Tucker: Mika “Degraded and Humiliated” Herself by Outing Kellyanne
Tucker: “Many journalists believe it’s literally impossible to be unfair to Donald Trump or the people who work for him. Extremism in the pursuit of Trump is no vice.”

On his Fox News show last night, Tucker Carlson ripped Mika Brzezinski for quoting, on yesterday’s Morning Joe, unflattering things that Kellyanne Conway allegedly said about Donald Trump in private, off-the-air conversations.
Tucker cited Mika as an example of journalists who have “degraded and humiliated themselves” out of their anti-Trump “hysteria.” Tucker: “TV anchors almost never reveal what their guests have said off-camera, and for good reason. People come to TV studios so they can speak on TV. They do not come with the expectation that their private conversations will wind up broadcast to the country.”
Tucker’s broader point was that the normal rules of journalism have been suspended: “because with Trump, all bets are off. Many journalists believe it’s literally impossible to be unfair to Donald Trump or the people who work for him. Extremism in the pursuit of Trump is no vice. That’s the view in newsrooms.”
TUCKER CARLSON: In covering Trump the way that they have, many journalists have degraded and humiliated themselves. There are countless examples of this, but watch this one, as an anchor from another network describes a conversation she had last year with Kellyanne Conway.
MIKA BRZEZINSKI: This is a woman, by the way, who came on our show during the campaign, and would shill for Trump, in, um, extensive, um, fashion, and then she would get off the air, the camera would be turned off, the microphone would be taken off, and she would say, “blechh, I need to take a shower.” Because she disliked her candidate so much.
TUCKER: Now, I have no idea if Kellyanne Conway actually said anything like that. I do know that TV anchors almost never reveal what their guests have said off-camera and for good reason. People come to TV studios so they can speak on TV. They do not come with the expectation that their private conversations will wind up broadcast to the country, especially when they are not present to defend themselves.
In more than 20 years of working in TV, I have never seen that happen. And trust me, I’ve heard a lot of weird things on and off the air. Television networks don’t have hidden cameras in their bathrooms for the same reason. Even in media, there is a zone of privacy, those are the rules, or they were the rules. That was before NBC videotaped Donald Trump without his knowledge and then leaked that tape 11 years later to the Washington Post in an effort to destroy his presidential campaign.
That was not news coverage. It was political activism committed by news outlets. But none of the usual media watchdog types said a word about it, then or now, because with Trump, all bets are off. Many journalists believe it’s literally impossible to be unfair to Donald Trump or the people who work for him. Extremism in the pursuit of Trump is no vice.
. . .
All the times I’ve had someone sit on the set, you’ve seen it a million times, a Democratic member of congress say something nasty about his own party or give a more nuanced view of something. I would never even consider revealing that on the air because it’s a private conversation.

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The legacy media’s collective childish temper tantrum continues unabated nearly 4 months after President Trump talk office. Disturbed is the new normal for these self-righteous, intolerant cretins.
Just label them 666…….
“Use what language you will, you can never say anything but what you are.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mika is simply telling us who Mika is — her low character. The flies gather.
What Mika may not have realized was that KAC was referencing the hosts Morning Schmoe whenever she was saying she needed a shower.
I guess that’s accurate since Connie Chung’s ambush of New Gingrich’s mother was only 17 years ago.
Yep, and Connie Chung hasn’t been seen for a while…. Thank goodness.
She’s teaching at Harvard from what I understand. Warping the minds of our young people.
Ah yes, college, that other bastion of liberal activism only instead of being camouflaged as “news” it’s disguised as “education”.
Yes , especially after the Gary Condit interview in which she asked him 40 million different ways if he was b….ging Miss Levy
I was touring the studios of what was then, and I think still is, KCBS AM radio in San Francisco, decades ago. I met Miss Chung at that time. She was not yet on the air.
When the FCC really slammed down hard on broadcasters to stop hiring whites for on-air personalities, they essentially shoved a tape recorder and a reporter’s notebook in her hand and told her to hit the streets. “You’re a reporter now”. The rest is history.
unflattering things that Kellyanne Conway allegedly said
The operative word is allegedly since “with Trump, all bets are off,” and that includes lying.
Journalistic Integrity has become an Oxymoron. Like Legal Ethics.
Dear Mark Finkelstein:
Thank you very much for the new angle on your morning report. Refreshing!
Thanks, CTF. I do try to diversify my items.
And watching Tucker’s show is almost a guilty pleasure for me, after a day of subjecting myself to MSNBC and CNN!
Okay, I get what Tucker is saying. A culture where the rule is what is off-air is off-the-record.
But basically what he’s saying is reporters know where the hypocrisy lies, but they’re not going to tell the viewers. They’re knowingly letting hypocrites use them to perpetuate hypocrisy.
Citizens are going to have to deduce themselves who’s putting on an act and who’s not.
I’m sure this is part of our problem. Enablers.
As to Kellyanne Conway: Maybe she said it, maybe she didn’t. Maybe she just doesn’t like arguing. I don’t.
Knowing what statements are appropriate when presented in a sound-bite format, and which are more appropriate for a white paper or an essay, is hardly hypocrisy.
People in these campaigns have got to learn to think like lawyers, every second of every day, every phone conversation, every text, every “off the record” moment.
Never forget, never ever forget – You are always surrounded by enemies, even those who may pretend they’re not, and everything you say CAN and WILL be used against you.
Say nothing to anyone that you wouldn’t be comfortable saying in open court before a Judge. If you’re not sure, then don’t say it. Do that, and nothing you say will ever get you in trouble. (or at least will only bring you the kind of trouble that you want)
But then I suppose I wouldn’t be much of a PR person; I tend not to talk to people much unless I absolutely have to.
Maybe she was just expressing her opinion about being on MSNBC.
Or maybe Mika and Joe made the whole thing up.
The media, Mika in particular, is the enemy of the American people. They should be treated as is ISIS and the Taliban.
This is Fox‘s major failing—it invariably allows the hysterical Left to establish the terms of discussion (i.e., “frame the narrative”).
Many journalists believe it’s literally impossible to be unfair to Donald Trump
But all the higher vertebrates on the planet have long since realized that we’re dealing with the establishment Press—we’re not dealing with journalists. So why continue to call them what they’re not? That just makes Fox part of the propaganda campaign.
In any event, anybody who’d blab in front of Mika is not as sharp as she’s been portrayed to be. Remember Earl Butz, the guy who was dumb enough to think he could crack a joke in front of tattler-in-chief John Dean?
Naturally, I believe nothing Mika claims—not without photos and a notarized testimonial from a few of the Biblical prophets. But plenty of other people will.
The media stopped having real journalists long ago and if Mika wasn’t so dull she would probably be hosting a game show part time. She obviously can’t tolerate Kellyanne because she is everything that Mika isn’t….smart and successful.
Hosting a game show? Probably not. But maybe she would be turning over letters since Vanna White is supposedly retiring. Someone could always point out to Mika which letter to turn.
It takes a beautiful women to turn over the letters. That disqualifies Mika since she his rotten to the core.
What I take away from TV and the fools that appear on it, on either side of the mike, is that I feel the need to take a shower after watching. We all know that half of what any of them say is either a lie or a script and that honesty has no place on TV.
I stopped watching Hannity around 2012. I agree with him politically, but his style just became too much. I got tired of seeing him invite guests on to scream at them, night after night. Amping everything up to extreme levels made me want to slit my wrists some times. Then if it is not screaming at Democrats, he preaches to the choir with Republican guests. It got stale.
I like Tucker’s format. It is just him and an opponent. He does interrupt but he’s gracious and his critiques are on point. I am done with all of the “panel discussion” formats and focus groups.
This means I’m down to watching Special Report and Tucker on Fox and that’s about it. Never see MSNBC except when Mark links to a Morning Joe video here. Never watch CNN. They destroyed themselves. If other viewers are like me, Fox may be in the process of destroying itself if they don’t come up with more compelling programming.
I thought I would like Tucker’s program but IMO he is snider with his guests than people like Hannity. Yes others may shout or interrupt but Tucker also interrupts and he come as self-righteous. He is just cleverer about putting his guests down to make himself look good.
So the press should withhold the fact those they interview are lying or admit they don’t believe what they say on the air if they are told that off air? Wow — I guess you are a fan of Fake News.
Mika is not the press. She is a Democrat Party operative.
And the reason we should believe the people who repeatedly lied for Obama and against Trump is???
Sorry, no sale. Ever.
We’re not talking about ‘lying about hypocrisy’ here. Far as I know, Mika didn’t contradict anything Conway specifically said on air. She just publicly disclosed, on a national TV broadcast, the alleged substance of a private conversation without asking Conway on air to either confirm or rebut. Definition of a drive-by, chicken-shit attack.
Tucker wasn’t talking about letting people say one thing on the air & the opposite in private conversation with him. He was referring to the more general concept of respecting the privacy of off-the-record comments. If someone told him off-air that ‘A committed B’ and said on-air that ‘A did not commit B’, I’m inclined to believe he, more so any other ‘journalist’, would confront them about it right then & there, not just cheerily & knowingly participate in the deception.
We are in the first stages of a civil war. Nip it in the bud (prosecute political violence, take back our schools, defund PBS/NPR, prosecute clinton, prosecute sharpton, prosecute lois lerner, vote out the GOPe, etc etc – or look to Weimar Republic and its subsequent cause of fascism for your future:
Well this certainly explains their “institutionalized” evil…..
This reminds me of Yes Minister and the minister’s advice to Sir Humphrey Appleby: “Treat every microone one as if it were a live microphone” one would hope that common good manners not to mention journalistic ethics would somewhat protect a guest.. However it is plain to see that this hope is now a false hope..