Former Obama Aide: Trump ‘Very Reminiscent of Cross-Burning on Your Lawn, KKK’
Trump “spends more time decrying a New York Times reporter than these white supremacists”

A former Obama White House adviser to President Obama, Karine Jean-Pierre, said this morning that “the thing about Donald Trump is that he is the known. He is, it is very reminiscent of cross-burning in front of your house. Of the KKK.”
Jean-Pierre made her outrageous remark in response to a question from Al Sharpton, on his MSNBC show, as to what justice will be like under President Trump. The supposed Republican on the panel, Elise Jordan, rather than refuting Jean-Pierre, essentially seconded her, saying Trump “spends more time decrying a New York Times reporter than these white supremacists who are going out and committing these horrible acts.”
Think about it: this wasn’t some random lefty off the street explicitly predicting that justice under President Trump will be “very reminiscent of cross burning in front of your house” and the KKK. This was a former senior Obama campaign aide and White House advisor.
AL SHARPTON: What will justice be like under President Obama–under President Trump, rather, and Attorney General Sessions?
KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: Well that’s the fear, right? There is the unknown and the known. When President Obama first became president, he was the unknown.
JEAN-PIERRE: People didn’t know what to expect. The thing about Donald Trump is that he is the known, right? He is, it is very reminiscent of cross-burning in front of your house, right? Of the KKK. David Duke praised Sessions and praised Bannon.
SHARPTON: And at first Trump said he wasn’t very familiar with who Duke was.
JEAN-PIERRE: Meanwhile, he’s retweeting, he spent the election retweeting white nationalists.
ELISE JORDAN: He spends more time decrying a New York Times reporter than these white supremacists who are going out and committing these horrible acts.

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“This was a former senior Obama campaign aide and White House advisor.”
Explains a lot. Does it not? The perpetually aggrieved just have to keep their narrative going. Otherwise, who else would they have to blame?
Somehow I don’t think the 72% illegitimacy rate (a far greater problem than the KKK) is caused by white people.
On the contrary, the Evil White Man constantly emits invisible mind control rays that make blacks rut like animals and makes black kids under-perform at school.
What! An Obama campaign aide and WH advisor speaks ill of the GOP president-elect? Stop the presses!
It’s one thing for an Obama aide to speak ill of Trump, but surprising to me to hear one explicitly analogize him to a cross-burning KKKer.
That’s all we’ve heard for a year.
KKK were Democrats, anyway…
He’s not even in office yet, but they know all about the future.
What, Democrats wallowing in prejudice and bigotry?
I’m shocked!
They didn’t seem to know the future on the morning of Election Day
I am sharing this again…as I never tire of this Youtube Video:
I’m glad you did. I hadn’t seen this. It’s a gem!
But we now know that the KKK is funded by A & E
Best remark of the new year so far!!!
+1000 … Ha!
About 99.9% of America never heard of her. Let’s keep it that way
WHAT attacks by the KKK on blacks?! There haven’t been any and Trump hasn’t been sworn into office yet. Twits.
Isn’t the KKK, Kool Kolored Kids?
I am offended by this lying woman’s failure to recognize a genuine civil rights pioneer.
In 1997, Trump purchased his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida and converted it into a private club. Under existing law, Jews and blacks were not allowed.
Trump asked the town council to lift the existing restrictions on the club, and when they refused, filed a $100 million lawsuit alleging the town was “discriminating against Mar-a-Lago, in part because it is open to Jews and African Americans.”
Bill Clinton, however, was a member of a whites-only golf club
I don’t recall having heard of the Trump/Pam Beach incident. Too bad you weren’t a part of the MNSBC discussion and conveyed this to the panel. Thanks for posting.
If Trump condemned the guy who torched a black church and spray painted it with racist slogans, he’d be condemned for attacking a black man.
It is troubling that allegedly intelligent and informed people like this engage in crass, gutter politics lies and disinformation. I guess they’re preaching to their illiterate and unthinking voter base.
Trump doesn’t pay attention to tiny, fringe groups because they’re NOT IMPORTANT, and it lends credibility to them if you constantly keep them on the front page and lead news items. Trump has denounced them many times.
But when an alleged newspaper like the NYT prints lies and hit-pieces that get disseminated around the nation and world, you need to immediately attack the source of the falsehoods and smears so it doesn’t gain traction.
What is the matter with the left? Have they lost their last contact with reality? Or have they just gone into full berserker mode?
Either way, there is no doubt the country dodged disaster by not electing Hillary. Thank God.
Ha Ha Ha
“What is the matter with the left? Have they lost their last contact with reality? Or have they just gone into full berserker mode?”
Ha Ha Ha
No, they haven’t lost their contact with reality. They somehow became disconnected some time ago. They look like they might be normal, but they are disconnected from reality. Sort of like zombies. I read of diseases being nearly eradicated, and then recall the anti-virus campaign is from wealthy, “educated” people. Look at their embrace of the “global warming” madness. They don’t believe in the One True God, and so must find new ways to demonstrate “virtue”. Like organic food.
“Trump doesn’t pay attention to tiny, fringe groups because they’re NOT IMPORTANT, and it lends credibility to them if you constantly keep them on the front page and lead news items. Trump has denounced them many times.”
The game the leftist lunatic media would play is to have a long line of fringe groups. They would interview them one at a time, and give them the spotlight. Then the would quiz the conservative candidate about whether the candidate agreed or disagreed with the fringe movement. Most of the time would be spent giving limelight to the fringe groups. Meanwhile, really dangerous groups, such as Sharia believing Mohammedans, are given free passes to believe and do whatever they want.
Karine looks and sounds like an AA pick to me.
Maybe because galloping left wing anti-semitism and ani-Americanism, aided and batted by the NY Tiimes is a far worse danger than the few anti-semites on the right.
Yeah, like that idiot ever owned a house – let alone had a cross burned in front of one.
Robert Byrd was unavailable for comment…
The KKK were the militant arm of the Democrat Party. They were Pro-Choice/diversitists who denied individual dignity. They were anti-Christian. They burned crosses rather than flags. They drowned Christ figurines in a vat of urine.
The Klu Klux Klan, a.k.a. “The Klan” were definitely Protestants and Democrats. They did lynch Blacks and Whites without the benefit of a trial. Usually they worked in the mob action by hooded cowards. The Whites they lynched tended to be either Republican, Catholic, or Jewish. Myself, I’m two of those three.
The Confederate Occupied South was strongly Republican until the end of Reconstruction. The Democrats made a deal, and for they votes in the Electoral College, the Democrats withdrew Federal troops. Jim Crow laws came after the Federal troops left.
Another self-important hyphenated-name quota-hire female heard from.
As ugly as Michelle Obama, and just as ignorant.
A former Obama White House adviser to President Obama, Karine Jean-Pierre, and her total intellectual abilities can be boiled down to “it’s racism”.
Wonder how many years of AA schooling it took her to finally figure that one out.
After 8+ years of this I am suffering from Negro Fatigue. I just don’t give a damn about this person or her tribe. We have wasted way too much civil capitol and financial capitol on a tribe that is unwilling to, or unable to function is an advanced technological society. Given the money and effort we have spent on the “Great Society” programs in the last 45 years we could have had a functioning habitat on both the Moon and probably Mars.
I would rather spend the time, effort and money on other things that have the potential to raise human goals and achievements. If that is racist… so be it. I am done with people who think like this person.
It reminds me a lot of Palestinian Fatigue.
Or maybe it should be called Palestinian Disease, since I have gotten to where hearing about them just makes me sick.
Well since FDA calcium RDAs are now as racist as the KKK, she’s technically right.
Good riddance to these clowns.
Perhaps Mr. Trump understands which one more threatens our country…
Esquire Magazine ran an article titled “Why White Supremacists Support Barack Obama” in June, 2008. They’d interviewed four white supremacist groups and one black nationalist about who they preferred for president.
Three of the four white supremacists supported Obama and the black nationalist supported McCain. Aside from Esquire, I don’t think anybody else in the media touched the story. I guess they were not vested in building a narrative about Obama’s being “associated” with white supremacists like they’ve been invested in tarring Trump with that smear non-stop for a year and a half.
Point 2. Democrats have been trying to associate Republicans with fascist/racists since at least Truman. Truman was in a very close and tight race in 1948. During the campaign he went on a “whistle stop” tour by train stopping in many towns giving the same stump speech. His opponent was east coast liberal Republican Thomas Dewey. Here is the October 26, 1948 New York Times headline about Truman’s stop in Chicago:
“President Likens Dewey to Hitler as Facists’ Tool,” read the Times headline, followed by the subhead, “Dictatorship Stressed.”
The Times headline writer continued, “Truman Tells Chicago Audience a Republican Victory Will Threaten U.S. Liberty – Says When Bigots, Profiteers Get Control of Country They Select ‘Front Man’ to Rule.”
They did the same thing to Barry Goldwater 16 years later in 1964. Despite his grandfather being Jewish, they still made the Hitler comparisons. Except by now the mainstream media was thoroughly corrupted and joined in. “Respected” CBS newsman Daniel Schorr turned Goldwater giving a speech to American military personnel who then controlled the German ski resort of Garmisch in the Alps into Goldwater aligning himself with German Neo-Nazis. The Democrat/media smears against Goldwater were about as bad as they’ve been against Trump, if not worse.
“In a period of ten months,” wrote Lionel Lokos in his book Hysteria 1964, “Barry Goldwater was accused of being another Adolf Hitler, fomenting a racial holocaust, advocating a nuclear policy that would destroy half the world, seeking to destroy Social Security, being a lunatic paving the way for totalitarian government.” Sounds exactly like what they did to Trump, no?
Democrats comparing Republicans to Nazi/Hitler/racists has been going on for almost 70 years. It’s what they do.
“The thing about Donald Trump is that he is the known, right? He is, it is very reminiscent of cross-burning in front of your house, right? Of the KKK.”
Ummm… Project much?