Vanderbilt U. Students Demand School Cut Ties With Wendy’s
“part of the “Boot the Braids” campaign”
Is anyone else getting tired of kids who have never worked a day in the real world making demands on schools and companies? Some of today’s students seem to think activism is the only reason they’re in school.
News Channel 5 reported:
Students Demand Vanderbilt Cut Ties With Wendy’s
Vanderbilt students hit the streets to demand the school cut ties with the fast food chain Wendy’s.
The group, which also included Nashville residents, marched from Vanderbilt’s campus to the Wendy’s location on West End.
The event was organized by the group “Nashville Fair Food.” The march was part of the “Boot the Braids” campaign led by students at universities across the country.
They wanted their schools to end contracts with Wendy’s unless the company commits to respecting farmworker human rights by joining the Fair Food Program.
“We think that students are in the unique position to tell universities if they stand with these values they should not be in business with companies that violate those values on a daily basis,” said Ania Szczesniewski, a Vanderbilt student.
Featured image via YouTube.

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I can only assume that the students cut class for this. Otherwise, why bother.
They can have my Baconator when they pry it from my cold dead hands..
These students act like they are in college to impose their will on the college rather than to learn from it. I wonder where this sense of entitlement comes from?
We think that students are in the unique position to tell universities …
That’s the problem right there.
Well, that and the fact that both students and administrators act as if it’s true.
I’m ashamed to say that Vanderbilt is my alma mater
You can apply for the witness protection program and nobody will ever know.
Suggested response by Vanderbilt to students:
“Get back in class or pack your trash.”
Wendy’s is not on the Vanderbilt Campus. How how can the school cut ties with Wendy’s if there is no tie to cut?