Georgetown prof | justifies rape and slavery | under Islam
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Georgetown Prof Reportedly Thinks Slavery, Rape OK Under Islam

Georgetown Prof Reportedly Thinks Slavery, Rape OK Under Islam

“Slaves in Islamic civilization were mostly investments.”

This is shocking. How can a professor say such things are justified for any reason?

Campus Reform reports:

Islamic Studies prof: slavery, rape OK under Islam

Georgetown University professor of Islamic Studies Jonathan Brown is under fire following a lecture he gave defending slavery and rape under Islamic law, arguing that slavery is not an absolute “moral evil.”

In his February 7 remarks at the International Institute of Islamic Thought entitled “Islam and the Problem of Slavery”, Brown said, “The Prophet of God had slaves…There’s no denying that. Are you more morally mature than the Prophet of God? No you’re not.”

Brown, the director of the Prince Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service, attempted to distinguish slavery in the Muslim world from slavery in the United States.

“You don’t find the brutality that you see in American slavery in Muslim Empires,” he said. “Generally, it is simply not very common. Slaves in Islamic civilization were mostly investments.”

Brown also discussed the role of women who became enslaved after conquests, arguing that there is little difference between a woman “who is captured in a raid in the steppes of Central Asia brought to Istanbul’s slave market” and a woman who is “a poor baker’s daughter who gets married to some baker’s son without any choice because no one expects her to have any choice,” because both women were likely treated equally, regardless of one’s status as a slave.

“The difference between these two people is not that big,” he said. “We see it as enormous because we’re obsessed with the idea of autonomy and consent.”


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Listen to people. They will tell you exactly who they are.

“You don’t find the brutality that you see in American slavery in Muslim Empires,” he said.

The victims of the Barbary Pirates beg to differ.

we’re obsessed with the idea of autonomy and consent

It’s called freedom. And yes, some of us are obsessed with it. It’s no accident that the concept was one of America’s founding principles. And yes, it is not compatible with Islam.


Morally mature? He was a barbaric, illiterate nomad robber who was a pedophile. Prophet of God, my foot.

all from the formerly catholic institution called “Georgetown”

“Are you more morally mature than the Prophet of God? No you’re not.”

Well, if the dude had slaves, then yes, I think I would be. The thought of having slaves is abhorrent to me.

    Walker Evans in reply to rinardman. | February 22, 2017 at 1:02 am

    I absolutely consider myself superior, morally and otherwise, to a butchering, self-agrandizing pedophile who lived 1400 years ago, and the moral cripples of today who consider this piece of human filth “The Perfect Man”, whose every action is to be emulated by his followers.

    Definitely superior.

legalizehazing | February 21, 2017 at 9:42 pm

Ph.D huh

The Arabian countries got their slaves from Arab slave traders in Africa, which is why family names like “Obama” are found in Kenya. Of course the slaves were indigenous Africans who, I am sure, would have rather been left in the forest than rounded up with gun, whip, and chain. This “professor” teaches our children such garbage? Students of African heritage would be in his classes, what do they say? Why no protest? Why does the school tolerate this crap? Are all things Islamic to be held inviolate?

It’s funny how when Leftists say this tripe it’s “controversial”, but when conservative leaders even come close to hinting at the suggestion that they might have possibly thought something vaguely similar, then immediate calls for their termination and ultimate exile are demanded.

Slavery in the American South was entirely “investments” from what I’ve read. They were bought and used to do work.

At this point we have what we need to exclude Islam from the country.

Richard Aubrey | February 23, 2017 at 9:49 am

Ought to see what they’re saying about this on Inside Higher Ed.