One year ago American student and veteran Taylor Force stabbed to death by Palestinian Terrorist
When anti-Israel students on campus chant “Long Live the Intifada,” remember Taylor Force.

On May 8, 2016, American tourist and veteran Taylor Force was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist while on a trip to Israel.
We reported at the time, Vanderbilt U. student stabbed to death by Palestinian as Biden visits Israel:
Resuming a pattern seen during the Second Intifada, and intermittently since then, there was a wave of terror attacks launched by Palestinians just as a major diplomatic event was occurring, in this case the arrival of Vice President Joe Biden.
There were several knife and gun attacks today, the most deadly being in Jaffa, just south of Tel Aviv and a frequent tourist stop.
American veteran and Vanderbilt University student Taylor Force was stabbed to death, and his wife seriously injured.
The sad news was announced by Vanderbilt University Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos:
It is with extreme sadness that I write to inform you that Taylor Force, a student at our Owen Graduate School of Management, was fatally wounded March 8 in a stabbing attack while on an Owen school trip to Tel Aviv, Israel. All other Vanderbilt students, faculty and staff on the trip are safe…..
This video shows the terrorist trying to escape. Fortunately, he was shot dead before he could kill anyone else, though accordingly to the Jerusalem Post he did manage to wound several others:
On Friday, March 11, 2016, a service was held for him at Ben Gurion Airport as his body was being sent back to the United States for burial. Former Knesset member Rabbi Dov Lipman arranged the ceremony and officiated, and he was joined by William Grant, Deputy Chief of Missions at the US Embassy in Israel and US Army representatives in Israel.
A memorial also was held at Vanderbilt:
The Taylor Force Act proposed legislation seeks to cut off funds from the Palestinian Authority for its policy of paying the families of terrorists. The Free Beacon reports on the reintroduction of the legislation:
The White House is signaling its support for a new congressional effort to cut all U.S. funding to the Palestinian Authority due to its continued support of terrorism against Israelis and Americans, according to senior lawmakers and senior White House officials.
Leading lawmakers in the House and Senate gathered Tuesday on Capitol Hill to introduce legislation that would cut all U.S. funding to the Palestinian government, which has been criticized for providing financial incentives to terrorists who kill American and Israeli civilians.
The White House signaled its support for the legislation in a vast departure from the Obama administration, which worked against similar efforts when in power.
The murder of Taylor Force was part of what became known as the “Knife Intifada,” in which stabbings became the hallmark of Palestinian attacks.
When anti-Israel students on campus, such as these students at UT-Austin, chant “Long Live the Intifada,” remember Taylor Force.

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The backstabber could have had accomplices.
We might want to check where Paul Ryan was that day.
Congrats for crafting the absolute, hands-down, most idiotic and dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks comment one could possible conceive, regarding this post — comparing Ryan to a vicious Islamic terrorist and murderer.
Your moral compass (to say nothing of your intellect) is in sore need of re-alignment.
That rat Ryan – and that other rat, McConnell – are subverting our only chance to be free of the most fascistic law in American history. How many people will lose their freedom or die because of it?
I’ll take the vicious Islamic terrorist and murderer – much easier to deal with.
Where is your moral compass?