Fox News Welcomes Back Bob Beckel to ‘The Five’
He’s back!!!

Liberal pundit Bob Beckel will reunite with Eric Bolling, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Greg Gutfeld, and Dana Perino on Fox’s The Five starting today. Fox released a press statement announcing his return:
In making the announcement, Murdoch said, “Bob was missed by many fans of The Five and we’re happy to welcome him back to the show.”
Beckel commented, “I’m thrilled for the opportunity to go home again and join my television family around the table of The Five. I have no doubt it will be a vigorous yet entertaining debate.”
One of the most watched programs on cable television since its inception in 2011, The Five is comprised of five personalities with combined backgrounds in politics, law, business, sports, media and comedy. The co-hosts have undeniable chemistry and engage in a lively roundtable discussion. With their unique perspectives, they debate, deliberate and sometimes debunk the top news stories, issues, and controversies of the day, as well as each other.
Fox let go of Beckel back in June 2015, saying that the network “tried to work with Bob for months, but we couldn’t hold The Five hostage to one man’s personal issues.”

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Were his personal issues that he is a doofus? How do people such as him and Gulfoyle get gigs like this?
This seems to be the Joe Biden Ladder of Success model:
You can be one of the most idiotic, unctuous, stupid jackasses and still become the Vice President.
He’s an alcoholic and no doubt a joy to work with when he’s drinking.
Every time I see Bob Beckel, I wish someone would have given him this advice years ago:
This just reinforces why, two years ago, I quit watching (or paying for) Fox News.
Just when they get rid of some old trash, they bring back some older trash.
Sly like a Fox is out of style.
The field of play has changed, Obama (D) out, Trump (R) in. The Five needs a new lefty ogre, Beckel is apparently back on the wagon, so sign him up. News is not news. It’s 95% entertainment first. Woofy Beckel is entertaining.
I won’t join the personal attack campaign like some. Funny how some on the right resort to the same tactics as the left in that way. I personally know enough substance abusers to appreciate how it can take over.
I will say he aged 5 years in the year or whatever he was gone. And from watching it sounds like he will not be on every day, which is great. He’s only tolerable in small doses. But no liberal on FNC has better connections in the progressive world
Every thing they threw at Romney he predicted or just casually brought up prior. Great insight. If I were on Trump’s staff I would pay close attention to his appearances. If he ever brings up a smear before anyone else, you can bet it’s in the Dem slow cooker and it’s coming at some point.
Either there’s a big black boxy style space at the end of the piece or my computer isn’t reading whatever should be there.
Did you switch to a different video player? Is there a video at the end?
I do get a youtube on Kemberlee’s article on MLK.
I’m seeing glitches, too. As I move between LI pages, I first get a blank white page below the heading and have to click refresh to get to next page. It comes and goes with no pattern I can detect.
It’s the Russians.
Yep, he’s back……and I turned the channel.
Personally I happy to see him back. When Williams was gone they usually brought in Geraldo and anyone is better than him.
Personal issues….
Hey FOX, here’s a novel idea: let’s stop turning political analysts into celebrities with book deals and just focus on what is important.
I thought MeAgain making herself the center of the story after the first GOP debate taught you something.
What are you talking about? Fox is the ONLY cable news station that exited the November election with an average larger audience than before. The others have been lucky to return to their past levels, or drop just marginally.
You may not like them and your rant may feel good. But, good or bad, their business model is successful.
The four other staff did their best to rehabilitate the mean old drunk. He duly played the stooge and hid a little of his malice. His foul mouth and mood swings are painful to watch. He seems truly appreciative for the gig and bucks but that won’t last long. Viewers were simply sick of Williams total adherence to White House talking points every single day and it was time to rotate him out plus he may be suffering some burnout as he had to resort to looking clueless more often. Beckel is a nasty guy and very undisciplined. This won’t last long and his contract probably reflects it.
He started being way too belligerent today about Hillary and illegitimate election. He seems troubled. Don’t think he’s going to last
Casual: “their business model is successful”
That’s just swell. But journalists should be information brokers first, otherwise you can’t trust what they are telling you. The “business model” you are defendimg is the same business model that agitated race relations by lying about Trayvon Martin, Eric Brown,Fredie Grey etc because riots make for good ratings.
If you want sensationalism and celebrity stars, get HBO.
“Your rant may make you feel better”
Rant? Go pound sand.