U. Colorado | special new dorm | social justice
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U. Colorado Sets Up Special ‘Social Justice’ Dorm

U. Colorado Sets Up Special ‘Social Justice’ Dorm

“safe spaces apart from society”

The people who would choose to live in a dorm like this are the ones who most need to be exposed to other ideas.

Heat Street reports:

U of Colorado Sets up ‘Social Justice Dorm’ for Special Snowflake Students

Sheltered campus leftists need safe spaces apart from society to avoid being triggered by microaggressions. To that end, the University of Colorado at Boulder is dedicating one of its residence halls to transform it into a “Social Justice Living Environment.”

Hallett Hall will be partitioned into three sections, including one for “LBGTQIA-identified students and their allies,” another for “students passionate about diversity,” and one specially for “black-identified students and their allies.” As a “black-identified” person, transblack media personality Rachel Dolezal would certainly feel at home at Hallett Hall were she a full time enrolled student at Boulder.

At present, the hall hosts “Spectrum LLC” (“Living Learning Communities”) for its LGBTQIA students, which offers “social and educational activities focusing on community dialogue and support” and access to gender-neutral bathrooms. But starting this fall, the hall will be expanded with “Multicultural Perspectives LLC” and “Lucile B. Buchanan” for diversity-passionate students and “black-identifying” students, respectively.


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Am I the only person who sees how the left uses the word “allies” and thinks “slaves”?

George Corley Wallace would be pleased that segregation is once again taking place in universities. Those of us who believe that segregation is an evil, outdated concept will have to be re-educated by these enlightened social justice warriors. These entitled snowflakes seem to be able to convince university administrators of anything, no matter how goofy.

    randian in reply to OldProf2. | May 15, 2017 at 12:23 am

    Like so many things progressive, segregation is only evil when it’s not them doing it. “community dialogue and support” means “whites shut up while we tell you what we’re going to take from you”.

JusticeDelivered | May 15, 2017 at 11:44 am

I am sure that the rest of the students will appreciate not having to put up these parasites.
Another potential benefit is fewer caucasian students will be less likely to degrade their family’s gene pool.