should be so deluded to think that should we begin to lose those ROE will not get changed.
You simply have no point other than your pathetic blathering BS in support of your slavish cult of the Trump deranged.
Every single one of your rules go out the window.
I’m not sure where who is CIC comes into play. Being just a turd, my chain of command only went as high as my company commander. He had my respect 50 years ago and still does today. I heard rumors about the battalion 6, but like Santa I never saw him. That’s probably why I distrust anyone who didn’t crap in a cat hole too.
What a Marine and Trump share, neither one is a doormat.
Yes, it is a war. I pick Trump’s side because I know hatred when I see it and ever since the election the hatred on the left and in the MSM has been palpable in the incessant obstruction, innuendo and outright lies about Trump and his colleagues and policies. But even in a war there Arte rules of engagement and limits on combat tactics and behavior and in my humble view, Trump has violated those rules.
In war, there are no rules. You can try and pretend there are, but by doing so you hamstring yourself.
The only rule of war is to win.
Pick a side.
Your comment about there being no rules in war seals it. You have never served and are what is known as a “Chicken Hawk”. A person who tells warriors how they should fight from their parent’s basement. “No rules in war”? Do you know what ROE means? Do you know how many warriors died under obama and his rediculous ROE? Rules Of Engagement.
Oh know! It’s sealed.
Dresden. Hiroshima. Nagasaki. Tokyo. General Lemay. Many more.
Tell me what the rules are now.
Obama’s ROE have nothing to do with me. Nor do they have anything to do with a war.
And you let the other side determine those…
“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
Barry Goldwater
One thing we know about Trump is that he is riddled with vices. Besides who is he to criticize the appearance of anyone else? He borders on the obese and his blond comb-over fools no one.
Who commissions phony Time Magazine covers and then proudly displays them?
Hey look, over there, I spotted a yellowbelly commie snake.
I think low IQ Mika is uglier than a yellowbelly snake, and I am no beauty. So what.
Mika should make sure not to be in a Psycho Joe office alone. She might have a “heart attack”, fall and crush her skull in multiple places.
That’s YellowSnakeInChief to you.
More like YellowStainsinShorts
Well, sure, it’s obvious, Trump’s been misbehaving, big-time. Having Joe, Mika, and anybody who’s ever appeared on their show arrested in a midnight sweep, never to be seen again, was definitely out of line.
Oh, he didn’t do that.
Well then, their show trials for treason and their ritual convictions and executions after choreographed displays of fabricated evidence was a bit much.
Oh, he didn’t do that either.
But we can all agree that the Executive Order incorporating Trump’s name into the Pledge of Allegience, and the strict requirement that it be recited in all public schools at least three times daily, was over the line.
Oops, didn’t happen.
Well, his deliberate program of harassment of his enemies by the IRS and the INS was unforgivable.
And it would be, if he had ever even threatened to do it.
Well, shoot … none of this ever happened. Nor is it going to. So, remind me … what exactly are people whining about?
A President who confines himself to the legally constrained powers of his office, as defined by some old paperwork we’ve had lying around for a couple of centuries, is a bit of a novelty, and some don’t seem to know how to handle it, especially when he uses his legitimate powers even slightly unconventionally. I consider it refreshing. As well as long overdue.
Media changed the rules of engagement a long time ago, President. Trump is the first to play by their rules.
The rules were actually changed when Reagan did away with the fairness doctrine. Technically it was the FCC with a majority of the Commissioners appointed by him. But that is exactly when the rules were changed.
Fairness doctrine? In the marketplace of ideas how did Air America do? Was it forced off the air? Was there a boycott? The fairness doctrine forced fake “fairness” which functionally forced silence to avoid costly harassment. Was it a fully two-way street?
It was Rush Limbaugh who changed the rules and he could only do his shtick after the fairness doctrine ended. Now if you want to claim that Limbaugh is anything but a BS artist with an extremely ideological point of view, you can have that argument with someone else. I gave him more than a fair hearing and what I heard was bogus.
I heard him say things that I knew to an absolute certainty to be lies. I believe there is such a thing as objective truth and that is not what Limbaugh is selling.
With Trump it is, unfortunately, a much easier call. He contradicts himself so often that it is hard to tell if it is a character flaw, a mental problem or a carnival act. If you don’t recognize the contradictions, then this has been a waste of time. He did say he HAD a healthcare plan that was better, cheaper and would cover everyone. He did not say he would work on one. He said he HAD one. Well, the republicans could sure use it – just about now.
Yes, I know Obama said you could keep your doctor. But Obama is gone. Trump is your tar baby.
Fairness Doctrine, a phrase worthy of Orwell.
OK Barry and scfanjl (?), I get your point but must respectfully disagree. Whether descending into the manure-pile with the other side is “winning” is a separate and more important question. I don’t think so.
Carl, I get your disagreement. You find it distasteful. I have no problem with that.
I see a “war” taking place with a leader that is not afraid to take on the progs and the GOPe in order to win that war.
Trump spends maybe 10 minutes or less a day tweeting, and destroys the entire prog media all by himself with no help from the “conservatives”.
I say pick a side. We have only one chance to roll back the entire prog program at this point in time. Trump is delivering. Defeating the prog media is just a small part of that. A necessary part. How many times have the more sensitive folks been appalled at a Trump tweet, only to find later how effective it was?
Yes, Trump called attention to the silly show. Anyone sane that tunes in will find out quickly just how insanely rabid these people are. People need to know. They need to know who the other side is and how they conduct their “news and commentary”.
Moral people have to do many many “distasteful” things in life if they are to prove themselves “righteous” instead of merely mealy-mouthed hyper-hypocrites.
Trump is literally “carpet bombing” the EVIL MSM, and it should have been done to the thoroughly EVIL MSM decades and decades ago.
Again, Trump is doing all this for the “Forgotten Americans.”
Most observant people, not just President Trump, know how the EVIL MSM has criminally done major damage to normal, everyday people – just because the EVIL MSM could get away with it.
Whether descending into the manure-pile with the other side is “winning” is a separate and more important question.
You’re treating all manures as equivalent. They’re not.
Blaming a video for four coffins flown back from Benghazi was manure.
The entire Russian election-hacking fabrication is manure.
Voter fraud as a way of life is manure.
“If you like your health care …” was manure.
Brownshirt tactics to assault your political opponents is manure.
Selling weapons by the truckload to Mexican criminals was manure. Covering up the trail by hiding behind “executive privilege” was even deeper manure.
Whipping up hysteria among your more deranged sycophants until one of them is inspired to take potshots at congressmen (or, for that matter, at anybody) is manure.
Compared to that, we have … what, Trump needling Mika right where it hurts … in her vanity.
In the annals of manure, these are hardly offenses of equivalent magnitude.
Ragspierre, you’re boring as hell. And your diminutive “Markey” shows that you’re tiny as well. Where’s the ignore button on this thing?
Uh oh. Now you’ve done it.
He’ll claim you have “attacked” him, so you are now fair game.
Let the profanity and juvenile name-calling begin…
You’ve done your virtue-signaling and tribal BS chant.
Please DO use the “ignore button”. You’ll find it right behind your eyeballs.
Morning Joe: We’re going low
Trump: I bet I can go lower
Deutsch: Hold my beer
Is it Deutsch or Douchbag?