Loyola Prof Calls Cops on Student Because He’s Wearing His Police Officer Uniform
“I didn’t have time to change.”
The mere sight of a college student wearing a police uniform is triggering now?
Heat Street reports:
Loyola Professor Calls Cops on Student Because He’s Wearing His Police Officer Uniform
Josh Collins, a sheriff’s sergeant in New Orleans, attends classes at Loyola University when he is not working. This week, one of his professors called the police on Collins himself — apparently because he showed up in class wearing his uniform, which freaked out one of the other students.
Collins addressed the incident in a Facebook post that has now been shared over 1,000 times. He starts by mentioning that “as a white male conservative, I have put up with a lot of prejudicial and biased comments directed towards me while attending Loyola University New Orleans.” He usually finds the comments funny, because “the ideals of a 18 year old ultra socialist frankly are funny.” But the latest incident made him sad, he said.
“Given how busy we have been this past week, including today, I showed up to class late and was still in full uniform because I didn’t have time to change.” he wrote, “Obviously, being in full police uniform, I was armed.” He says that a “fellow classmate complained to the professor of their uncomfortableness of having an armed police officer in the class”—even though he has sat in the same class for six weeks, so the student would have known who he was.
His professor then called the police, but Collins says he was “not privileged to either of these conversations as they took place behind my back.” His professor then approached him and informed him that they had called the police, but the police never came because Collins was perfectly within the law.
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“Perfectly within the law” – isn’t that “triggering” for the left?
Apparently, Josh Collins forgot to complain to the professor that he was uncomfortable being treated like a criminal.
Hmm, missed this one with all the other “news” going on.
Some days I think certain institutions should just be banned out of existence and their administration hung on lampposts.
Perhaps we should start with Loyola “University”.