Will Ferrell | uses USC commencement speech | bash Trump
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Will Ferrell Uses Commencement Speech at USC to Bash Trump

Will Ferrell Uses Commencement Speech at USC to Bash Trump

“I’m still waiting to get paid from Trump University”

A liberal comedian bashed Trump? How edgy! How daring! How brave!

The Hill reports:

Will Ferrell mocks Trump University in commencement speech: ‘I’m still waiting to get paid’

Comedian Will Ferrell mocked Trump University during his commencement speech at the University of Southern California on Friday, joking that he was still waiting for money from the defunct school.

Ferrell said in his speech that USC wasn’t his first commencement speech, joking that he had previously given speeches at a trucking school, a deejay academy and Trump University.

“I’m still waiting to get paid from Trump University,” Ferrell said. “In fact, it turns out I owe Trump University money for the honor to speak at Trump University.”

The for-profit education company was founded by President Trump and his associates in 2004 and was operated by The Trump Organizations before shuttering.

It was not an accredited university or college and was the subject of two class action lawsuits, which alleged that Trump University defrauded its students.


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I like John Wayne movie. Sorry slugger. I don’t need you.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | May 15, 2017 at 2:18 pm

A Will Ferrell?

Isn’t that what the Last of the Summer Wine character of Compo use to keep in his underwear drawers?

Will, your better with more cow bells!