Rahm Emanuel wants to make it even harder to get High School Diploma in Chicago
Proposes to Require College Acceptance Letter, Enrollment in Armed Forces or Trade School

If Rahm Emanuel gets his way, high school students in Chicago won’t graduate unless they produce proof of their future plans.
Townhall reports:
Chicago To Require College Acceptance To Get a Diploma
One out of four children enrolled in Chicago Public Schools does not graduate, and for some unknown reason, the city is trying to make it even harder to get a diploma. Starting in the next academic year, incoming freshmen will have to show that they have been accepted to a college, community college, trade school, apprenticeship, or branch of the military in honor to receive a diploma. This change was proposed by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
From the Chicago Tribune:
Emanuel framed the new initiative as his latest move to get kids thinking early about continuing their learning beyond high school. But he also said it would be compulsory. “You won’t be able to graduate … unless you show that letter of acceptance to any one of the four outlets we talked about: college, community college, armed services or a trade,” Emanuel said while speaking about the program on on “CBS This Morning” on WBBM Ch. 2.
It isn’t yet clear how Chicago Public Schools would enforce such a rule, given that high school students are not required under the law to enroll in one of those organizations to graduate.
At a news conference Wednesday morning, Emanuel and Janice Jackson, chief education officer at CPS, characterized the acceptance letter requirement as a way to focus children all over the city on their post-high school plans.

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I hope they meant incoming seniors (which is stupid enough in its own way), because I’ve never heard of a third level educational institution which would accept kids before they’d even started 9th grade.
Where does that leave the kids who want to go into retail careers? The last time I looked, stocking shelves was still a good route into other, better paying and more ‘prestigious’ positions but Emanuel doesn’t consider it as a choice at all! How can one of Obama’s top advisors be so ignorant and … oh, wait.