U. Penn | class reunion | attendees | Denounce Trump buttons
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Attendees at U. Penn Class Reunion Wear ‘Denounce Trump’ Buttons

Attendees at U. Penn Class Reunion Wear ‘Denounce Trump’ Buttons

“Trump graduated from Penn’s Wharton School in 1968”


Liberals in higher ed are getting a little tiresome with the anti-Trump activism. No one was ever this disrespectful to Obama.

The College Fix reports:

U. Pennsylvania 50th class reunion attendees to don ‘Denounce Trump’ button at festivities

Over the course of this weekend, members of the University of Pennsylvania’s class of 1967 will be heading to the City of Brotherly Love to participate in 50th reunion activities.

But “more than a dozen attendees” of reunion and graduation ceremonies will be wearing “Denounce Trump” buttons — a call for Penn to do just that.

President Trump graduated from Penn’s Wharton School in 1968.

The Daily Pennsylvanian reports 1967 Penn grad Michael Sales created the buttons to “criticize Penn’s ostensible lack of response to a multitude of unproven claims reported about Trump and his alma mater,” including that he graduated first in his Wharton class. (It is contested Trump actually ever made such a comment.)

“It’s a personal statement,” Sales said. “I think that the University is doing a disservice to itself and to its students and its subsequent reputation by not, at a minimum, correcting the record of lies that Donald Trump has told about his experience at the university.”


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Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania. Isn’t that the place where Pedophile University is located? Sandusky and that bunch?

!967 graduates? Were those the ones who went to Canada to avoid the draft?