FISA Court Reveal: NSA under Obama Illegally Spied on Americans
FISA Court: Illegal searches constituted a “very serious Fourth Amendment issue,” yet media reaction subdued.

A Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court ruling was declassified and released this week.
The ruling reveals that the Obama administration engaged in widespread violation of NSA surveillance rules. The Obama administration was reprimanded by the FISA court for illegal searches that constitute “very serious Fourth Amendment issue.”
According to previously classified documents, this admission of methodical and long-term violations of Americans’ Constitutional rights was made on October 26th of 2016.
This seems newsworthy: friendly FISA court sounds alarm about Obama spying practices, 4th amendment violations,
— Mollie (@MZHemingway) May 24, 2017
The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.
More than 5 percent, or one out of every 20 searches seeking upstream Internet data on Americans inside the NSA’s so-called Section 702 database violated the safeguards Obama and his intelligence chiefs vowed to follow in 2011, according to one classified internal report reviewed by Circa.
The Obama administration self-disclosed the problems at a closed-door hearing Oct. 26 before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that set off alarm. Trump was elected less than two weeks later.
The FISA court sanctioned administration officials and ruled that the searches constitute a “very serious Fourth Amendment issue.”
Circa continues:
The normally supportive court censured administration officials, saying the failure to disclose the extent of the violations earlier amounted to an “institutional lack of candor” and that the improper searches constituted a “very serious Fourth Amendment issue,” according to a recently unsealed court document dated April 26, 2017.
From the FISA Court ruling:
Upstream collections refers to data routes between computer networks as opposed to those communications intercepted by Internet service providers. Even these collections and the distribution of collected and unmasked data, however, are not permitted to be handled in a manner that violates Americans’ Fourth Amendment privacy rights.
Upstream collection is a vital tool for gathering intelligence against foreign threats to the United States. It is, of course, on foreign intelligence targets — non-U.S. persons situated outside the U.S. — that the NSA and CIA are supposed to focus. Foreign agents operating inside the U.S. are mainly the purview of the FBI, which conducts surveillance of their communications through warrants from the FISA court — individualized warrants based on probable cause that a specific person is acting as an agent of a foreign power.
. . . . In a nutshell, it is not possible to capture a single e-mail related to a single target as it transits the backbone routes (or “switches”) that connect networks. The NSA must instead capture packets of e-mail data — which include lots of e-mails beside the targeted e-mail. It sifts through these packets, finds and assembles the components of the email it was looking for, and then discards the rest. (A New York Times report by Charlie Savage earlier this week, in connection with a different FISA issue, provides a good explanation of this process.
By contrast, the relevant discussion in the FISA court opinion of “multiple communications transactions,” or MCTs, is brief and heavily redacted — see the opinion at 15–16.) Even if the NSA does exactly what it is supposed to do (i.e., sift and discard), this means American communications are being seized and subjected to an inspection — however cursory — in the absence of any warrant, probable cause, or foreign-intelligence relevance.
According to Circa, the ACLU responds to the “appalling lack of oversight” in our nation’s intelligence agencies.
The American Civil Liberties Union said the newly disclosed violations are some of the most serious to ever be documented and strongly call into question the U.S. intelligence community’s ability to police itself and safeguard American’s privacy as guaranteed by the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment protections against unlawful search and seizure.
“I think what this emphasizes is the shocking lack of oversight of these programs,” said Neema Singh Guliani, the ACLU’s legislative counsel in Washington.
Watch the report:
If you’ve noted that this is not being covered by the mainstream media, you’re not alone.
The lack of coverage by the Big Three, and the liberal media in general shows their bias against Trump and their favoritism to Obama. They rather focus on alleged accusations that so far have bared little fruit, instead of the legal opinion of federal judges exposing the highly illegal actions of a segment of President Obama’s administration.

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No surprise to any one here.
A talentless traitor, his media diaper and his corrupt, crazy successor Clinton: a recipe for ‘the end’ of our nation, save for the incompetence of- and the brilliance of Donald Trump.
This weasel needs to be held accountable for his treasonous acts.
Clarification: should read: “…save for the incompetence of Hillary Clinton – and the brilliance of Donald Trump.”
No, it was right the first time, except for the hyperbolic reference to Trump’s supposed “brilliance”.
Let’s not forget that less than a 100,000 vote swing in three states and the Red Queen wins, in an election against the most corrupt, scandal-ridden and incompetent candidate the Marxist Party ever nominated. His bumbling, incoherent performance in the debates nearly gave it to Clinton, despite the Wikileaks and emailgate cases that would have doomed her against a conservative candidate like Ted Cruz, who actually deserves to be described as “brilliant.”
Too bad Trump was allowed to steal the nomination from him with 7 months of 24/7 dishonest character assassination, aided by a couple billion dollars in free PR from a media that correctly believed Trump would be the weakest candidate, the RINOs who feared Cruz much more than Trump, and a subverted by Steve Bannon and his alt-right internet stormtroopers.
Cruz would have been so organized by inauguration day that much more would have accomplished already, without all the drama-queen antics and the ominous leftward “evolution” Trump is displaying more and more every day back towards his liberal NY Democrat roots.
Who are these “Circa” people? Friend or Foe of Liberty?
—- Circa is the fastest growing mobile‐friendly VOD news and entertainment portal for the next generation and we are dedicated to reporting the news and sharing entertainment with video and articles crafted entirely with your smartphone in mind.
We deep dive into every corner of the U.S. for stories that deserve your attention. Then we report and deliver news in “atoms” that are formatted to be easy to digest and quick to browse with just one free finger – and people are loving it!
Our reporting is hard-hitting (we break national news on the daily) and we’ve got every angle covered. Authentic, impactful, and witty stories include in‐depth interviews, exclusive stories, news and politics, pop culture and lifestyle, laugh‐out‐loud humor, pop quizzes, and virtual reality footage that puts the audience right inside the news experience.
Thanks. After browsing a couple of their articles, though, they seem to have a leftist slant. No surprise there, I guess…
This ruling was made on October 26th. It would have been proper to see this report before the election – not that the MSM would have reported it anyway.
Sessions needs to start indicting all the criminals who harmed our country and its citizens over the last several years. This would be a good place to start.
Criticize the God who Walks Among Us? NEVER!!!
An alpha Trump v. an obama weasel:
This MUST be seen. This is pure Trump porn:
Donald Trump PUSHES a NATO Leader to Get to the Front of the Pack
What else is new? For the mainstream media and his fawning, lemming-like supporters, St. Obama — perenially egotistical, arrogant, self-congratulatory, petulant, attention-needing, lawless, and, incompetent — can never do any wrong. For Leftists, the emotional resonance of his ethnic composition precludes any rational assessment and critique of his loathsome persona and his disastrous tenure in office.
And, now, the mainstream media fetes this lucre-loving hypocrite and his diva wife on their never-ending, perpetual vacation, as they jet from one exotic, exclusive resort locale to another. Recuperating so that, refreshed and rejuvenated, they can finally fight “income inequality.”
Obama takes the big $$ from bankers after office, gets a big advance to “write his “mein kampf”, and now when it is revealed that Big Brother was watching you…Barack is Big Brother! With all this news about their “hero”, only extreme constipation must be keeping Liberals and progressives from erupting in righteous anger from being sold out.
I recall the shock and surprise in some Leftist quarters upon St. Obama’s accepting an obscene $400,000 speaking fee from Wall Street bond firm Cantor Fitzgerald, post-presidency — these delusional naifs had never before pondered the transparent shallowness, self-serving, vain and hypocritical nature of their idol, so obvious to anyone possessing a modicum of objectivity and rationality before and after his tenure in office.
After all of St. Obama’s ceaseless demagoguery about “spreading the wealth around,” “At some point, I think that you’ve made enough money, his constant vilification of “millionaires and billionaires,” and, his lecturing about “income inequality,” these fools were surprised to discover that he and his odious wife are rank hypocrites who enjoy accumulating wealth and the trappings of wealth as much as any free market-loving, private sector-toiling American.
THIS! The Obamas are definitely spreading something, but it isn’t wealth.
Don’t worry–Gayle King, the objective and hard-hitting reporter, is there. She’ll keep us in the loop.
You mean the “Let them eat cake Michelle, and Barry?”
I am reminded of a Doonesbury cartoon from back in the ’70s where that reporter guy was in Cambodia investigating Nixon’s secret bombings there. One of the villagers he interviewed said “Secret bombings? What secret bombings? Everyone around here knew about them.”
During Obama’s war on white conservative Christians, we are now told that nearly every federal agency, including the NSA, was engaged in that fight.
Gee – ya think?
Hey NYT / WaPo / AP and all you broadcast media folks – none of this is news to us. Your surprise at it all only shows how much of a bubble you are in; how very little you actually know. Ben Rhodes had it right: you’re the equivalent of a bunch of twenty-somethings who have never been anywhere or done anything.
Drive-by-media: It’s okay, the only people they were spying on was the basket of deplorables!
I have mentioned this before. The improper/illegal surveillance of American citizens by the Obama administration is HUUUGGGEEE. If the quoted article is accurate, this has been going on since the the first Obama administration, prior to its agreement to handle “intercepted” communications of American citizens in a specific manner. A manner which they failed to follow as late as 2016. If this had happened in either Bush administration, the Reagan administration or, heaven forbid, the Nixon administration, reporters would be meeting with “Deep Throat”, “Sword Swallower”, “Tonsil Hockey” and “BoBo the Wonder Chimp” in parking garages all over DC to receive leaked information on this practice. Instead all we hear are crickets. Adm. Rogers already made a deal with Trump about this. Comey, who is in the thick of it, is now an outsider and is being set up as the Oswald here, by the other members of the Obama Administration. Clapper and Brennan are changing their stories and having trouble keeping them straight. And, still the press, especially the MSM, is studiously ignoring this whole matter.
How can Mueller appropriately investigate the Russian Hoax , with all the surveillance questions when he was involved in the questionable surveillance the report went back to 2011.
Can anyone here comment on whether we should flood congress for his recusal?
One aspect of this article I was very pleased to see–real evidence in the form of the declassified FISA court ruling. Not “sources/officials” whose motivations and accuracy we can only guess at. A real disprovable fact–the ruling itself.
Nowadays when I read an article that quotes anonymous sources I just put it down and ignore it. It is a pleasure to read a story with attributable facts.
Cue the sound of crickets chirping.
What did Valerie Jarrett know, and when did she know it?