Greece Pulls Diet Coke, Heinz Ketchup After Eco-Terrorist Threats
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Greece Pulls Diet Coke, Heinz Ketchup After Eco-Terrorist Threats

Greece Pulls Diet Coke, Heinz Ketchup After Eco-Terrorist Threats

Green Nemisis threatened to attack between December 22 – January 5.

Eco-terrorist group Green Nemesis threatened to contaminate food and beverages produced by Coca-Cola, Heinz, Nestle, and Unilever, forcing stores in Greece to pull those products from the shelves. The London Times reported:

Greek authorities said yesterday that the companies — also including Delta, a local dairy group — had withdrawn their products. Green Nemesis said it had injected chlorine and hydrochloric acid into 29 bottles of Diet Coke, salad dressings, 23 ketchup bottles, milk cartons and 22 containers of an iced tea made by Coca-Cola and distributed by Nestlé. Counterterrorism officials said that the threat was credible.

Green Nemesis claimed that it had used syringes to pierce paper cartons and contaminate the products. The group said that it would put the contaminated products on the shelves from today to January 5.

The terrorists said: “ We will steer clear of all electronic surveillance devices.”

The eco-terrorists said they were targeting Coca-Cola because its operations in China made profits out of forced labour and it blamed Nestlé for the deaths of 1.5 million children in developing countries.


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The world is full of whackos.

How are they injecting anything into bottles? Even if they could, maintaining the internal pressure in a container of Coke would be quite a trick.

Anybody who could do that could do something useful, maybe. Hey, drive a truck, or something.

Nothing like killing people to teach the world about how killing people is so wrong.