Rep. Darrell Issa Officially Wins Reelection
Hooray for the good guys

After weeks of a race too close to call, the California Representative and former Chair of the House Oversight Committee was declared the winner in his reelection bid.
From The Hill:
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) was announced the winner of his reelection race by a razor-thin margin after nearly three weeks of the results being too close to call.
Issa fended off Marine Col. Doug Applegate (D), a political newcomer, in the toughest race of his career, the Associated Press said Monday. It was the final uncalled race of the 2016 election.
As of Monday afternoon, Issa led Applegate by 2,348 votes, according to the San Diego Union Tribune.Issa had maintained a steady but narrow lead over Applegate since Nov. 8, but California had mail and provisional ballots that still needed to be counted.
San Diego County officials said fewer than 1,000 votes remain to be counted in the San Diego area district, but Issa’s lead has secured his seat.
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Never forget that these shenanigans were in Issa’s district. Maybe they pulled back after it got caught.
The DNC spent BIG $ trying to unseat Isaa with “Colonel Trial Lawyer” Applegate